harry potter raised as a black fanfiction

Harry James Potter is Dead, at least that's what the wider Wizarding World believes, in early 1999 his death was faked by unspeakables and put through intense training to fight Dark Wizards. Dumbledore can grant him that under the condition he raises a newly orphaned Harry Potter and takes a wife by the end of the year. 9. Oh well, the school population will just have to cope, Harry's not about to . When Regulus really thinks about it, his story is a three-act play. Or will the dark entice him? At nine, they had a falling out. Who even knew he was still alive? AU. But after that? "Harry James Potter! And the dark creatures of the magical world really liked that aura. And then Regulus had someone to fight for. He just wanted a peaceful life. 12. Death simply chuckled, guiding Harry towards the train. 3. Work Search: Please consider turning it on! Sirius Black's daughter is raised by Remus Lupin. (Warning: Part II ends on a cliffhanger. Podfic Text-to-Speech (TTS) reading of For here you are, standing there, loving me (whether or not you should) by OptimisticDinosaur. So deciding to raise Harry was one of the scariest decisions I ever made. Beginning and Year One: Chapters 1-19Year Two: Chapters 20-32Year Three: Chapters 33-61Year Four: Chapters 62-102Year Five: Chapters 103-140. He's a wee bit distant at first but we're fixing that don't worry), For here you are, standing there, loving me (whether or not you should), Regulus Black and Sirius Black Have a Sister, Regulus Black Never Becomes a Death Eater, Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter Friendship, Sirius Black & Marlene McKinnon Friendship, Peter Pettigrew Didn't Betray James Potter and Lily Evans Potter, snape is still the prickly professor we all know but at least he behaves better here, but that's bc he cares about his slytherins, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. When Regulus Black wakes up in 1991 after he was supposed to die in 1979, he realized two things. The fact that it was a few days after the supposed decimation of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named caused everyone who saw him to stop. Now he finds himself awake again in a world where all the members of his family are supposedly deadexcept that the Potter family tree tells him that his grandson lives yet. Hero or Villain. After his beautiful wife dosed both of the new occupants with a safe amount of dreamless sleep, she entered his office with all the fearlessness over sixty years of marriage allowed. Odia che sa che far male. Linkffn (unknown relations: the philosopher's stone) Orion black, son of Sirius black, doesn't know that he used to be Harry Potter, the BWL's twin. Lord Black settled into his seat within his box; the seal for the House of Black lit and he sent a prayer to Lady Hecate that the Wizengamot would always tremble in fear at the sight of it. Together, they embark on a new life filled with drunken debauchery, thievery, and generally antagonizing all their old family, friends, and enemies. Red rubies sobbed to the wind, as regret washed over him. But James and I made it together. Regulus goes to school with the golden trio in an attempt to protect Harry Potter and kill Voldemort. Tomar su lugar como un digno heredero de la Noble y Ancestral Casa de los Potter y en el camino se convertir en el mago ms poderoso de la historia. Time will only tell. Major AU alert! Harry Potter's name is Caelum Harrison Potter. (I promise that my writing is better than these descriptions for stories and I make my partner proofread everything because they're also a perfectionist and they do not hold back when they edit things, so the stories will be better). Caelum is King. Co-written with best friend. Will they be able to save each other from the dark things that are happening? Posted on FF under Azalea'sRevenge. Random snippets that all take place between April 1982 and July 1988. What kind of chain reactions could a single choice set off? The Heir of the House of Black is a re-imagining of 'Time to Put your Galleons" done with the author's permission. Sirius no persigue a Peter Pettigrew la noche en la que Voldemort asesina a los Potter, sino que se queda a cuidar a Harry Esto significa que nunca es acusado injustamente ni encarcelado por el asesinato de Lily y James, sino que l y Remus Lupin cran a Harry como propio. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black lay in ruins, at least that was what many in the Wizarding World believed. Regulus Black has survived so long on his cunning and ambition and wit. Sirius had made a slew of different decisions that night he had arrived at Godric's Hollow. The world best watch out. He wasnt about to turn himself in to rot in prison, but a letter showing up to his familys home peaked his curiosity. This is a rewrite of my work Storm Bringer. The boy is mad and going to spend the rest of his life in Azkaban! Barty Crouch, Sr. said, rising up. Harry stared in shock at the petrified body of his uncle, who lay in a pool of his own blood. The Perennial One Was Perhaps the Greatest Witch Ever Lived Since Lady Grindelwald and such a Powerful Witch Couldn't Possibly Lose to some infants could she?On that Fateful Night in Godric's Hollow, Lady Voldemort Didn't only managed to get trapped in her body while she was trying to protect her legacy but also managed to mark a living legacy in Hardwin Potter Himself, the-boy-who-lived was Cherished and loved by the entire Wizarding world, celebrated as their saviour who protected their kind and their future however there was another potter sent away from the very world his brother was being Cherished in.Growing Up Under the Watchful eyes of Ignorance, Neglect and Mental Stress, Harry Grew Up to be a Very Cold, Detached, Independent and a very resourceful man But when He finds about the existence of a happy family, The Toll Breaks His Already shattered soul into pieces and makes him question his faith in people whose deaths he once dignified.Will The Potter family manage to resolve their dysfunctional relationship while an old foe is rising once again or the entire world will face the consequences of their ignorance on one innocent boy whose innocence was torn apart from him. He did not, however, predict the mutual obsession he would receive from the world's most powerful being. Plain green laugh with cold blue, joyful, not aware of deadly strike fate has await for them. Getting a job a Hogwarts was supposed to be a new start for Remus, he had promised Mary he would do good and he had promised himself he would be better. Groans and shouts of disproval rose up and he carefully recorded who said each one and added them to his ever-expanding Ruin their life list. This is the weird and wonderful story of Aries Sirius Black. Sirius Black is thirteen when Lily Evans, in a misguided attempt to befriend the marauders and stop the bullying towards Severus Snape, gifts him and the marauders a walkie-talkie to allow them to talk to each other instantly through the distance. left kudos on this work! "Well then" Ron sighed, running a hand over his face, "We're coming with you.". He confessed! Azalea Dorea Potter is thrown out of Privet Drive at the tender age of six, from the only home she's ever known. Harry asked. A son of the House of Black. In order to do so she needs the signature of a parent. Lily Evans Potter is Sirius Black sister. His entire body goes rigid at the sight of the miniaturized face of the https://archiveofourown.org/works/19017193/chapters/45162064. Please consider turning it on! The first one to arrive was James Potter; the heir apparent to House Potter, looking exhausted with bags under his eye his black hair look messier than usual. Sowilo linkffn(6518287). 1975, Lily Evans gets a letter from an anonymous source. Updates every other Saturday at 8p.m. - No Remus no. Yet that all changes as the eyes of the school are drawn to Lilith von Schwarzwald, last survivor of the infamous Austrian family that was wiped out by Grindelwald for opposing him and his war, as Continental Europe and its colonies are spiraling into the Second World War. At the age of 130, Harry Potter dies long after his friends and family have. Then one day, on a whim, he decided to check on his brothers godson. Almost every wizard knows that creatures have integrated into family bloodlines for years. The Most Noble and Ancient House of Black's public motto is Toujours Pur, always pure. Royalty. I've borrowed the term wix and wixen from darkseraphina, who has used the term as a gender-neutral word for witch and wizard. (Features little Luna and Harry adopting each other as siblings and Regulus being in way, way over his head), Updates Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday- tags will be updated as the story develops to avoid spoilers. Lord Black was about to ruin someones life and they all hoped it wasnt them. It seems that the wizarding world really screwed up in taking care of their so called 'hero'. Regulus lives and raises Harry in Grimmauld Place after Lily and James die. What if Regulus stood by Sirius when he was sorted Gryffindor? How many lives will we be ruining, my love?, May LadyHecate have mercy because the wixen world will never forget that the House of Black has none.. - No Remus no. Spoilers for all seven HP books. Draco just found out who his Dominant Creature mate is, and he is terrified that the boy will reject him. A little bit of uncertainty about jumping in feet first on Sirius' part sends James on mission to properly wooing him, the way he'd done for Lily. Seen his dead parent return while he dueled the man who murdered his parents. What if both brothers understood, rather than resented each other for their chosen method of survival? Unknowingly, his lips curled into a smirk. There's also the fact to consider that he still has lawyers and Amelia Bones to sick on a boatload of people, Sirius to free, Pettigrew to frame and a diary to steal. 11. 'You have a fine family, Mr Dursley.'. In his thirteenth life, he is Harry Potter once again and the wizarding world changes from the awakening of a reincarnated master of death. What if in a twist of fate, Harry is raised by Sirius Black as his own son and grew up in the magic world. Narcissa must take a new husband by the end of the year. He promised that we would be in it together. Okay so there's a lot of grief that goes on in the Marauders fandom, so consider this my happy little fix-it gift. With no living parents she thinks all hope is lost, until she finds out that her birth father was not, in fact, James Potter, and he is, in fact, alive. I have this unwarranted, unwanted second chance at life. Masks cannot be characters of a play. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Son of Stars Please consider turning it on! Cousin Drama Soy una mierda con los resmenes, se tena que decir y se dijo.Bsicamente luego de descubrir que Regulus esta vivo Narcissa descubre que Sirius jams tuvo un juicio y est es la historia de Harry siendo criado por los Black y los Malfoy. Like it's inevitable. Su deseo de venganza lo conlleva a convertirse en un gran auror, desea acabar con el mago que los traicion, el mismo que haba sido parte de su grupo de amigos. But when two magically inexplicable orphans show up and somehow resurrect him- well, what else was he supposed to do? This was the first fic I ever wrote- I wrote before I posted fics - so its not the best writing. Finding solace in each other after all this time, Narcissa and Regulus hatch a master plan; They should get married. . He giggled and ran down the hallway away from his godfather, Sirius Black. What if Lily had been friends with the Marauders from the beginning? What if Lupin was the Prisoner of Azkaban? There was a lull in outbursts and Minister Bagnold looked ready to speak. Inspired by Tsume Yuki's "Time to Put Your Galleons Where Your Mouth Is" and with her expressed permission, this is the author's fiction re-imagined.Link: [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10610076/1/Time-to-Put-Your-Galleons-Where-Your-Mouth-Is], Site: Archive of Our Own | Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling | Published: 2019-08-31 | Updated: 2020-07-26 | Words: 361516 | Chapters: 47/? Finally able to leave the confines of her relatives' house, Harrie is determined to make the most of her summer, one full of fascinating discoveries, complicated family matters, and new friendships. chapters to be posted once or twice a week ! 23-year-old Deputy Head Auror Harry Potter tried to get to the bottom of this mystery but there was simply not enough time. "That is ultimately up to you, young master.". Tampoco contaba con que sus reprimidos sentimientos sean ms fuertes que antes. - Poppy kissed her hand. Co Authored by Mystic Dodo. He lived long enough to become an outcast in the world where he grew up. It's a reimagining of how I view the Black family, a family that is proud of who they are and will viciously protect themselves over anything or anyone else. Fem/Harry. The intense smell of copper filled his nose when his brain finally caught up to what had happened.He killed someone just by looking at them. If Aunt Petunia will let him go after at least five attempts on his life within the last nine months, that is. Also know that I'm still a highschool student, so I won't be updating regularly, but again please bear with me.I don't support JK. No, his personal list to ruin the lives of everyone in his way today would be dealt out legally, perhaps financial ruinmaybe a scandalous article in The Daily Prophet. Rated Mature: For Depictions of Violence, Torture, Implied Assaults etc. What do you do if you wake up as Harry Potter? Sirius and Bellatrix are two sides of the same coin. Regulus Black, last legitimate heir of the house of Black, legally claims the right to raise his brother's godson after the deaths of James and Lily Potter, his lovers. Remus odia quando ha quel tono. Two years after defeating Voldemort, Harry falls into an alternate dimension with his godfather. Black family shenanigans ensue. He lived long enough to see his brother arrested and imprisoned without trial. Walking into the face of death is not something many people willingly do. The story starts when Sirius breaks out of Azkaban, and goes to Grimmauld Place thinking its empty. Other friends of the Potters, most notably Sirius Black, childhood friend and best man to James Potter, godfather to Harry Potter, leads this reporter to speculate that Harry Potter is now being raised by the heir to the Black family, though so far we have been unable to confirm or deny this theory. One problem; Narcissa Black only likes women. Harry whispered, it was almost like a prayer, "More than anything. Co-written with J.M. He left me, and he broke his promise. Site: [fanfiction.net][140603614171088:site] | Category: . The Age of Strife is closing on a last, great struggle for the throne Europa left her descendant.The Peverells were broken by triplets kings and their arrogance, and it will be to the descendant of all three to resolve the issue.Arise children of Death! Family is everything were his grandfather's last words and Hadrian James Potter-Black intended to abide by them, even if that meant deceiving his family and embracing the darkness. This is him trying to make it right, i was looking for a job and then i found a joband heaven knows i'm miserable now, harry's first potions lesson- a.k.a regulus' first breakdown. Lord Arcturus Black, the Duke of Blackmoor, strode through the Ministry for Magic with all the grace and fire his house was renowned for. And two, Harry Potter was in danger. Regulus Black has survived so long on his cunning and ambition and wit. It takes some time, but Remus gets Sirius back, and then they adopt their godson, and they cannot wait to give him the love he deserves. I was always scared Id turn out to be like my parents. After all, They had been each other's favorites growing up. Harry Raised In Loving Family; Harry Potter is a Cheeky Brat; Genius Harry Potter; Arcturus Sealed in Portrait by his crazy Parent-In-Law (no offense but I love Melania Black) . Sowilo He raised his war wards in the hopes someone with lethal intent would attempt to breach them and be porkeyed straight into the Atlantic. Hamilton, of all the musicals James had to choose. Raised by Sirius Black and sorted in to Slytherin, Harry finds his way under the guidance and watchful gaze of his mentor and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, one Tom Marvolo Riddle. Regulus has to juggle the threat of the remaining horcruxes remaining out there, a meddlesome Albus Dumbledore who has taken an unusual interest in Harry . He was currently tucked away in Surrey with his Muggle Family. What if Regulus and Sirius talked, before Hogwarts? Sirius Black no es el mismo desde ese da, ahora es el tutor de Harry Potter mientras su padre esta en coma. It was nice to feel something physical.What do you suppose we do?Remus shrugged, a gesture he rarely made, Dont think it matters. Each other for their chosen method of survival for witch and wizard world 's Most powerful being his family... | Category: many in the world 's Most powerful being esta en coma Wizarding world really screwed up 1991... My parents not, however, predict the mutual obsession he would receive from the dark creatures of scariest. 1991 after he was sorted Gryffindor Heir of the scariest decisions I ever made thinking... A rewrite of my work Storm Bringer Wizarding world believed was what many the. 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