Far from a sophisticated organization, this crime ring was a loose network of thugs, as the FBI called them. The law dictates that police officers are required to take enforcement action when criminal activity is observed or reported. Youll also find quite a few references to various arrests, some of Chances are, cops wont comprehend (given that the mark didnt), or perhaps surmise that The sucker got what he deserved.. In 2014, a Razzle victim wrote to me about being fleeced for $7,000 at a festival in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. At a recent federal corruption trial, federal investigators testified that Lovett took bribes from a carnival owner during a nine-year period of carnival events from 2004 to 2013 to protect illegal carnival games including a classic old carnival game known as Razzle Dazzle. It is estimated that Lovett, while chief, took bribe installments which amounted to $75,000. They collected roughly $12,000, although the victims may have underreported the theft to avoid tax troubles. Countless other Democrat politicians split another $100,000 from the Gregorys. Richardson was aware that I had been police trained and experienced in enforcement of carnival games. It goes back to the Nomads versus the Egypt, Rome versus the Barbarians. They primarily operated in Biloxi, Mississippi, but the groups reach soon stretched from Atlanta, Georgia to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Kirksey McCord Nix Jr., one of the lead figures of the Dixie Mafia, was suspected to be one of the men behind the hit. Migrant workers in the fairs and carnivals often assemble rides with no safety training and equipment. There was also the infamous Gypsy Camp Murder in Louisiana. Theres something inherently interresting in flirting with the danger of putting your entertainment in the hands of a untrustworthy-looking stranger, and I know more than one of our crew made extra money just off of their image / appearance in that way. Cops who protect illegal games would be in violation (federally) of the anti-corruption legislation under 18 U.S. Code, Part 1, Chapter 73, section 1511 of RICO Act: Obstruction of State and local law enforcement.. [citation needed] Most carnies no longer use cant, but some owners/operators and "old-timers" ("half yarders") still use some of the classic terms. On Sunday, prosecutors said someone driving through Almeda Malls parking lot became the victim of a hate crime when he was attacked by a group of carnival workers. We only do a handful of large events each season, generally for a month at a time. During my 30-40 minute survey for Thomas, I counted 166 attempts by hoodwinked teens at $2 a shot. In 2003, Frank popped for another $5,000 for the campaign of New Mexico Democrat governor-elect, Bill Richardson. Huston, vice president of Operations at Pugh Shows at the time, was present when Argo was arrested. Gaffed and chance-based games travel to thousands of carnival lots and fairs each year, raking in billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains with virtual impunity. I had observed the tub agent cheating the youngster with a deep-rooted bait-and-switch, shenanigan, called the deadening-ball trick, a slick maneuver to covertly conceal a gaff ball at the bottom of the angled tub prior to his demonstration. I got into the life through family, and though I'm in college now, I will likely go out again next season. Im curious because Ive worked shows for many years, both as a canvas boss and business manager. From the foul line, the rims appeared to be regulation and served to attract and dupe naive victims out of $2 a shot. The mark must accumulate 100 yards (or over) to win that X-Box or HD TV. It usually takes zero years It becomes very cliquey. With the corrupt fail-safe protection system in place, carny-owners dont have to worry about their lawbreakers ever having to face criminal charges. In other words, carnies are not any more shady than other types of work crews that perform similar tasks - its just that people are put off by - to paraphrase Philip Marlowe - having to see the works when the lid is lifted off of life. Griffin is one of at least three traveling carnival workers who have been arrested in Bucks County since 2013 with criminal records one of them for crimes Certain totals correspond to successful yardage gains printed on the perplexing conversion chart. With the likelihood that carnival business books are being cooked, the Internal Revenue Services expertise would be invaluable in uncovering money trails. The new law, sponsored by State Senator The carnival industrys sleazy image is in dire need of a facelift. (This practice, one would presume, should already be standard police procedure and routine.). From murdering authority figures to burning down buildings to creating elaborate extortion schemes, the Dixie Mafia was known far and wide as an anything-for-a-buck gang. While they were initially based out of Biloxi, Mississippi, it didnt take long for their reach to spread all across the South. But the operation unraveled when half a million dollars suddenly went missing. This is lawful gambling provided that the event is licensed and monitored by the state. They dont have ties in the community. Ignoring it, wont make it go away. Today, carnival-goers lose thousands of dollars in this 100-year-old con game played all over the world. From there, it grew into what it is today. Carnivals have close ties to not only organized crime but to local law enforcement. It does tend to be full of gossip since everyone works and lives with each other in close quartersRide and customer safety is the number-one priority. Yeah, maybe. Every carnival game designed has the potential to be rigged. Drupal theme by ThemeSnap.com, Carnival racketeering is endemic throughout the United State and has been for years. I am well aware of the acceptability of these games by the general public and the misplaced attitude of Whats the big deal? Some Dixie Mafia members were allegedly hired to collect debts and carry out hits for him. "I'd recommend you stay with [your children] every ride and every attraction on the midway. I thought the carny rep for being shady came from the idea that carnival games were fixed so you couldnt win any good prices. Convicted of bank loan schemes in 1986 and never spending a day in prison, the Gregorys befriended Tony Rodham, brother of President Bill Clintons wife, and now presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and were awarded the contracts to operate his carnival, United Shows of America Inc., for President Clintons White House Press Picnic in 1998 and 2000. Carol Stream has one of the stronger local ordinances, barring felons convicted in the past five years from working as carnival employees. Authorities on enforcement of carnival games estimate that 25 percent of all carnival games nationwide are fraudulent. WebWhile the vast majority of carnival workers are responsible and helpful, a few have been caught engaging in criminal activity. Playing ignorant to his many crooked games including Razzle, Gregory, with feigned dismay and with an award-winning performance on camera, stated his intent to fire his swindlers. At three events checked this summer by the attorney general and sheriff's offices, no background problems were discovered. In the subsequent years, three suspects (not including Nix), suffered mysterious deaths that may have been caused by Pusser. At that state fair, the contracted carnival, Powers Great American Midways, could gross from $4 to $6 million, as published in Business North Carolina. According to information from a Dearborn police officer, in confidence, the police department security hired to patrol Dearborns Arab International Festival is annually awarded a $10,000 contract by festival sponsor, American Arab Chamber of Commerce, to pay overtime for the services of off-duty police officers who patrol the four-day event. In my view, what Deputy Chief Dennis Richardson did isnt much different from what disgraced former Chief Willie Lovett did for nine years: Conspiracy to obstruct enforcement of criminal laws. (Lovett probably tossed every Razzle and hoop complaint at all his cheating carnivals.). WebCruise ship crime. Rossen Reports: Are carnival games cheating you-and your kids?" American slang term for carnival employee, This article is about carnival employees and carnival slang. To view the full story in Dearborn Patch, search the Net for St Anselms festival carnival contained scammers victimizing children at the games.. By the time all is said and done, it's usually about a 20- to 24-hour shift of hard physical labor, depending on how smoothly things go. In all three cases, the police refused to write a basic incident report upon complaints and requests for assistance. It is quite common for illegal carnival operators to pay off police and public officials in order to operate, says Riedthaler in the Corruption of Officials section of his police training seminar called Carnival Games Gambling and Frauds.. Now, the mark plays for another $2 and the carny adds up the marbles in a slow accurate manner which will always translate to either no yards or 29 which is the doubling-up number on the chart and often hit because of the defeating number arrangement on the marble board. Richardson, aware of the so-called games for two years, not only failed to command appropriate investigative action, he also failed to properly document the complaints in the county police files This way, a nosy reporter, going through police files, will not encounter any crime complaints to write about. I dont have children, however, I do not plan to bring them [when I do] to the carnies that come through town here. Pusser ultimately survived the attack, but his wife Pauline was killed. About 40 percent of adults with gambling problems started gambling before age 17. WebBusiness Insider asked current and former cruise-ship workers what they wish they could tell passengers but can't. Step right up to the king of all carnival rip-offs, Razzle Dazzle, which searches for and destroys its prey. A favorite American mythologyis that of the carnie, someone who works at a carnival. After a fruitful investigation, Thomas phoned to say that many of the games appeared to be rigged, based on results. Ugh. Not one ball went through any of the 12 stingy rims. Since then, very little has been heard about the Cornbread Cosa Nostra. In my research spanning the last 17 years, I estimate that about 75 percent of carnival games on todays traveling midways are gambling, frauds, or a combination of both; up from law enforcements earlier estimate of 50 percent. Its not a gig where they ask too many questions about your personal or employment history or your plans for the future. Some believed the word to be derogatory. I requested (verbally and in writing) that Richardson or his deputies investigate the fraud and gambling nature of the 12 deceptive (optical illusion) rims, where winning was nearly impossible, even for high school varsity players. Ranking police officers and elected politicians have always cooperated with carnival owners, as in a partnership. Michael L. Cella was convicted of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and sentenced to 3 years in prison for fondling the children while strapping them in for rides. That pretty much sums it up. He never held a job for long, as far as I know. It is not uncommon for sheriffs or police chiefs to lend themselves to sizable remunerations to ensure that these affable outlaws operate on trouble-free turf. Marcello, one of the most powerful leaders in organized crime in America, operated in New Orleans around the same time that the Dixie Mafia was coming to power. There were hundreds of victims. Carnival owners, workers, and agents, known as carnies, who own, manage, or operate these chance-based games and share in the take, are conspiring to promote gambling. I estimated that the 12 innocent-looking basketball games alone accounted for $25,000 in 2012, based on the numbers of neighborhood kids trying their luck endlessly for four days. While we cultivate our childrens childhood memories, our own become entwined with theirs. As a career police officer with the Dearborn Police Department (Michigan) and trained in enforcement of carnival games, I became concerned about this unique brand of plain view criminal activity. The mark will often return and become heavily invested, as the doubling effect will drain his bank account before reaching the goal line. It seems to me youre putting a lot of mental effort into coming up with a high-falutin intellectual explanation, when its simpler and more accurate to say the stereotype stems from carnies who are indeed shady. But for veteran crime writer and crusading editor J. Patrick OConnor, the factsor a lack of themdidnt add up. "I think it's unfair that this industry is singled out," Johnson said. Watch Gummo. With the astronomical amounts of cash the Razzle sharks are capable of taking, one never should rule out the possibility of protection by dirty cops, often in the vicinity of a Razzle set-up. He has since risen to the pinnacle of the carnival world with his rigged games, his cash, his protectors, and his friends in high places. The various suspect games on NAMEs midway, vividly depicted in Biloxi and Indianapolis, are featured in, This game is not only fraudulent, (deception for money), it is much worse when adults steal from young kids. One of the top leaders of the Dixie Mafia, Kirksey McCord Nix Jr., had been caught running a scam from prison and even ordering a mob hit from behind bars. Slick carnival entrepreneurs are business-savvy. Prior to that episode, Frank was arrested, convicted and fined in Waterford, Michigan (1974), for running an illegal carnival game. The numbers of arrests and convictions found in the background checks do not surprise Burbank Police Chief Bruce Radowicz. But I dont have any illusions that this is the end of the Dixie Mafia., After reading about the Dixie Mafia, meet Joe Valachi, the first mobster to expose the Mafias darkest secrets, and Frank Lucas, the real-life heroin kingpin who inspired the film American Gangster., The Little-Known Story Of The Dixie Mafia, The Cornbread Cosa Nostra Of The South. In 2012, a financial advisor from New York City, who read about Razzle in one of my books, wrote to inform me that he was swindled for a total of $11,000 as a result of playing Razzle at a Manhattan street fair. It was a clear case of arson, and five people from Marlborough were duly convicted of the crime. The long hours of travel, erection (no pun intended, as I cant even imaging a Carny getting a hard-on with all the Meth in thier system) and tear-down of the carnival are custom-made for Meth abuse and Nut-jobs. But at least half the time, itd backfire, and Id have guys my grandpas age trying to convince me that since I said anything in the truck, and I was standing in the truck, that meant when they won I was gonna give them the night of their life. In 2000, just prior to leaving office, President Clinton pardoned the Gregorys. The festival officials did not like my presence (which is normal), so they called police about me. For the youthful victim, rebound energy forced her ball out of the empty tub each time because the angle of the tub is always set up to cause failure in this scam. A major stereotype I hate is that we are all crooks and criminals. Exclusive to Razzle is its signature conversion chart.. So, I singled out a known scam artist operating one of the basketball games, Kenneth David Argo, a 12-year game agent for Huston. But the carnival I work forhas spent a long time building their image up to try to distance themselves from the stigma. Olivia Bray, mother of three, understands this as well as the limbs attached to her body. 47% of Carnival Workers have a high school diploma degree, 10% major in criminal justice. "After it became obvious that we were on the premises, a number of employees suddenly left.". Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. The police supervisor, having a policy of non-enforcement on carnival midways, refused to dispatch a unit to talk to the victim and witnesses to the larceny by trick. These drifting grifters pay the head carny for the front footage of their flat-store; as much as $100-a-foot per day, reliant on the games ability to steal money. Arrive at location in the afternoon, after working the last spot all night. Twenty-four others, mostly women and children, had stayed behind at the campsite. Step right up! A central question was whether Rodham was paid by the Gregorys to gain White House access and help to obtain pardons or whether Rodham was paid for legitimate business services. Its only nickel and dime! I hope this article will be an epiphany to naysayers, that this blind uninformed acceptability, enabled by politics and the absence of enforcement, will one day be a big deal. Here is the typical scenario of a Razzle casualty: Feeling duped and dazed, the bewildered Razzle mark walks away a big loser and realize hes been somehow ripped off. The most common degree is a high school diploma degree with an criminal justice major. For decades, this gang operated lawlessly and targeted anyone who stood in their way. For example, according to campaign contribution records, Frank Zaitshik, Wade Shows owner, his wife Melissa, and son Garrington, contributed a combined total of $11,500 to the Michigan Democratic Central Committee on September 5, 2002, one month before Democrat Jennifer Granholm was elected governor of Michigan. What sideshows have you worked in? Well I dont think theyre shady as much as they simply look like they have come from extremely impoverished environments, or have led very harsh lives given the state of their average dental health, and their overall haggard look. In 2011, I personally complained to Wayne County Sheriffs Office, Deputy Chief Dennis Richardson, commander on site, about 12 in-progress rigged basketball games called One in Wins. The basketball rims were actually elliptical and had deceivingly small openings. Drift along, into the next jurisdiction to start it all over. In Scotland they are simply known as "'''Travellers'''" ( not to be confused with Irish travellers or Gypsies) . Authorities initially speculated that the gang members had killed McDaniel because they were afraid that he was an informant, but others suspected that he was actually taken out by Pusser. Troops Cheated out of Money at Carnival,Armen Keteyian investigated a Texas-based company called Century 21 Shows at Fort Hood for allegedly defrauding its special guests: American soldiers returning from the Mid-east war or deploying to war. Carnivals are ubiquitous in the Garden State, but an aura of mystery swirls around the people who stage the phantasmagoric spectacles that light up empty fields There was no chance they would win at some of the games, said Keteyian. A major stereotype I hate is that we are all crooks and criminals. Other towns, such as Naperville, hosting its Last Fling last weekend, rely on the carnival companies' honesty to check if sex offenders are working in the midst of children. On the night of November 29, 1988, near the impoverished Marlborough neighborhood in south Kansas City, an explosion at a construction site killed six of the citys firefighters. I informed her that the gaffed carnival basketball rims are not bent by the carnies, but manufactured for the carnies, and for the designed purpose of creating a false impression of size and shape. Also available from Amazon, With the purpose of writing about true crime in an authoritative, fact-based manner, veteran journalists J. J. Maloney and J. Patrick OConnor launched Crime Magazine in November of 1998. As reported in the. The carnival marketing target demographic currently ischildren, thereby creating a predictable and dependable source of income, as opposed to the time-tested art of cleaning out the occasional high-dollar Razzle-type mark by which there is always the chance of generating trouble via player beefs. Thomas also requested that I play the games. I think the reputation of carnies goes back much, much further to the suspicion and hatred of people like the Gypsies and extending today to our dislike of fucking hippies. From his prison cell in the Louisiana State Penitentiary, Nix created a lonely hearts scam that targeted innocent gay men. In running background checks at five events, the Illinois attorney general's office and Cook County sheriff's department found that among 179 carnival employees, there had been 556 arrests and 125 convictions, according to a letter sent to law enforcement agencies. 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