how to politely correct someone about your name via email

Looking to become a digital publisher like us? Just Call Me . This site does not constitute legal, mental, or medical health advice, please consult a competent licensed professional. Apart from using the right salutation or greeting, you also need to use the recipient's name correctly. If youre interested in further reading, weve also included links to our trusted resources and related posts below. Kindly give them the notion that both of you are responsible for the job. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump. I've also been asked about emails that I've not been getting. I'm not much of a creative person, but a signature is where I would handle correcting people. As you mightve guessed, with a name like Stav, I didnt stumble onto this topic accidentally. Sorry to interrupt, Joe! What's the correct way to format business emails? Asking for confirmation sets your mind at ease. When you're correcting someone (whether it's for a minor whoopsie or a major blunder), you should be prepared to back up your pointpreferably with real evidence, and not just your well-intended opinion. What's not to love? Let me show you my step-by-step process to build a successful business, share your passion with the world, and create the lifestyle you want. My name is 4 letters long and it drives me mad when people call me Niel. I frequently receive mail/email to Francis. My name ends with a 'c', while in the country I live in it is much more often spelled with a 'k' at the end. So, stop feeling so guilty about it. Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups. The one thing that can actually make a difference in this situation is the honest and sincere tone of the conversation. Send an email apologizing for the mistake and reiterate the original message. I thought I'd call you to follow up on XYZ, so when you get a minute, please give me a call. Is it professional to correct misspellings of my name? So, to help you on your mission, Ive rounded up three different ways to correct those who get your name wrong. Differing expectations of what constitutes sound quality can often create uncomfortable tensions. Physicists too easily forget Occam's razor, writes Sabine Hossenfelder. How does it work? My name is Anne. Before joining The Muse, Stav was a staff writer at Newsweek, and her work has also appeared in publications including The Atlantic, The Forward, and Newsday. First, consider the following to identify your particular "OOPS" strategy: Links or webpages aren't working. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. This sample could also work as a kind reminder email to an HR manager, professor, or colleague. You can either fight it or embrace it. I would say wait until they get it wrong at least once, then politely correct them. I realized that since my email is, I'm not getting emails from people who spell my name wrong. Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? All its going to do is embarrass them., It may feel awkward to ask someone to repeat their name or teach you how to pronounce it. I know how awkward these things can be. I have tried to address this passively, e.g. There are a few different ways of politely asking someone to hurry up, and we will look at a few ways of asking in this article. Often in emails and in informal and formal chat situations, I have people referring to me with the more common spelling. But, if I had a dollar for every time someone jotted down Cat instead of Kat, Id be retired in the Maldives by now. You may have heard the expression, "time is money.". Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? Some great suggestions here on how to better communicate this, but ultimately they don't address your question which is "Is it professional to correct misspellings of my name?". They are all very simple phrases that don't rely on overly formal language to convey the intention of the . A, way to avoid this is to discuss their mistake in context (let. One way I've seen this situation handled is to put something in your signature on your company email. If you really hate being called "Kelly", or emails are seriously getting lost, then the scale tips a very different way. How can you create good feelings and avoid bad feelings. Use The Muse to find a job at a company with a culture you love. They would get particularly irritated when they received each other's mail and such, given the context it's kind of understandable My mom has had to deal with it her whole life because the family version of her name looks like a common misspelling of my stepmother's name. How can I inform people I've met on the Internet that my English speaking is far worse than my writing? "Have a great weekend, and I hope to hear from you soon!". To all your communications, stating that your first name is written as "Kelli" and not "Kelly" as is commnly assumed. She won the Newswomen's Club of New York's Martha Coman Front Page Award for Best New Journalist in 2016. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. For reference, I have a last name which isn't that exotic, but which many people inexplicably struggle to spell and pronounce. You can say: "Here is my phone number for queries and concerns.". What company benefits are most important to you? Just days later, he presented her with an award and he said it incorrectly, in front of everyone. So far, the only issue I have noticed with not correcting it is that I'm starting to get more people referring to me with the wrong spelling. It's an example of a standard personal slip-up that's easily managed. Wed also be delighted if you shared this article and joined us on social media too! 2. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? I would however have your signature included in all emails (including replies and forwards). It is more awkward later if they figure it out on their own and try to apologize for calling you Julie for the past hour instead of Julia. To unsubscribe, please use the link included in the newsletter. "I would be grateful if you could send me a confirmation email regarding the receipt of my resume.". As the World's Most Accurate Online Grammar Checker, Grammarly Premium goes beyond grammar to help you ensure that everything you write is clear, engaging, and professional. What Does It Mean When Someone Spells Your Name Wrong Assuming (like most signatures) your signature includes your name and email address. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? If I were you, I would correct her now and use humor to do so: So they worked on an introduction that goes something like this: Hi Im Julia, Im from Spain, so you say it with kind of an H in front, Julia. (If youre still trying to imagine it, think like Julio or Jose. Maybe youve left it far too long to let a colleague know theyve been calling you by the wrong name, or youve been silently fixing issues created by another but its starting to regularly mess up the whole process. Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? @tuskiomi No, the pronunciation of Henric and Henry are distinct enough in my country that it never happens. The second you hear someone make a mistake with your name, you can always jump right in to offer the correction. But, if it's a professional interaction, I think what you're doing is perfectly okay. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If you develop your professional communication skills, things will become much easier to handle, even in the most awkward of situations. Situation 1: A person you're pretty sure you'll never have to interact with beyond emailing back and forth--No correction. Sutton starts with a diagnosis. "Correcting someone's uncomfortable, so having the language ready is most important," Eonnet says. From your question, you don't seem to think that others are demeaning you or otherwise have bad feelings against you. : I write my name as "Kelli" and not "Kelly", as you would reasonably assume :). What's wrong with my argument? Messing up someones name isnt the end of the world. Ultimately, this survival guide is about developing an outlook and personal plan that will help you preserve the sanity in your life, and will prevent all those perfectly good days from being ruined by bad behavior. If it happens again, you can add a parenthetical (like Eloise (with an S! First, bravo to you and the woman behind the counter for making a personal connection. Like I said, its a little passive aggressive and and maybe even somewhat juvenilethe other tactics are much more effective and efficient. @LightnessRacesInOrbit If I were the OP, it wouldn't bother me one way or the other. You want others to end up with a good feeling about you. It's not your fault that they're unable to see the finer details of the message (such as the e-mail signature or your online alias). In order to gather your courage and avoid just letting the issue slide, you need to remind yourself of the simple fact that you arent doing anything wrong by correcting someone. How violent do they think my parents are? This is actually beneficial, in that it quickly screens for people who are writing me without any reference or prior contact (which is fine), and, by the second round of emails identifies those who cant be arsed to read to the end of my email (which is also kind-of fine, but outs them as not-very-serious). Im Amy, and Im the person behind Never the Right Word. with colleagues, customers, etc. My name is Julia, I have it in my signature, in my email address and I still get Julie. Tell the writer that their letter or proposal was powerful or timely. @NeilKirk: I before E, except after C, or when sounded as A, as in Neil or wait, how does that go again? in history with a minor in dance at Stanford University and holds an M.S. ), Correcting someones uncomfortable, so having the language ready is most important, Eonnet says. Send us your quandary! Here's how to decide how, when, and when not to correct someone. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? You turn up at the airport and since your plane ticket doesn't match your passport they send you straight back. Professional protocol when choosing a Skype avatar, Strange behavior of tikz-cd with remember picture. Durand points to Celeste Ng, for example, the author of Everything I Never Told You and Little Fires Everywhere, whose Twitter handle is @pronounced_ing. These partnerships help fund this site. Hi just one quick thing- My name is actually Minsoo. My name often gets autocorrected to a Z but I want to make sure you know its spelled with an S.). Don't start by being aggressive or demanding. These tools will generally give you a ping notification with a sound if someone mentions your name, and that only works if they spell it right. +1 for best answer to the actual question. by including my name in an email signature or in my online profiles. Perhaps youre meeting someone whos incredibly influential in your field or just starting a working relationship with a new bosstheyre people you feel like you simply cant interrupt or advise. Step #2: Find Their Communication Style. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. I'm not "putting the blame on the other party": it's. So if your name is misspelled, you might sign yourself: Cyndy (with two ys) Nathen (with an e) Cathie (with a C and an ie) Tony (with a y) Marcia (with a cia) Syd (with a y) Kathryn (with an ryn) I will pay attention to whether my friend spells my name correctly the next time she writes to me, and I will post a comment here. How to react to accidentally calling someone the wrong name. It becomes easier once you acknowledge the positive aspects of their efforts and have stated their positive strengths. For example, youre working on a project that is reliant on the quality of services provided, and you find that providers are giving a lazy, careless service. Learn more about NTRW here. Divi Cakes main goal is to help the members of the Divi community find the perfect premium Divi themes, layouts, and plugins created by leading Divi developers and designers. As stated in different answers: You cannot really do anything about it. My default way of doing this is by quickly mentioning that it happens all of the time. In my experience, it can be better to embrace it. For in-person introductions it's easy: them: "Bob, this is Mike". At first glance, Kat seems like itd be pretty simple and straightforward to master. Provide Value 4. Try to find out what type of tone they are using, so you can match it in your email. I've worked in places where they won't let you have aliases no matter what your reason. How you close an email may influence whether you get a response or how fast you will get it. Emails can be forwarded, used, and re-used over the course of normal business operations, so leave business emails all about business. If it was that was getting lost, I'd have also registered and have it forwarded. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. So as long as all e-mails to and end up in Kelli's inbox, and Kelli will read, answer and solve them in due time, the customers are happy. And that makes me feel good. ", then I have a 20% chance they will spell it correctly the next time the enter or pronounce my name. My name is actually pronounced Katarina. Person One: Oh, Im so sorry about that. Person Two: No worries! This means if you click a link and/or buy a product, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Say something like "I've always heard the word pronounced reh-zuh-may.". According to Diane Gottsman, etiquette expert and founder of the Protocol School of Texas, the best way to correct someone who mispronounces your name is to pull a Nike and just do it. Step 1: Identify. Don't take any of these passive aggressive approaches Like Share 1 5Y Booz Allen 3 Just email them. In The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace by Stanford University professor Robert I. Sutton the taboo topic of insensitive employees, corporate bullies, bosses who are far removed from reality are discussed in great detail. So what? (And I worked at a not very large place once that employed two twin brothers, plus one other man with the same last name except for one letter. In times like these, its a little challenging to put your demand to words, let alone convert it to an email demanding something. Durand urges people to be assertive, calling them out with something like, Hey, its not a big deal but youve said my name three times and youre still getting it wrong., Eonnet recommends using the language I noticed. To go back to Julia, she could say, I noticed that youve been calling me Julia. Sometimes, rereading something can clarify the meaning that anger or frustration may distort. Keep your request clear and direct. You should always correct them, but subtly. Even then wait until you get an indication that a less formal version is okay. Sometimes this is a. 1 Show your appreciation as part of a closing line The closing line tends to encapsulate a key takeaway from your message, as in this example: I'll work these puns you suggested into my presentation on otters, and thanks again for your kelp. However the real purpose of this answer is to make a different suggestion. Never mind that theyd had four years of courses together and no one else in those rooms was still pronouncing it wrong. Just present the information with the expectation that they'll know what to do with it. Best, Your name 2 Alternatively, show your gratitude in your sign-off There's no need to make excuses or make up a story to shift the blame. Don't make it long, don't make it sound like it's a big issue. While I have my full name in my e-mail, it seems it doesn't help. Eonnet says the non-Janes of the world can help by repeating their names and offering some kind of tool to help people register and remember the right pronunciation. How and when you do it is very important. She says you might want to consider letting the first mistake slide in case its a typo, an autocorrect gaffe, or just an honest mistake on the part of a busy person. Even seasoned writers need a helping hand at times, thats why we trust Grammarly Premium. 2. Person One: So, how did you find yourself on this career path, Kate? Person Two: Thats a great question! In 2019 Never the Right Word was born to fill the gap of how-to websites with copy and paste examples showing you EXACTLY what you need to say to steer difficult conversations into positive outcomes. Why downvoted? I also strongly prefer a nickname, despite organizational policy on how our directory is structured. I address this in different ways depending of my relationship to the other person. Beyond that context, I've pretty much learned to accept that people will get it wrong. Use a polite tone: Start your email with a polite greeting and use a friendly, yet professional tone throughout the email. I agree on the the fact that -company- emails being missed is worth bringing it up. Then you can ask them about the specific portion of the document that you are finding problematic. There are a number of common mistakes we see in modern email marketing. "Kindly confirm receipt of my college application via email.". They should be mindful of their importance in the progression of the company. Select the career path that aligns with you: How many years of experience do you have? Shop hundreds of premium Divi products like Divi child themes, Divi layouts, and Divi plugins on Divi Cake, the community-driven Divi Marketplace. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? If you misspell someone's name or identify the wrong person in an email, follow up in a human way. You should decide each separately based on what will minimize churn and annoyance to you. Select the career path that aligns with you: How many years of experience do you have? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Then you turn to shake the colleague's hand and say, "Hi, Diana __.". (by correcting the mistake). a Consultant 1 I would message them and say that you know it's not intentional, but that you'd appreciate if they would take extra care to spell your name correctly, especially in correspondence with others Like Share 1 5Y Booz Allen 2 Be direct. To Re: Leave request for August Hi David, This lets the writer know that the document was welcomed and brings down any defenses on the part of the writer. Here are five tips thatll make this problem an issue of the past. You don't want to create bad feelings; they shouldn't feel you are upset or annoyed at them. My mother and stepmother have the same name, just spelled differently. I make a point of correcting anyone immediately if they mispronounce anyone's name (or simply get the wrong name!) Speak Up: You have to speak up when people get your name wrong. Prefer a nickname, despite organizational policy on how our directory is structured like Eloise ( an! 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