official harry potter house quiz

2. They are best known for their academic achievements and also for being self-sufficient. This official Harry Potter house quiz is for the biggest fans, and we have a feeling you're one of them. Wondering if you're good enough for Gryffindor or if Slytherin would be more suitable? This test is as accurate as the Sorting Hat when it comes to determining the family of a new Hogwarts Wizard. If you are a true Potterhead, you must have imagined . "You might belong in Gryffindor, Godrics Hollow is named after him. I got Slytherin because I am very ambitious. He never took any sorting hat quiz but he thinks that he would be a great fit for the house. A golden box that has carved feet that has secret knowledge and unbearable temptation lurk within. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. We have also included some additional trivia about each of the great houses at the end of this page. Minerva McGonagall and Peter Pettigrew both caused a Hatstall. Long Waits, Short Appointments, Huge Bills. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Magazines, Digital Its common room is located on the seventh floor. If you could have a superpower, which would you choose? Tell Professor Flitwack the truth. 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tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color="#000000" tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color_hover="#f08080"], Air = Hufflepuff (patient, nature lover, flexibility, collaboration) Yellow, Water = Ravenclaw (wisdom, creativity, community, distance) Blue, Earth = Slytherin (ambition, cunning, waiting for the right Moment) Green, Fire = Gryffindor (Courage, Honor, Perseverance) Red. Are you actually a huge Harry Potter fan? A tortoiseshell box with a sound like something living is squeaking inside. This will be the new home for everything that Harry Potter and the Fantasy Beasts can provide, and it will drive most of Potters things. If you could make a potion that would guarantee you one thing, what would it be? Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear? Play this quiz and find out which House is the most suitable and matches you. Matthew Lewis took the Pottermore quiz and he was sorted into Hufflepuff. If so, you've come to the right place! Check out our online Pottermore Sorting Hat test, answer some fun questions, and sort yourself into your house. I would like to find out what house i am in for hogwarts! You belong to Ravenclaw's family. Its emblem, the snake, pays homage to his gifts of Parseltongue and its colors are green and silver. After I learned more about the web development space, I decided to create a site that is dedicated to one of my passions. They have given the world some of the most outstanding wizards and witches. Or a kind Hufflepuff? Curious to get a sneak peek into what your result could be? And on the other side, do you have the logic and mental capacity to fit in with the Ravenclaws or do you consider the Hufflepuffs hard work and patience as your path to wizarding success? That may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. Ravenclaws rise up. Quiz: Which Premier League Team Should I Support? Tom Felton, revealed that he is actually a Gryffindor, Margot Robbie has revealed that she was sorted into Gryffindor, Shawn Mendes said that he thinks he would be in Gryffindor, Tom Holland found out he was in Gryffindor, Dwayne The Rock Johnson is a Hufflepuff. Members of Slytherin are generally ambitious, cunning, and resourceful. I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A SLYTHERIN SINCE DAY ONE!!! The House of Slytherin. Members of Ravenclaw are generally intelligent and creative. What are you waiting for? Welcome to Hufflepuff House here. An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room in which you are locked. Write to Megan McCluskey at So what will it be? The advertisement was stereotyped as a house that a great wizard would not produce. Long before Pottermore gave us an official ranking, we only read books, watched movies, and hired fans. The foaming, frothing, silvery liquid that sparkles as though containing ground diamonds, The smooth, thick, richly purple drink that gives off a delicious smell of chocolate and plums. No, none of us will ever attend Hogwarts, but we can dream. The founder of this house is Rowena Ravenclaw. But how much do you know about all the school houses? You enter an enchanted garden. On Oct 8, 2022 Do you ever wonder which Harry Potter house you belong to? (BUT NOT OBSESSED WITH DrAcO mAlFoY). I am a SLYTHERIN. Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Hogwarts House Am I? The house mascot is an eagle and the house colors are blue and bronze. Which Of These Harry Potter Ships Are You? After Im dead, people should remember me as: If you can make a potion that is going to guarantee you one thing, what is it gonna be? If you could have a superpower, which would you choose? If your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, he deserves to be found out. Slytherin produces more than its share of Dark wizards, but also turns out leaders who are proud, ambitious and cunning. Its colors are red and gold and its emblem is the lion. An Official Harry Potter House Quiz for Only the BIGGEST Fans. Are you ready to know which Hogwarts House do you belong to? What would you be most curious to examine first? Which of the following would you most hate people to call you? This test is as accurate as the Sorting Hat when it comes to determining the family of a new wizard at Hogwarts. You belong here because you have a lion's heart; you'll put your life on the line for anything, whether it be for a friend, an ally, or for the thrill of it. What do you do? Try to answer every question as truthfully as possible. Your Hufflepuff values hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. At the end of the experience, fans are placed into one of the four houses Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff and can move on to other activities such as choosing a wand. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. This may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. I have a crush on Tom Felton!!!!! They are known for their kind and loving personalities and are some of the best people! Follow Harry Potter and friends as they play Quidditch, cast spells and explore their magical school. The house mascot of Slytherin is the serpent, and the house colors are green and silver. TM & WBEI. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Clever. B. Harry Potter Houses This is the most popular house as it features most of the top characters from the series like Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Answered. They put him to sleep by playing soothing music. Fisher is an actor, singer, and dancer. He also revealed that he is a huge Harry Potter fan in general. During an interview with Vanity Fair, Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry) said that he thinks Kanye West would be in Slytherin. A pewter box which says, I open only for the worthy.". Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, Attempt to confuse the troll into letting all three of you pass without fighting? If you looked into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see? Lana Condor revealed during an interview that she is probably a member of Hufflepuff. Quiz: Which Harry Potter Disney Princess combo are you? Even though Hufflepuff is the butt of most jokes, this House is actually not one to overlook. If you have ever asked yourself this question, you have come to the right place. SAME! He added that Rowling told him that he has undertones of Gryffindor but is a Ravenclaw. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tom Holland found out he was in Gryffindor after taking a test. She also admitted that she was hoping to be in Gryffindor as it is her favorite house. This seems to be the most common house and JK Rowling has said that most good people go to Hufflepuff. Notable members include Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory and Nymphadora Tonks. They are known to be great scholars and very thoughtful people. 2021-2022 All rights reserved. The Ultimate Harry Potter Charms Class Quiz. If you have both, like Harry himself did, which one will win out? What he doesn't know won't hurt him! As a result, this is much different than the other three founders. Slytherin's are known to be ambitious, cunning, resourceful, and determined. An enchanting gift idea for kids, this 32-page book features a story to read, mazes, spot-the-difference puzzles, scenes to color and quizzes, plus a Cedric Diggory LEGO minifigure. Here's a video you might like too 21 Quizzes For People Still Waiting On Their Hogwarts Letter. Holland also noted that he is obsessed with the world of Harry Potter. Don't forget to follow us on social networks! How about a Ravenclaw like Luna Lovegood, Gilderoy Lockhart, and Cho Chang. 3) Which Diagon Alley Shop Would You Work At? It is about to smash, crush and tear several irreplaceable items and treasures, including a cure for dragon pox, which the Headmaster has nearly perfected; student records going back 1000 years and a mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes, believed to have belonged to Merlin. Quiz: How Well Do You Know Harry Potters Room of Requirement? Will you be a wise Ravenclaw? house you belong to? Intelligent and curious. Take our Harry Potter house quiz and find out where you would fit! Take part in the official Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony Get the latest news and offers in the weekly newsletters for opted-in Members Enjoy magical features, videos, quizzes and puzzles 01 03 TO START, ENTER YOUR BIRTH DATE DATE OF BIRTH SIGN UP NOW Pottermore? Jordan Fisher revealed on Twitter that he is a proud member of Ravenclaw. They decided to divide the students into four houses, each with its name and featuring young wizards and witches. A troll comes into the Headmaster's study. This test is as accurate as the Sorting Hat when it comes to determining the family of a new wizard at Hogwarts. You'll make your real friends, Gryffindor's are known as the protagonists and the traditional "heroes" of the the story.SlytherinSlytherin produces more than its share of Dark wizards, but also turns out leaders who are proud, ambitious and cunning. Required fields are marked *. Obsessed with travel? Will always find their kind." Choose a Hogwarts Professor to hang out with: Who is your favorite member of the main trio? . Helga was responsible for the school using house-elves in the kitchen. Hogsmeade, the only truly magical one in all of England. I think this one is the most accurate pottermore quiz . The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings, The twisting, leaf-strewn path through woods, Being forced to speak in such a silly voice that hardly anyone can understand you, and everyone laughs at you, Standing on top of something very high and realizing suddenly that there are no hand- or footholds, nor any barrier to stop you falling. She also accepted everyone with zero preferences. What Secondary "Harry Potter" Character Are You. Those cunning folk use any means While saying that, not every student in Slytherin should be considered evil. Knowing all the details of the quiz, are you ready to take the test? Pettigrew was sorted as a stalwart Gryffindor but later betrayed the academy. You can read more about the founders of Hogwarts or the wily old Sorting Hat and even your house ghost. Or perhaps in Slytherin However, the site was relaunched without the popular feature in September, leaving many to. Who is your favorite male character out of the names listed below: Which of these Wizarding books would you most want to read? Quiz: Which Iconic Harry Potter quote should be your life motto? Answer the following questions find out exactly what percentage you are from each house! "Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, I dont care what people think of me after Im dead; its what they think of me while Im alive that counts, Think with admiration of you achievements, Ask for more stories about your adventures. What are you most looking forward to learning at Hogwarts? Pottermore Wand Quiz What Would Be Your Wizard Wand. All we have to follow is instinct, reading, and observing everything to understand which Hogwarts Houses resonate most with us. 9/2020 - New! US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Which subject at Hogwarts would you be most interested in studying? You: A. To this end, Godric Gryffindor decided to use his magic hat (hereinafter referred to as sorting hat) to let the children go to the house. To achieve their ends." He Tweeted: Huffpuffs in the house!. In the Harry Potter series, the four Houses of Hogwarts are called Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. Peter Pettigrew both caused a Hatstall the biggest fans, and website in this browser for the house of! And hired fans t hurt him to be the most accurate Pottermore quiz was in Gryffindor as is. Rowling told him that he is obsessed with the world of Harry Potter and as. Understand which Hogwarts houses resonate most with us open only for the house colors are blue and.!, but we can dream Rowling told him that he has undertones official harry potter house quiz! A stalwart Gryffindor but is a Ravenclaw official harry potter house quiz how much do you ever wonder which Harry Potter house is. Pass without fighting next time I comment save my name, email, and website this... 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