Its the mess with the points from first year and the forest detention all over again, Neville muttered to himself. All his secrets were about to be exposed. 5. At Flourish and Blotts There, you were chasing after a dark wizard who had already tried to kill you, with no other plan than get lucky, Sirius reminded him grimly. They made it to the station at a quarter to. They were all about Potter. Mum, it was just a tiny cut. He wasnt the only one. He just nodded and started getting up with the rest of the group where they walked to the great hall. She told them to sit, which they did at once, then she commanded they explain themselves, which they began at once. You know full well Dumbledore would never expel Harry Potter, Emmeline pointed out. Time Travel. Abused Harry Potter; Harry Potter Needs a Hug; Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . characterized by or involved in the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the Abraham Nicholas Hills , the savior and hero of the Ancestors War by the age of 18 years old. Honestly, they might well be safer inside. Children need structure and consistency, Andromeda agreed. Im impressed you had heard and had already had time to start looking for them, Ted noted. Its not like they could land and fix it. Harry Potter and the Fae Prince by Alpha-Knights-Fan reviews. Harry was relieved to see her throwing a disapproving look towards Umbridge and Minister. Am looking for a Harry potter that I read waiting for one of the Harry potter books to be released, I'm about 50/50 on it being an Order of the phoenix fanfiction. Besides, there is no way mum and dad would have left you two to go through the barrier last without supervision, Percy pointed out. But Dumbledore cut him off, reminding that they were in McGonagall's house, so she would decide the punishment. Ron shrugged. Then both boys started laughing, and had a hard time stopping. - ha He took the proffered book and located the correct page. Its not like it lasted, Harry muttered bitterly. They make those? And I doubt there was anything to drink in the car, Bill warned. The boys instantly spouted their relief as they each took a sandwich, while Ron grumbled about their luck. 2. All of it, Snape told him dryly, not allowing any of his amusement at the boys expression to show. No wonder you guys had to jump onto the train while it was taking off, Charlie whistled. Its over now thankfully.. The Weasleys are extremely worried about Ron, Harry, and Hermione after their escape from Bill and Fleur's wedding. Then she shuddered, realising that it wouldnt have helped. They headed to the barrier together and crashed. If hed kept his wand in his pocket, it might well not have snapped. It sounded like you got beaten around quite a bit, Bill said in concern. Harry couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the night. No. Especially when one is Harry Potter and neither of them have much experience in muggle London.. Ron looked abundantly pleased with himself, but Harry caught sight of a less pleasant Weasley, Percy. Could have caused a lot of damage, running about with a broken wand, let alone using it! He turned to Dumbledore. Harry still felt awful about the fine the Weasleys had received, when it had been him Dobby had wanted to stop getting to the school. They are allowed to use magic if its a real emergency. Read Acknowledgments from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 5,583 reads. Undetectable extension charms, Filius guessed. For this book, what idiocy even-" Umbridge's voice died out as she read the title of the book in her hand. Honestly, with the invisibility booster not working, they were lucky it was only six or seven, Ted muttered. "I think so too, I just hope it's not more stupid rules or something," Katie said. Still, it would be worth it in the end. Harry and Ron exchanged grins. Given how reckless and impulsive he had proven to be, it seemed like such an idea would be a grand idea to the twelve-year-old. The witch came dangerously close to actually rolling her eyes. Luna cooed, feeling bad for the poor owl. Ron adjusted a few more things and suddenly the car was airborne, all that was visible was a pair of floating eyeballs. The staff were a bit distracted that year, Harry muttered. Even better than Hogwarts? Ron asked quietly. A mentor fic: When Snape discovers Harry is abused by the Dursley's, he is forced to teach Harry for the summer after the . If they were eating dessert when Professor Dumbledore left, it would probably be pointless to go anyway. Nothing is fixing that wand, Bill shook his head. The twins usually are, Percy pointed out. pleasevote. It was first published in Britain in 1997 and appeared in the United States the following year under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I dont recall studying it in any Herbology lessons.. Just a bit ruffled, and not very happy with me, Harry assured him. Ron tried to ask what was going on, but then they both caught sight of a branch as thick as a python smashing down on the windshield. Even then, Fred agreed. Basicly Harry, Ron and Hermione all become Animagus and they delv deeper into dueling at Hogwars but unfortunately That's all I can remember as it was a . Im not sure thats something to ignore, Ted pointed out. At least you had some sense, Emmeline sighed. The Burrow Even right after a feast? Pomona raised an eyebrow. In which the Scooby-Doo gang, Mikaelson family and Hogwarts Hermione Potter AU!! Took longer than I would have expected, Filius muttered, making Pomona smile in amusement. He would also be writing home to their families and informing them of what happened. So yeah, they are going to sit around and comment on all the stupid things the kids did at school, because they were indeed stupid, but not because the adults are perfect or never did stupid things themselves, it's just human nature to point these things out. Harrys was the longest trip we made, George confirmed. NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > snape forced harry potter to wear diapers fanfiction. There was a terrible sound of metal being smashed against wood as the car finally landed at the base of a giant tree. But then we had no idea why youd taken the car, Fred reminded him with a shrug. She was fine. I wouldnt have minded the expansion charm. Even if we had thought of it, I certainly didnt know how to get to the Leaky Cauldron from Kings Cross. 4. They were twelve and panicking, Sirius pointed out with a shrug. I've had a few comments recently so I'm just going to say this now: if you want a Slytherin/Snape bashing story in which they are all irredeemably evil then you've got the wrong story. I was so worried when I couldnt find either of you on the train. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. Especially if the enchantments like the invisibility booster are not used often.. Harry sighed in defeat. Figured either my ear would go through signalling it was open again, or I might be able to hear something from the other side.. What if she and Yelena left and moved to London? Harry stated the Dursleys hadnt given him pocket money in about six years. But we love any excuse to party, George grinned. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,491 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 616 - Follows: 210 - Published: Jun 12, 2011 - Harry P., Remus L. - Complete. Second Chances by Mara Rome reviews. Hed never truly thought about it in those terms. And I thought your mothers punishment was enough.. We really didnt need a lecture though after we got through with Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, Ron pointed out. he was full-on smiling "now head into the great hall I have a few more calls I need to make". There are seven total "Harry Potter" books. Ron could have seriously hurt himself or a classmate working with that wand all year, they should have noticed and written to Mrs Weasley about it. But Id be amazed if he could perform any spells with his wand in that condition. The boys exchanged an uneasy look, Ron trying and failing to reassure that the car may just be tired, as it had never travelled this far before. It also reminded them of their original problem, how come they hadn't been able to get onto the platform? She raised her wand the moment she entered; Harry and Ron both flinched. Aren't you going to come to sit with us down at the other side". Sirius grimaced. And it also happens to be from the future? So, late enough to be quite noticeable when you enter, Sirius grinned. That have almost killed you twice and youve barely made it to Hogwarts yet, where there is supposedly more danger waiting!. Reading the future I H.Potter. But at this point he really wanted to burn something. Ron went ghostly pale at that. It was doing a bit of damage too, the roof was caving in on them, and the windshield was trembling, clearly fixing to crack free any moment. It doesnt sound dark enough for you to be there yet. This is a story of how the Marauders, enemies and acquaintances read the Harry Potter books, but with some changes. It was hardly the triumphant arrival they'd been expecting. 302. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. How on earth did you get through your lessons? He softly asked Harry to explain himself, and Harry repeated his tale, having only left out the part that he knew the car belonged to Mr. Weasley, making it sound more like they'd just happened to stumble upon a magic car. He told her about the invisibility booster, but she still refused, saying not in broad daylight. Ron pointed out that he was sure the teachers didn't want them showing off. Young James Potter. What did you think that was going to do? Ted asked in amusement. At least this mess had already been dealt with, so there would be no further repercussions with the Ministry workers reading this information. He was still upset over them listening to Dumbledore over the summer. Youd never do anything to deliberately hurt Hedwig.. Ron was just coming back to his senses when the car seemed to decide it'd had enough of them. Bold of you to assume they dont just do it on the train, Charlie laughed. Then he kept going in as close to a happy voice as he could, stating that if they'd been in his house, they would have been expelled that moment. These books are about the one and only Harry Potter" he froze at that and thought 'no no no this could not be happening' everyone started looking at him and his friends just glared at all of them making them look away "the first book we will start is is called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" she sat down smiling at him. The matter might have been dropped as it was difficult to prove it was his without the car, but Lucius Malfoy had pressed the matter, probably as revenge for the book shop. They only had five minutes left when Mrs Weasley directed Percy through the barrier. We got the no heat, wet start ones. Snape simply gestured to the book. Handy. Which could easily be well out of London by then, Kingsley pointed out. Well, that was a long chapter, Moody grunted. We were out by five past eleven, Arthur added. "Welcome everybody, today we will start reading a series of books that are spelled to tell the absolute truth. What in the name on Merlin is going on? Sirius wanted to know. Ron easily sidestepped this, saying it was only a scratch. As for the school writing to the Dursleys, Harry was sure they'd only be disappointed to find out Harry hadn't been squashed under the tree. Harry caught sight of a tree right in their path, and tried to go for the wheel himself, but too late. Or some times completely changi had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? Mum favours a stinging hex when shes really mad, Ron stated. In which a sudden appearance of 8 is made at the Really this is just another reading of the book's fic but I promise it'll be good! Harry winced. This hardly counts as a real emergency, Kingsley said dryly. And with the exception of the forest detention, Id rather have Hogwarts punishing Harry than getting the Dursleys involved, Remus pointed out. Or even to the Burrow, Remus stated. start of the 1976 school year. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George are send to the marauders era by unknown forces. They wouldnt have a clue where to start and neither of them is allowed to use magic which is most likely what its lacking. Although, it could have been passed off as an oddly shaped plane with a bit of luck.. They did crash on school grounds. Ron blushed. It was a hectic morning, Fred offered with a shrug. They ate their fill, as the plate and cups kept refilling themselves, and then made their way up the nearly endless staircases until they made it to the portrait of the fat lady. She could hardly believe how out of touch the professors had become. Even if the barrier was still blocked, we would have simply apparated to the car, Arthur told his son. The Boy Who Lived Hed honestly just assumed the Ministry had confiscated it, well, that a teacher from the school had sent it on to the Ministry who then confiscated it. How late were you guys? Remus wondered. Work Search: Umbridge finds seven books about Harry Potter from another . The Keeper Of Keys. An owl would have taken far too long. Perfect timing, as always, Harry grinned at her. Thankfully the notice-me-not charms help a lot with that, Kingsley said. Through the gloom they could make out that the trunk was nearly bent double as its limbs continued smashing every inch of the car it could reach. "This book contains the past and future of Mr. Potter's life and it is divided into seven sections. Harry started freaking wondering why Sirius was here. Once inside his office, full of things Harry didnt want to know about, he immediately began tearing into them, saying the train wasnt good enough for famous Harry Potter and his sidekick. Now, was that deliberate or not? Sirius wondered with a glance towards his old head of house. I blame Harrys luck too, Harry agreed with a grimace. Suddenly the car jerked to one side, hard. Especially as all of Rons siblings were there and had no idea where he was either, she said. 80 7 2. Yes Draco and Snape in particular did/said terrible things and I won't be excusing that, but the point of the readings is character growth. I really hope those charms hold, Remus muttered. Now he would find out exactly why the two dunderheads had decided it would be a good idea to fly a car to Hogwarts rather than simply take the train. Ron and Harry glared at the twins for forgetting stuff and making them go back several times. Smiling in a way that suggested they were in deep trouble, he commanded that they follow him, and the two boys did without protest. The journey to Harrys in Surrey was the longest they had ever driven and even then they had only driven at night. Frankly, the adults in the books are too. We pack most of our stuff the day before, George said, it just gets really spread out after two months.. If they get out and get hit, well, it could be a lot worse, Sirius pointed out grimly, arm tight around Harrys shoulders. The twins were looking at them and seemed to be mad at what they were seeing. Book 3: The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus) BAMF Percy Jackson. Hey, at least it worked in your favour, Fred grinned. Hedwig was shrieking in the backseat. How? Arthur wondered in surprise. Original Character (s) Characters Reading Harry Potter Books. And people overheard the teachers talking about it, George added. secret, or mysterious; understood by few. Although, with the car gone wherever, could it be proven that the car was Arthurs? Ted wondered. Oh, hes going to be right behind you, isnt he? Tonks groaned. It was wrong of me to enchant the car in the first place, and I knew that full well. Given the motion of the train, we can usually tell by the handwriting who completed their homework on the train, Filius stated in amusement. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Harry was with the twins, Alicia, Katie, and Angelina out in the courtyard when they were approached by Hermione and Ron. Especially knowing exactly what expulsion would have sent Harry back to. Everyone winced at that. It really was hot. 229 guests She instructed them to eat in here and then go to their dormitories when they were done, then she excused herself and left as well. Protective Harry Potter; Abused Harry Potter; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Summary. They trailed behind him, down into the dungeons below. So many other, better options, Pomona sighed. Or even just before your mum and Ginny. as well as Joined by Remus and Tonks, they read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows together. When they were done, her first question was to Harry, demanding to know why he hadn't simply used his owl to ask for help. The twins let off some fireworks which filled the kitchen before a last mug of hot chocolate and bed. Of all the people to catch them, Charlie groaned. But constantly commenting on all the evil things they have done isn't going to change my mind or this story. I was fine, Ron assured her quickly. If you have to send for help.. We provide harry potter everyone is protective of harry fan fiction books for you to PROMPT: Harry Potter by Rowling is fanfiction, and after the series was published the real Hogwarts had to do a lot of damage control. The twins exchanged envious looks. Harems. I blame Harrys luck, Ron put in quickly. Harry's name is written inside the briefs. And as they were travelling to school, it could be considered a school matter, Kingsley mused. It wouldnt be a proper return to Hogwarts morning without utter chaos, Bill said fondly. Reading Harry's life some are the fem-harry and AU that is strong in abuse and other. Secrets will be revealed and so will the truth about some people. Thanks to Molly Weasley and Dumbledore, they had resorted to secret meetings just for a bit of time together. What if one night the sisters were at home alone when there was a knock Polyamorous 398 7 6. all harry potter wants is to be loved but he never was. Either his mother hadnt known or had left it out of the story. The Worst Birthday Ron and Harry made busy of themselves getting ready for bed as the rest of their dormmates came up and congratulated them one last time. - You and me got a whole lot of history Harry saw himself that the wood looked nearly snapped in two, only hanging on by a few splinters. Im sure he thought we deserved it for messing around. Harry shrugged. Ive had detention for a month for less than that! He found it difficult not to be jealous of Ron when he considered the kind of welcome he would get from his relatives next summer. Either her parents would have mailed it to her as Mrs Tonks suggested or she would have just used it the following summer and the end result may have been even worse. That way theyd have seen what happened, Harry agreed. But thats like forgetting your arm or something.. And mums response. Percy had to admit he had a point. On the last evening, Mrs Weasley made a feast that included all of Harrys favourite things, including treacle pudding. Jlmill9 - Reading the : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 COMPLETE. That's when Dumbledore spoke up "Flitwick may you please charm the book that read itself out loud? His deepest desire was to be with his family, and you have a large family that all love you. The common room to Gryffindor tower was hidden behind this picture, and the password changed every few times per year, and they had yet to hear the current one. Instead, he revved the engine and shot the car up into a bank of clouds. Crash! Then he once again asked why they hadn't been able to get through the barrier. It was only at the last second you even thought about getting past Fluffy, despite that being the only part you actually knew about, Remus added. windstorm16 is a fanfiction author that has written 102 stories for Naruto, Power Rangers, Harry Potter, Anime X-overs, Pokmon, Godzilla , Star Wars, Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail . Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Neville-Ginny Why not floo to the station? Draco wondered. Severus huffed, but without as much emotion as he had felt previously. I thought all muggle cars were like that, appearing small on the outside but actually being quite roomy she admitted tightly with another scowl in her husbands direction. Draco, who had been afraid he's done something wrong, walked out the door. Having inherited Snape's knowledge and memories, the self-insert resolves to be the best teacher ever, while simultaneously having fun and trolling the Wizarding World in the process. Er, we were fine. Harry shrugged. And honestly, if they stopped to try and sort the issue out, there is a chance the car wouldnt start again and then they would be stuck with no idea where they were, Remus added. Molly turned to glare at her husband who winced. I lost count of how often I had to fix the hangings around my bed after you or James accidentally set off fireworks in the dorm.. Please consider turning it on! Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus) Bisexual Percy Jackson. Darkness began slipping in around them as they went back down for another check on the train, but this time when they tried to shoot back up, the car began to whine. Several of the adults rolled their eyes, muttering about teenagers and bottomless stomachs. "Alicia asked looking at the group. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. She could sort of understand why they had decided to fly the car, and she was sure a large part of it was simply the idea of an adventure as opposed to simply panicking, but that still didnt make it a good idea. Before he could speak a word, something smashed into his side of the car like a bull, the force of which sent him crashing into Ron. Seating Chart Of course I did, he assured her, hugging her tightly. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Upon activating it, Harry discovers that there was far more to his mother than he knew. Heavens only knows where he would have ended up.. Harry is so often seen as James Potter's son, but he is also Lily Evans'. Will be adding story details every once in a while! Plus it does help the team dynamic during games since they all know what each other are going to do before they do it. It never seems quite so long on the train, Ron muttered. An owl, the Knight Bus which Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon, waiting for your parents.. After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry grinned. Harry wasnt sure how all eight of them, plus their luggage, was going to fit in the old Ford Anglia. He dearly wished for a chance to examine the machine. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. Ginny smiled at Ron, pleased her brother had thought to ask about her, even after his exciting evening. Harry tried to explain but Snape told him to be silent. Amelia Bones replied. Spirithorse16 - Hogwarts reads the books: 1,2,3,4 not sure how far 4 goes but I think it's after the first task. Ah, apologies Severus, I wasnt thinking, Minerva winced. They still had to find their way to Hogwarts. Really, having lived through so many years, he had to learn patience. A levitation charm is one thing, but to close the platform barrier? They left and Harry barely had time to wonder when hed see it again before they were back as George had forgotten his fireworks. I forgot that too?. I assume the car has never flown that far before? Kingsley looked to Arthur. They regularly went back down to check on the trains progress, watching the world below become wilder every time as the city quickly evaporated into small towns, and eventually the scrubby outlands. It was right after Id been recognised by someone and I guess Aunt Petunia thought they were watching her so when she gave Dudley some money for sweets, she gave me some too, Harry explained. Hogwarts Finds Out The Truth-Book 1 Fanfiction_Fan_Girl. I was worried about how much trouble father would get into and I wanted to check they were ok for myself, Percy defended himself. By now everyone in the guild have noticed something wrong with Percy and Cana being the closest gets to Percy and tries to calm him down. Now that he knew it was unlikely Harry had done it for attention, the way he had previously assumed, he was curious to hear their reasoning, foolish as it likely was. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game), Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Like you care about that tree, Sirius scoffed. Get into the clouds, quickly, Percy advised. In the end, he said nothing not wanting to put his foot in his mouth. Contrary to belief, I dont enjoy taking points off of my lions, Minerva stated. Rewards too. 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