the octoroon quotes

O, golly! That's a challenge to begin a description of my feminine adventures. [R. C.] That's my son---buy him, Mas'r Ratts; he's sure to sarve you well. Ratts. O, law, sir, dat debil Closky, he tore hisself from de gen'lam, knock me down, take my light, and trows it on de turpentine barrels, and de shed's all afire! The Injiun means that he buried him there! The Oxford English Dictionary cites The Octoroon with the earliest record of the word "mashup" with the quote: "He don't understand; he speaks a mash up of Indian, French, and Mexican." Zoe. Dat's what her soul's gwine to do. The apparatus can't mistake. I shrunk from it and fled. Pete. Zoe, you have suspected the feeling that now commands an utterance---you have seen that I love you. If he stirs, I'll put a bullet through his skull, mighty quick. Sunny. Fifty against one! Top a bit! Yonder is the boy---now is my time! M'Closky. Bless'ee, Missey Zoe, here it be. Dora, oblivious to George's lack of affection for her, enlists Zoe's help to win him over. The proof is here, in my heart. I thought I heard the sound of a paddle in the water. It concerns the residents of a Louisiana plantation called Terrebonne, and sparked debates about the abolition of slavery and the role of theatre in politics. No other cause to hate---to envy me---to be jealous of me---eh? He plans to buy her and make her his mistress. Zoe. Dido. George. One thousand bid. Zoe. George, dear George, do you love me? O! Thar's Miss Dora---that girl's in love with you; yes, sir, her eyes are startin' out of her head with it; now her fortune would redeem a good part of this estate. M'Closky. He loves Zoe, and has found out that she loves him. Point. ], [Gets in canoe and rows off,L.---Wahnotee*paddles canoe on,*R.---gets out and finds trail---paddles off after him,L.]. I will; for it is agin my natur' to b'lieve him guilty; and if he be, this ain't the place, nor you the authority to try him. Yes, den a glass ob fire-water; now den. Race or not, it's a story about . I hope it will turn out better than most of my notions. laws a massey! Good day, ma'am. "But, mister, that ain't my nose." You see how easily I have become reconciled to my fate---so it will be with you. I'm from fair to middlin', like a bamboo cane, much the same all the year round. [*Seeing*Dora.] Ugh' ach! Impossible; you have seen no one; whom can you mean? Then, if I sink every dollar I'm worth in her purchase, I'll own that Octoroon. The murder is captured on Scudder's photographic apparatus. Paul. George R R Martin. *] What a good creature she is. Of course not, you little fool; no one ever made love to you, and you can't understand; I mean, that George knows I am an heiress; my fortune would release this estate from debt. I fetch as much as any odder cook in Louisiana. What say ye? He said so---then I rose up, and stole from the house, and ran down to the bayou; but its cold, black, silent stream terrified me---drowning must be so horrible a death. Do you know what I am? George, George, your words take away my breath! Paul. Sharon Gannon. The poetry and the songs that you are suppose to write, I believe are in your heart. Now don't stir. No; but I loved you so, I could not bear my fate; and then I stood your heart and hers. What a find! I shall never understand how to wound the feelings of any lady; and, if that is the custom here, I shall never acquire it. Jackson. Denora Boone, Everybody who went to Vietnam carries his or her own version of the war. [Throws mail bags down and sits on them,L. C.] Pret, now den go. Scud. See also Trivia | Goofs | Crazy Credits | Alternate Versions | Connections | Soundtracks Dat wakes him up. they call it the Yankee hugging the Creole. M'Closky. Uh---uh, let's have a peep. [Rising.] Ratts. [Reads.] Some of you niggers run and hole de hosses; and take dis, Dido. So it is. George, do you see that hand you hold? Zoe. Look here, the boy knows and likes me, Judge; let him come my way? George reluctantly agrees. Pete. I don't know; she may as well hear the hull of it. blaze away! If he would only propose to marry me I would accept him, but he don't know that, and he will go on fooling, in his slow European way, until it is too late. Hold on! Sunny. Zoe. the bags are mine---now for it!---[Opens mail-bags.] *EnterPete, Grace, Minnie, Solon, Dido,and all*Niggers,R.U.E. Pete. Herein the true melodramatic hijinks that first defined "The Octoroon" ensue: a young, nouveau plantation owner George (Gardner in whiteface) is trying to save the remnants of his family's. If I must die, give me up to the law; but save me from the tomahawk. Scud. [*Exit*Thibodeaux, Sunnyside, Ratts, Pointdexter, Grace, Jackson, Lafouche, Caillou, Solon,R.U.E. Scud. Zoe. An Octoroon is a play written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins. Hello! Scud. I am free! Keep quiet, and let's talk sense. Scud. Lafouche. You know you can't be jealous of a poor creature like me. No---no. Pete. So it went, till one day the judge found the tap wouldn't run. The buyers gather to take away the slaves they have purchased on a steamship. He's going to do an heroic act; don't spile it. I want Pete here a minute. Zoe, I love you none the less; this knowledge brings no revolt to my heart, and I can overcome the obstacle. Because I heard that you had traduced my character. I could not do it. Don't be a fool; they'd kill you, and then take her, just as soon as---stop; Old Sunnyside, he'll buy her! After various slaves are auctioned off, George and the buyers are shocked to see Zoe up on the stand. Zoe!---she faints! Is my plantation at Comptableau worth this? *, M'Closky. Come, cheer up, old friend. Wahnotee tracks him down and confronts him; in the ensuing struggle, Wahnotee kills McClosky. Dora! Zoe, the more I see of George Peyton the better I like him; but he is too modest---that is a very impertinent virtue in a man. war's de crowd gone? Ratts. Pete. Here! Scudder insists that they hold a trial, and the men search for evidence. *] Now, give it to me. [*Exit*Mrs. Peyton*and*George,L.U.E.] A slave! I will, quicker than lightning. Get out, you cub! It's surely worth the love that dictated it; here are the papers and accounts. Go on, Colonel---Colonel Pointdexter, ma'am---the mortgagee, auctioneer, and general agent. Fellow-citizens, you are convened and assembled here under a higher power than the law. I must operate and take my own likeness too---how debbel I do dat? Zoe. Ha, ha!---[Calls.] Not a bale. O, how d'ye do, sir? for, darn me, if I can find out. look at these fingers; do you see the nails are of a bluish tinge? "No, ma'am, the truth seldom is.". Zoe. my life, my happy life; why has it been so bright? Good morning, Mr. Sunnyside; Miss Dora, your servant. You be darned! Look at 'em, Jacob, for they are honest water from the well of truth. Point. I am his love---he loves an Octoroon. With Dora's wealth, he explains, Terrebonne will not be sold and the slaves will not have to be separated. [*Exit*Dora,L.U.E.] What on earth does that child mean or want? Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them. Scud. M'Closky. [*Hands papers to*Mrs. I fled; it followed. [Sits,R.] Look thar! Mrs. P.O, sir, I don't value the place for its price, but for the many happy days I've spent here; that landscape, flat and uninteresting though it may be, is full of charm for me; those poor people, born around me, growing up about my heart, have bounded my view of life; and now to lose that homely scene, lose their black, ungainly faces; O, sir, perhaps you should be as old as I am, to feel as I do, when my past life is torn away from me. hark! [2] Among antebellum melodramas, it was considered second in popularity only to Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852).[3]. But now I guess it will arrive too late---these darned U. S. mails are to blame. Hold on! Now fix yourself. he is here. Sunny. have I fixed ye? Dora. The Octoroon (1912) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. That is the ineffaceable curse of Cain. [GoesR.,*and looks atWahnotee,L.,through the camera;Wahnoteesprings back with an expression of alarm.*]. Zoe. No; a weakness, that's all---a little water. Here's the Picayune [producing paper] with the advertisement. she look as though she war gwine to have a tooth drawed! Come along; she har what we say, and she's cryin' for us. I can't introduce any darned improvement there. If young George Peyton was to make you the same offer, you'd jump at it, pretty darned quick, I guess. Dora. Pete. faded---is it not? Sunny. I would be alone a little while. come home---there are strangers in the house. Now, my culled brethren, gird up your lines, and listen---hold on yer bref---it's a comin. Is this a dream---for my brain reels with the blow? O, my---my heart! Now it's cooking, laws mussey, I feel it all inside, as if it was at a lottery. Top Quadroon And Octoroon Quotes. Pete. Sunny. Art becomes art only when it's shared with others. *EnterPete, Pointdexter, Jackson, Lafouche,and*Caillou,R.U.E. Pete. No! They do not notice Zoe.---[Aloud.] I've got hold of the tail of a rat---come out. The earth has been stirred here lately. Paul. Mr. Scudder, good morning. George. where am I? George and Zoe reveal their love for each other, but Zoe rejects George's marriage proposal. Scud. You will not forget poor Zoe! Jacob M'Closky, 'twas you murdered that boy! Sunny. Ah! May Heaven bless him for the thought, bless him for the happiness he spread around my life. Debbel's in de pail! Guess it kill a dozen---nebber try. dat right! Zoe. He wanted to know what furniture she had in her bedroom, the dresses she wore, the people she knew; even his physical desire for her gave way to a deeper yearning, a boundless, aching curiosity. Dem doctors ain't no 'count; dey don't know nuffin. *] Whenever I gets into company like yours, I always start with the advantage on my side. Point. You wanted to come to an understanding, and I'm coming thar as quick as I can. What was her name? Well, near on five hundred dollars. Dora. EnterScudder, George, Ratts, Caillou, Pete, Grace, Minnie,and all theNegroes. Is not Dora worth any man's---. Yours, &c, James Brown." Dora. We have known each other but a few days, but to me those days have been worth all the rest of my life. [Rises.] [Takes them.] Good morning, Mrs. Peyton. Hark! Mrs. P.My dear George, you are left in your uncle's will heir to this estate. Point. Lafouche. Fair or foul, I'll have her---take that home with you! he tinks it's a gun. Zoe. You thought you had cornered me, did ye? Zoe. M'Closky. M'Closky. Scud. Paul. ExitScudderandPete,R.1. *EnterPete, Dido, Solon, Minnie,and*Grace. look here, these Peytons are bust; cut 'em; I am rich, jine me; I'll set you up grand, and we'll give these first families here our dust, until you'll see their white skins shrivel up with hate and rage; what d'ye say? The sun is rising. Now, ma'am, I'd like a little business, if agreeable. You don't come here to take life easy. Well when I say go, den lift dis rag like dis, see! George. Then I will go to the Acme or Keating's or the Big Gold Bar and sit down and draw my cards and fill an inside straight and win myself a thousand dollars. Your birth---I know it. yonder goes the Indian! Scud. I see we are just in time for breakfast. Your eyes are red. Take my shawl, Zoe. Zoe. Scud. that you will not throw me from you like a poisoned thing! Hold on, George Peyton---stand back. twit him on his silence and abstraction---I'm sure it's plain enough, for he has not spoken two words to me all the day; then joke round the subject, and at last speak out. I always said you were the darndest thief that ever escaped a white jail to misrepresent the North to the South. Why don't he speak?---I mean, you feared I might not give you credit for sincere and pure feelings. Let me be sold then, that I may free his name. Why, judge, wasn't you lawyer enough to know that while a judgment stood against you it was a lien on your slaves? If you want a quarrel---. The Octoroon: The Story of the Turpentine Forest (1909) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. Scud. What you's gwine to do, missey? Scud. Zoe. Scud. Be the first to contribute! [*To*Wahnotee.] there's that noise again! I won't hear a word! Well, he cut that for the photographing line. I will take the best room in the Grand Central or the Orndorff Hotel. Enjoy reading and share 1 famous quotes about The Octoroonwith everyone. That's just what you must do, and do it at once, or it will be too late. Here are evidences of the crime; this rum-bottle half emptied---this photographic apparatus smashed---and there are marks of blood and footsteps around the shed. Extremely popular, the play was kept running continuously for years by seven road companies. M'Closky. Adam had a job, a place to live, and food that he could provide for his woman. With your New England hypocrisy, you would persuade yourself it was this family alone you cared for; it ain't---you know it ain't---'tis the "Octoroon;" and you love her as I do; and you hate me because I'm your rival---that's where the tears come from, Salem Scudder, if you ever shed any---that's where the shoe pinches. Gen'l'men, my colored frens and ladies, dar's mighty bad news gone round. O! I shall see this estate pass from me without a sigh, for it possesses no charm for me; the wealth I covet is the love of those around me---eyes that are rich in fond looks, lips that breathe endearing words; the only estate I value is the heart of one true woman, and the slaves I'd have are her thoughts. Never, aunt! Only three of his plays were to have an American setting, The Octoroon is one of these. Put your hands on your naked breasts, and let every man as don't feel a real American heart there, bustin' up with freedom, truth, and right, let that man step out---that's the oath I put to ye---and then say, Darn ye, go it! Where is he? Scud. I want you to buy Terrebonne. Tullian Tchividjian. Yes, missus. Zoe, you are pale. Where is Mr. Scudder? I'll sweep these Peytons from this section of the country. Very bad, aunty; and the heart aches worse, so they can get no rest. Pete. Zoe. Gustave Flaubert, Not that anyone short of God Almighty could have gotten Marcus Senior to rest and take it easy. [Solon goes down and stands behind Ratts.] George is courted by the rich Southern belle heiress Dora Sunnyside, but he finds himself falling in love with Zoe, the daughter of his uncle through one of the slaves. Here you are, in the very attitude of your crime! Top, you varmin! Scud. I'll lend you all you want. black as nigger; clar as ice. George. M'Closky. Were they all born on this estate? What's here? If it was the ghost of that murdered boy haunting me! Scud. [SeesPete,*who has set his pail down*L. C.up stage, and goes to sleep on it.] George. I dare say, now, that in Europe you have never met any lady more beautiful in person, or more polished in manners, than that girl. Excuse me ladies. Zoe. Go now, George---leave me---take her with you. Go it, if you're a mind to. George. Well, that has come out clear, ain't it? Why you tremble so? [Opens it.] D'ye feel it? If that old nigger ain't asleep, I'm blamed. Could you see the roots of my hair you would see the same dark, fatal mark. No, no! [Darts between them.] Dora. I say, Zoe, do you hear that? Guess they nebber was born---dem tings! O! [Wahnotee*rises and looks atM'Closky---he is in his war paint and fully armed.*]. And dar's de 'paratus---O, gosh, if I could take a likeness ob dis child! Hillo! M'Closky. Judy Collins, You know there was always a confusion that punk was a style of music." "The free papers of my daughter, Zoe, registered February 4th, 1841." MINNIE played by an African-American actress, a black actress, or an actress of color. Ratts. By fair means I don't think you can get her, and don't you try foul with her, 'cause if you do, Jacob, civilization be darned. Mrs. Peyton, George Peyton, Terrebonne is yours. Sunny. [On sofa,C.] George---where---where---, Zoe. I'll put the naughty parts in French. All hands aboard there---cut the starn ropes---give her headway! Point. Minnie, fan me, it is so nice---and his clothes are French, ain't they? And, strangers, ain't we forgetting there's a lady present. [Sits. For ten years his letters came every quarter-day, with a remittance and a word of advice in his formal cavalier style; and then a joke in the postscript, that upset the dignity of the foregoing. [Zoe sings without,L.]. Gentlemen, I believe none of us have two feelings about the conduct of that man; but he has the law on his side---we may regret, but we must respect it. she would revolt from it, as all but you would; and if I consented to hear the cries of my heart, if I did not crush out my infant love, what would she say to the poor girl on whom she had bestowed so much? Well, what d'ye say, Lafouche---d'ye smile? Let me proceed by illustration. O! They owed him over fifty thousand dollars. Make bacon of me, you young whelp. Just because my grandfather wasn't some broken-down Virginia transplant, or a stingy old Creole, I ain't fit to sit down with the same meat with them. You heard him say it was hopeless. I don't know when my time on earth will be up; but I DO know that today, I am one day closer. O, no; Mas'r Scudder, don't leave Mas'r Closky like dat---don't, sa---'tain't what good Christian should do. Scud. Excuse me, I'll light a cigar. This gal and them children belong to that boy Solon there. I hate 'em. Mrs. P.O, George,---my son, let me call you,---I do not speak for my own sake, nor for the loss of the estate, but for the poor people here; they will be sold, divided, and taken away---they have been born here. Alex Tizon, To one who waits, all things reveal themselves so long as you have the courage not to deny in the darkness what you have seen in the light. 1, Solon, a guess boy, and good waiter.". M'Closky. Coute Wahnotee in omenee dit go Wahnotee, poina la fa, comb a pine tree, la revieut sala, la fa. M'Closky. ain't that a pooty gun. Darn his copper carcass, I've got a set of Irish deck-hands aboard that just loved that child; and after I tell them this, let them get a sight of the red-skin, I believe they would eat him, tomahawk and all. A rat -- -come out Judge found the tap would n't run aches worse, so they get... Quick, I feel it all inside, as if it was at a lottery your words away... Turn out better than the octoroon quotes of my hair you would see the nails are of a poor like... -- -it 's a comin I see we are just in time for breakfast give. Sweep these Peytons from this section of the war -uh, let 's have tooth. Out that she loves him then, if you 're a mind the octoroon quotes have suspected the that... It at once, or it will turn out better than most of my life start!, registered February 4th, 1841. a story about photographing line feel it inside... 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