D) Thyroid, The adrenal glands regulate energy level, the ability to deal with stress, and She randomly assigns patients to either a room painted white or a room painted black; she then records their blood pressure. D) observational learning; classical conditioning, B) classical conditioning; operant conditioning, Recollections of John's first family vacation to Disneyland are part of John's _____. C) classical conditioning; discovery learning D) genetic heritage. D) genotype, The somatic nervous system consists of motor nerves, whose function is to _____. C) standardization In order to evaluate a theory, many things are taken into account. It is most likely that Dr. Zimand specializes in the _____________ approach to psychology. A) A theory gains credibility when the related hypotheses turn out to be true. B) mental processes B) positive reinforcement. B) action potential B) central nervous system October 20, 2021 The detailed descriptions are as A) critical thinking, curiosity, skepticism, and objectivity, Psychology began as a science in the discipline of. Its important to consider potential demand characteristics in your research design and deal with them appropriately to obtain valid results. A) unconditioned response. A) somatic A) the part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body toward other cells. C) the tendency to ignore information about general principles in favor of very specific but vivid information B) They are treelike fibers projecting from a neuron. D) endorphin/oxytocin, Stand-up comedians who improvise constantly while on stage are demonstrating their ability to change according to the environment. B) critical thinking According to the principle of _____ researchers are responsible for keeping all of the data they gather on individuals completely, when possible, anonymous. D) central, Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? C) correlational studies In this case, Dr. Cardinale is studying heredity's influence on behavior using D) decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur. C) they cannot be used in situations where the issue of ethics is important How do you control demand characteristics? A) the nucleus Iron is a common element in the solar system; it is the single most abundant element within Earth by mass. Describe the shape of the distribution of perceived age estimates. B) the results are likely worthless because you cannot believe anything you read in a blog post A) directs the most complex mental functions, such as thinking and planning. A) 150 A) mobilize the body for action in a dangerous situation B) Classical conditioning This is in accordance to the principle of. D) behavior genetics, In the human cell, threadlike structures that come in 23 pairs, one member of each pair originating from each parent, and that contain DNA are called He found a +.81 correlation between these two variables. A laboratory is a controlled setting with many of the potential confounding factors of the real world removed. B) behaviors followed by desirable outcomes are strengthened and behaviors followed by undesirable outcomes are weakened, Attention, deep processing, elaboration, and the use of mental imagery are _____ processes. In this scenario, Dennis's explanation is reflective of the _____ approach to psychology. A) Pituitary B. Watson and B. F. Skinner believed that. D) balance and muscle coordination, The ____ are involved in personality, intelligence, and the control of voluntary muscles. A) species-specific biological predispositions favor some learning styles over others You can use deception to hide the purpose of the study from participants. C) Implicit memory/explicit memory C) Sternberg's triarchic theory/artificial intelligence (AI) theory C) psychodynamic approach \end{array} It is most likely that Dr. Zimand specializes in the _____ approach to psychology. D) 5 minutes, A) A fraction of a second to several seconds, A _____ reinforcer is a reinforcer that acquires its positive value through an organism's experience. D) psychodynamic, According to ___________ psychologists, your brain houses a "mind" whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals, and be creative. D) deciding. A) Pituitary C) The participants had faulty autonomic nervous systems C) dopamine D) scope, A drawback of laboratory research is that A) psychoanalysis 10Sales100units@$15Jan. 1Purchase60units@$5.00=300Jan. C) neurotransmitters that regulates mood A key requirement for the process of testing hypotheses in the scientific method is, In experimental research, demand characteristics tend to. C) ribosomes A) Understanding the causes of behavior requires looking at the environmental factors that produce them. D) oxytocin, Corticosteroids are A) You would cram the night before the test. D) Temporal lobe, The most recently developed level of the human brain is the 10Sales80units@$15Jan. A) measured by researchers. C) it is involved in the regulation of mood and attention Immediately before he springs a pop quiz on his students, he typically goes to the classroom door and closes it. D) Dendritic branching, The primitive cells that have the capacity to develop into most types of human cells are called Subscribe to \textbf{Sanderson Manufacturing Company}\\ Acting in this way gives some participants a sense of fulfilment. They commonly occur in psychology experiments and social sciences studies because these involve human participants. A) a correlational study with a sample of 40 adults A) the cognitive approach B) It plays a role in forming emotional bonds with romantic partners. Explain. C) Charles Darwin A) dendrites A) reliability D) communicates through the release of neurotransmitters. a.b.c.d.Art6,800dollars5,66700Blythe6,800dollars5,66711,3331,000Cooper3,400dollars5,6665,66716,000, ArtBlytheCoopera. A) Genomes Retrieved February 27, 2023, (Note: The following information is for questions 3 through 5.) Sam is interested in describing the types of emotions people express and building a catalog of all the emotions and emotional expressions that exist. B) The principles of learning are different for both animals and humans. Independent variables are D) it is hardly involved in the regulation of sleep, C) it is involved in the regulation of mood and attention, Arnold Becker, a doctor in Seattle, needs information about the location and extent of damage involving stroke and loss of memory of his patient, Judith. A) It is related to the personality trait of extraversion. D) the humanistic approach. D) descriptive reasoning, _____ has to do with remembering who, what, where, when, and why. Cognitive psychology is the study of _____. changes) assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable. I knew it all along." C) pain A) Neurotransmission A) operant conditioning; classical conditioning Your participants believe this task is about their cognitive abilities, whereas it actually measures their moods indirectly. B) classical conditioning; operant conditioning B) posterior adrenal gland Random assignment can be achieved in many different ways, such as by flipping a coin, using a table of random numbers, or using numbers randomly generated A) flexibility of the endocrine system. C) They contain the nucleus of a neuron. C) anterior pituitary gland \textbf{Date}&\textbf{Activities}&\textbf{Units Acquired}&\textbf{at Cost}&&\textbf{Units Sold at Retail}\\[5pt] C) tertiary Interviews Quantitative Research Methods Examples Sampling Methods in Quantitative Research Quantitative Data Analysis These methods will help minimize the risk of demand characteristics affecting your study. Use these data to do the exercise below. This view contrasts with the _____ approach to psychology, which focuses on an organism's visible interactions with the environment. 0.00 Their experimental results revealed that the thinner cooling plate saved space, refrigerant usage, and compressor power. A) hindsight bias Which of the following mechanisms of brain-damage repair is apparent in this example? C) heuristic thinking A) a strong positive relationship How are these two bonding types similar and how do they differ? C) the results are not surprising and are therefore probably true WebExperimental Research Designs The staple of all designs is the experimental research design. A) rationalization D) field, When a researcher decides to study a particular group, such as Latino factory workers, the researcher is specifically determining the study's She randomly assigns patients to either a room painted white or a room painted black, and then records their blood pressure. The balance sheet for the Art, Blythe, and Cooper Partnership is as follows. B) Emily is likely to be wrong because 1000 people is a high number D) psychodynamic, Dr. Zimand is studying the association between the functioning of specific brain structures and depression. However, theres always swings and roundabouts, and when we start thinking about artifacts rather than confounds, the shoe is very firmly on the other foot. A) hardware/software B) myelin sheath Human capital is the core element of economic growth and has huge positive externalities. C) once the electrical impulse reaches a certain level of intensity, it fires and moves all the way down the axon without losing any intensity. A) American Psychiatric Association Which measure of central tendency should he use to get an accurate idea? B) criterion validity A) there are many controversies in the field of psychology C) subjects' levels of honesty. 5. Liam, a psychology teacher, designs a questionnaire to determine the most preferred social media among students in his classroom. D) brain's special capacity for modification and change. B) correlation does not imply causation and group statistics cannot be assumed to apply to every single case B) Amanda is within her rights to leave any question blank if she chooses, and the experimenter has definitely "crossed a line" -0.87 D) acetylcholine and testosterone, The endocrine system A representative sample is more likely to reflect the general population than the small sample of Emily's friends B) sample When you use blinding or masking, you conceal from participants whether they are in a treatment or control group. He is not keen to establish causation, but he would like to determine whether and how the increase or decrease in one variable is associated with the increase or decrease in the other variable. Dr. Badal likely practices the _____ approach to psychology. B) literature review Demand characteristics are a type of extraneous variable that can affect the outcomes of the study. Marshal is likely to have problems with _____. His view is known as. D) brain's special capacity for modification and change. B) long-term memory/short-term or working memory C) Darwin stated that humans descended from apes, a principle that allows psychologists to understand human behavior Which of the following techniques will he most likely use to diagnose Judith's condition? This type of research is often best with a multitude of methodological C) Multitasking B) a strong negative relationship Pritha Bhandari. B) is useful for studying large populations. C) evolutionary D) High levels of serotoninDepression, B) Low levels of dopamineParkinson disease, In multiple sclerosis, identify the part of a neuron that typically hardens and disrupts the flow of information through neurons. D) Acetylcholine and testosterone. Suppose that a sample of 505050 people is randomly selected at a shopping mall. \text { a. } A) they fail to establish a clear causal relationship between variables The brief wave of positive electrical charge that sweeps down the axon is B) they do not allow researchers to use just one variable to predict the movement of the other variable He surveyed his students about the number of hours they slept the night before the exam and then correlated these scores with their test grades. B) polygenic inheritance D) neither correlational nor experimental research allows researchers to determine causality, B) only experimental research allows researchers to determine causality, Jacob wants to study the relationship between falling in love and a person's academic performance. You play a 30-second clip of each and ask participants to rate their mood immediately after. A) publishing review A) Imagery D) a longitudinal study tracking exercise and mood over two years in a sample of 100 grade school children, B) an experiment that involves randomly assigning 200 students similar to yourself to either a physical activity condition or a control group, and then measuring mood, In a blog post, a scientist describes a recently completed study in which she found that people who were assigned to an exercise group reported 10 times more happiness than those in a control group. Behavior is _____; mental processes are _____. C) positive punishment/negative punishment What can you do to become a better consumer of psychology in everyday life? C) efferent C) limbic system A) students' attitudes toward their new class president. B) It inhibits the firing of neurons in the central nervous system. C) There is a high positive correlation between sleep and exam performance. A) correlational studies According to research on encoding processes, Matt is able to accurately recall all this information because he _____. [19] analyzed the effect of refrigerant temperature and mass flow rate on the system's cooling performance. B) the autonomic nervous system C) Nucleus He is not keen to establish causation, but would like to determine whether and how the increase or decrease in one variable is related to the increase or decrease in the other variable. C) has processed this information at an intermediate level A) genome D) the parasympathetic nervous system, After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some meditation techniques. D) evolutionary. As accounting manager for Sanderson, you are attempting to reconstruct and revise the balance sheet. B) deception What does this result mean? A) Central nervous system D) the jury is still out on the findings because the research has not gone through peer review, D) the jury is still out on the findings because the research has not gone through peer review, A study reports that height is surprisingly correlated with lifetime income. strength of the relationship between the variables. C) contiguity D) the factors that change in response to the changes in dependent variables. Ethically, deception can be used in research when its justifiable and theres no risk of harm. Then he asks them for their GPA for the semester. A) stress hormones He identified two types of participants` affect. SandersonManufacturingCompanyBalanceSheetAtDecember31,2018. Which of the following attitudes are central to the scientific approach to psychology? C) endophenotype However, the controller told you that a complete, preliminary balance sheet prepared before the records were lost showed a debt to equity ratio of$1.2. \hline A) strategy that guarantees a solution to a problem Demand Characteristics | Definition, Examples, & Control. B) tell muscles what to do B) Psychotherapy D) biological. B) Episodic memory/semantic memory He concludes that the color blue is more likely to have a relaxing effect on women than on men. B) informed consent The term plasticity refers to the To ensure that its diverse workforce helps rather than hinders business development, Elixir is seeking the guidance of a psychologist. A) Deductive reasoning D) variable, The statement "I believe this research will demonstrate that students who study in groups will get better grades than those who study alone" is an example of C) There is a high positive correlation between sleep and exam performance. B) External validity Which of the following is an advantage of conducting psychological research in a laboratory? D) Latent learning. His experimental group is administered the independent variable, but his control group is not administered the independent variable. WebDemand characteristics are all the clues in an experiment which convey to the participant the purpose of the research. Molly's natural hair color is brown but she has had it dyed blonde. A) behavioral A) secondary B) pyramidal A) Hindsight bias participants' expectations of producing an outcome, The placebo effect in an experimental study refers to the. B) Darwin's principle of natural selection suggests that human behavior is partially a result of efforts to survive a variable that has not been measured accounts for the relationship between two other variables, In correlational research, the "third variable problem" refers to a circumstance in which, Five students had the following scores on a psychological test: 10, 10, 15, 25, and 40. C) Divided attention 4,000dollars4,000dollars4,000dollarsc.37/15065/15048/150ofofof12,000dollars12,000dollars12,000dollarsd.0dollars8,000dollars4,000dollars\begin{array}{lccc} B) behavioral A) Appetite Participants who play the role of a good subject try to use what theyve learned to help you with your research. D) the parasympathetic nervous system. Elixir Inc. has a recruitment policy that favors hiring people from minority groups. B) Selective breeding Dr. Grant is conducting research on stress management. Sometimes, participants may actively play one of four roles. &\text{Totals\hspace{60pt}}&\underline{\underline{\text{380 units}}}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\$1,950}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{180 units}}}\hspace{30pt}\\ There is a high positive correlation between hours of sleep and exam performance. He obtains a correlation coefficient of -0.75. Naturally, experimental research is popular in psychology, which is considered a field of medicine. Instead, your participants reactions to the demand characteristics may have led to the results. In descriptive statistics, the range is a measure of, Establishing an operational definition ensures that everyone agrees on what a variable means. Which of the following statements related to the scientific method is FALSE? The types of experimental study designs are into three types as Pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, and real experimental. Students in Group A drive a car in a computer game and see how many virtual accidents they have. Demand characteristics are aspects of experiments that may give away the research purpose to participants. Which answer most accurately identifies the individual who is most likely to catch the cold that is going around my dorm this semester? Terrel is more easy-going but on his way to class one day he is in a near-miss traffic accident--At the moment he sees a truck coming at him his body tenses up, His heart races and he experiences extreme panic. 4 ). A) measured by researchers C) Phenotype How much cash should be distributed to each partner? Dr. Okawa is interested in studying the effect of neurological trauma on short-term memory. In this scenario, the research method used by the investigators is most likely a(n). These cues can lead participants to change their behaviors or responses based on what they think the research is about. Which of the following psychological research methods is likely to be most suitable to Professor Milton's needs? A) Structuralism/functionalism Which mechanism involves a carbocation electrophile reacting with a weak nucleophile? C) It inhibits the heart muscle, intestines, and urogenital tract. During the study, he is friendlier toward the female participants than he is toward the male participants, which makes the women feel more relaxed during the study. -0.24, They are useful when information from many people is required. Which of the following is true of the neurotransmitter serotonin? B) the amount of time a neuron must "rest" in between firing episodes is stable. D) naturalist, A prototype is a _____. Since they experience all independent variable treatments, within-groups design participants can figure out the patterns in your procedure and guess what the study is about more easily. Webextent to which demand characteristics have biased the results of the study. D) the factors that change in response to the changes in dependent variables, Which of the following is a potential problem of using correlational studies in psychological research? Why do demand characteristics matter in research? Miranda then tries to imitate the sequence of swings and motions made by her instructor. D) Sustained attention, Spanking is a form of _____; time out is a form of _____. According to _____ psychologists, your brain houses a "mind" whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals, and be creative. A key requirement for the process of testing hypotheses in the scientific method is The validity of your research will depend on your experimental design. A) repressed B) Terrel is experiencing acute stress B) Neurotransmitters A) RNA D) experiments. A) Twin studies C) Face validity Settings should involve events or processes that subjects find meaningful and impactful. A) breathing and heart rate A) deception Interest on both the note and the bonds is payable annually. B) Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences/Sternberg's triarchic theory D) there are few controversies in the field of psychology, A) there are many controversies in the field of psychology, Of the following, the characteristic that is not at the heart of the scientific approach is Which of the following is a true statement about dendrites? Experimental Research 5. D) states that memory storage involves three separate systems: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory, C) proposes that memories are organized only to the extent that neurons, the connections among them, and their activity are organized, When the scores on a measure relate to important outcomes, we say the test has high _____. B) behavioral C)Collateral sprouting D) positive reinforcement/positive punishment, C) positive punishment/negative punishment, According to the textbook, _____ is the first step in the problem-solving process. C) Sympathetic nervous system Dr. Matteo is conducting an experiment to test the memory of a group of participants; in the experiment, the participants recall a list of previously shown household items. D) sensory, Brainstorming is an example of _____. D)Taylor is female, The thread-like structures that are present in the cell nucleus and contain genes and DNA are called Lionel is asking his employees to engage in _____. A) theory A) sociocultural D) Sigmund Freud; Wilhelm Wundt, The approach to psychology that is most interested in early childhood relationships is D) There is a low positive correlation between sleep and exam performance. Professor Izadi is interested in the association between sleep and cognitive performance. Safe installment payments to the partners were made on the same date. In quantitative research, you usually use either a between- or a within-groups design. D) functional fixedness, In operant conditioning, _____ means performing a reinforced behavior in a different situation. A) if all the neurons in a network are not integrated, the "message" carried by the neurons will be lost. The company uses a periodic inventory system. Demand characteristics cannot be eliminated from experiments, but demand characteristics can be studied to see their effect on such experiments. B) has deeply processed this information A) inductive reasoning Consider constructing a frequency distribution and histogram for the perceived age estimates. Demand characteristics are problematic because they can bias your research findings. Balances of the partners' capital accounts. Which of the following is an advantage of conducting psychological research in a laboratory? C)Functionalism/ Webin experimental research, demand characteristics tend to a-increase the reliability of experimental results. B) has hardly anything to do with "good" and "bad" behavior. D) They direct the manufacture of substances required for growth of neurons. What's the big deal? D) psychoanalysis. Social desirability bias is when participants automatically try to respond in ways that make them seem likeable in a study, even if it means misrepresenting how they truly feel. B) Lesioning The somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system are components of the During lunchtime, she goes to the crowded food court and deliberately drops her notebook. refers to the soundness of the conclusions that a researcher draws from an experiment. D) Adrenal, Repair of the damaged brain may take place by all of the following except The lecture you were listening to is over. A) molecular genetics A) the results are clearly important and represent a major contribution to science Jennifer accidentally plays a radio channel that she has never heard before. Dr. Cardinale is interested in the effects of heredity and environment on intelligence. C) confidentiality In an article in the Journal of Marketing, Mazis, Ringold, Perry, and Denman discuss the perceived ages of models in cigarette advertisements. D) neurotransmitters that regulate memory, The chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands are known as B) extinction (Round per unit costs and inventory amounts to cents.) b-affect the duration of a study. Figures shown parenthetically reflect agreed-upon profit and loss-sharing percentages. A _____ is a layer of fat cells that insulates most axons and speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses. Group A received progressive relaxation training prior to test taking, while Group B received no training. Professor Izadi is interested in determining the association between sleep and cognitive performance. B) Elaboration Which of the following psychologists would be most likely to conduct research on how a child processes information and solves problems? D) distribution, Open-mindedness involves _____. Demand characteristics The clues in an experiment that lead the participants to think they know what the researcher is looking for (e.g. He asks his employees to brainstorm and create a list of all possible solutions to keeping the company in business. B) ergosomes b. texting accidents Wilhelm Wundt was the founder of __________, whereas William James was the founder of ___________. Many psychology studies use filler tasks and cover stories to misdirect participants. \text{Jan. 10}&\text{Sales\hspace{65pt}}&&&&\text{80 units @ \$15}\\ \text { b. } William James, a prominent American psychologist and philosopher, focused on human interactions with the outside world to understand the purpose of thoughts. To conduct an experiment, you need to be able to vary your independent variable, precisely measure your dependent variable, and control for confounding variables. D) amygdala, Marshall damaged his cerebellum in a car accident. C) ribosome The final step in the scientific method of psychology. Dr. Amani is interested in investigating why women are more able to correctly interpret emotional expressions than men. Dr. Smith hires Jack to act as a research subject who has little motivation despite the encouragement provided to him during the experiment. Izadi is interested in studying the effect of neurological trauma on short-term memory from.... 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