It was cold. Surprised, Akaashi gave Bokuto his attention again. Reading it at 3am didn't help either because I was just crying in front of my phone screen until the sun rose. Why did he want to know his name? Akaashi shifted in his seat, now timid. "Yeah. Normally, Akaashi would have walked away that instant in order to pay Bokuto a visit, but as he neared his room, he could hear two voices coming from within. Bokuto folded his arms. He was much like Akaashi, sitting on the same side of the bed, a good distance apart from his visitor. Akaashi took an unnoticeable step back. Why the hell did this have to happen to him? He quickly got up from the bed and walked off. He pulled a mock cool expression, but this was cut short as someone else spoke up. He smiled down at him. "About three hours." "It isn't." Akaashi placed the small, white compressed lump of snow into Bokuto's palm. On occasion, one or two would land on him, and he would draw his hand in quickly to try and see if he could make out the small pattern on them. The main cause was identified as animal feed including meat and bone meal (MBM) from rendered, and in some cases infected, cows. It was cold and shook in short bursts. During the next day, Akaashi decided to stay home. "Just breathe with me.". He swallowed thick, and turned his head to stare out the window again. Bokuto kept silent. From: Bokuto (Sent July 29th at 11:56 PM). Bokuto nodded and looked up at Akaashi once again. With a heavy heart, he spoke. The both of them didn't exchange any words after that, ending the conversation just as suddenly as it had started. He was staring outside at the white clouds that shrouded the skies, mesmerized by just how colorless it made everything seem. In another life. "You were out for about an hour.". But Akaashi knew full well that such a thing wasn't possible with Bokuto's condition. He didn't look into any of the rooms. A subreddit about the volleyball manga written by Furudate Haruichi, Haikyuu!! "I guess I could find some time to talk every so often." externally i'm smiling probably because i'm trying to hide all those FEELS. Akaashi lifted his head and looked to his side. I was shouting, but no sound came out. He found some and said them without a second thought. There anymore? He stared at the ceiling. "Impossible-" He pulled apart the blinds and looked down. and inhaled with frailty. He could feel Bokuto's chin rubbing against the top of his head, like it always did. "Things happen.". It made Akaashi pity him, to say the least. Akaashi's parents were intent on having him intern in a hospital nearby, so that he could stockpile more things that would look . "Sure." Akaashi placed the box back onto the counter and huffed softly. He twisted his body to reach for the box of Pocky that sat on the counter. I'm not just some visitor, after all. This earned a gasp from him. I honestly dont know what to say Other then Im emotionally destroyed. He was nothing more than a blanket with a head. No one could hear me. He pushed the chair away and found Bokuto's side in bed. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Verffentlicht am 1. It was the only normal thing to do, considering how he was the one who was suffering from said disease. But ultimately, they would urge him to carry out the task that had been pushed on him, and one way or another, he'd do it. By the time that movie ends, it'll be six. "You don't. Bokuto inhaled all that he could. "Ha! The ending is Akaashi dreaming, but Bokuto's soul/spirit is with Akaashi in his dream, and Bokuto "found him" In another life. "So you must be leaving soon, then.". Exhaling through his nostrils, Akaashi reclaimed his seat in bed, crossing his legs. Um" He scratched at his cheek, just below his eye. I most definitely did not sob reading this. Sho is shown to be a quiet and very polite boy. Akaashi didn't know why he had this effect on him, but he did, and that was all that mattered to him. "You don't need to know." The male across from him did well in hiding the look of offense that almost surfaced upon his face. Bokuto pulled off Akaashi's jacket. Kuroo would have been concerned if not for finding out what had happened earlier that day. It was moments like these that made Akaashi realize just how much of an innocent soul Bokuto really was. He translated all that his words could not. "Yes." He forced himself to stand after some time, tapping his fingers against his pants. Strange. After three sets, there was another hit, and another cheer from the former ace. "I look Like shit, I know.". jackie robinson life and legacy. You don't look like shit." Kind of confusing, but good. Akaashi snorted softly and leaned back in his seat. He dreamt of how Bokuto had buried himself into the navy blue blanket to watch the movie that played on the laptop screen, and how he held Bokuto in his arms that night to aid him in his attempt to sleep. He must have looked it up at some point, right? I'm trying to detach myself. Akaashi stirred in bed slightly and let out a weak grunt. "I know that I'm unbearable. "I told you I had my moments every so often.". Bokuto looked up, surprised, and glanced back down at the snack in his hands. Akaashi didn't say another word afterwards. He studied the back of Bokuto's head, eying the messy strands of black and white hair that overlapped each other. He pushed Akaashi back this time. He wanted to rid himself of this feeling, rid himself of this silence, so he searched his mind in haste for any word that came to mind. But he only swallowed and kept his composure, just as he'd been doing since the day he met Bokuto. He hissed the words under his breath, openly frustrated with the situation. He's sick. Akaashi kept his eyes down. A hand tugged at his shirt weakly. "My parents are out for a month," he'd unconsciously said, causing Bokuto to go into a begging frenzy to stay over until Akaashi said yes. "When have you ever tried to make a joke? Just what kind of guy was he? "Of course." "I don't want you to visit me anymore. Though the question was asked clearly, Bokuto didn't make a sound, nor did he move. As Akaashi lay there, quiet, listening to Bokuto's strained breathing, he opened his mouth to speak. His voice was full of excitement as he proceeded to enter the name for his new contact. ", "His entire body was relaxed. Kuroo finally left the room after four minutes or so, having forgotten that he was supposed to leave in the first place. Again, if he hadn't known any better, Akaashi would have figured that Bokuto was already fast asleep. "I used to handle the cold better than this." "I don't like to see him like that, either. With barely an ounce of strength left, Bokuto pulled himself up a tad to get a better look outside. Kuroo looked at Akaashi sideways. I am weak.If anyone here has also watched, and enjoyed, the movie Cloud Atlas, then I hope this hits closer to home than usual.I really hope that whoever reads this enjoys. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. At that moment, he turned away and walked off, feeling he wouldn't be able to leave if he'd lasted one more second in the room. "Stop trying to act like this isn't such a big deal You may not think it is, but I" He paused and reached his arms out to get in another shove. Though he'd gotten thinner, his arms still had some power to them. I knew this was the most notorious/popular fic in the Haikyuu!! Bokuto's head lolled to the side, directing his attention back to the movie. At times, Akaashi would look through the conversations that he'd shared with him. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write. "By sneaking out! "I don't Want you to Watch me decay. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. "I barely ever see it." "I am. He opened it and pulled one out. Akaashi liked it when this happened. At some time while Akaashi was spacing out, the blue blanket that surrounded Bokuto had been pulled up just below his chin, with only his arm hanging out to hold onto Akaashi's hand. He left the room quickly, leaving Bokuto by his lonesome. It was Akaashi's way of letting Bokuto know that everything would be alright, and this would always comfort him, no matter the situation they were in. He reached a hand out to turn on the lamp that sat on his nightstand. Sorry for always messaging you so late. His hands squeezed tightly around the navy blue blanket that enveloped him. " Are you here to see Bokuto Koutarou?" ], [You probably fell asleep. "I feel the same about this place, honestly." The practice of. Yeah, he left the room. The disappointment in his voice was clear. Akaashi couldn't sleep, but it wasn't because of his unfamiliarity with Bokuto that caused this. Suffers panic attacks because of them. "Please, it will only take a second. He had so many things he'd wanted to do with him, so many things he'd wanted to say, but all of those things seemed to have fallen away once the moment had finally come. He held onto the IV stand with one hand and Akaashi's hand with his other as he hobbled over to the window. Sitting back, he reached a hand out and paused the movie that'd been on screen. Akaashi paused for a long moment and said nothing for a while. Akaashi yanked his hands away and stared at Bokuto. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The sound of the palm of Bokuto's hand meeting the ball sounded much like an explosion. Lying on his back, he stared at the ceiling. It shocked him as Akaashi continued. Or maybe not brooding, but more along the lines of apathetic. This time, Bokuto directed his attention to Akaashi. ", "Well, I brought it up, just as a suggestion, but then he got really excited." "Get inside." "Isn't that what humans do? His only other choice was to lie there and accept whatever it was the IV liquid had to offer him. Akaashi woke with a start that same night, his strangled shouts having pulled him from his sleep. i mean, i felt sad sure but I didn't really get the last few parts, like was it a dream, was Akaashi having a hallucination, did he die from a broken heart and that was like a vision of some of his best moments with Bokuto, etc. Pursing his lips, Akaashi let his head fall back into the pillows. "Yes.". "And that's Kenma for you" Kuroo groaned as he repositioned himself in bed, and then he smiled. "I understand, but I still have to go." Akaashi swiped and unlocked his phone with trembling hands. "I would hope so." I hardly could read because of the tears in my eyes, everything was blurry. "Do you want to watch a movie?". Akaashi twisted his lips to the side and decided to bring up something else. ], [No, more like the clichd kind, where you sit up in bed in a cold sweat. I'm not quite sure if he dies from a heartbreak or not though, trying to find that out for myself. In its latest offering, 'Another Life', it has 'Battlestar Galactica' star, Katee Sackhoff, play the role of a woman who leads a team of astronauts into deep space to discover the . He took in a slow, deep breath and closed his eyes, and his eyebrows knit together for only a second. Bokuto's spirits fell, his frown deep. ", Bokuto stared at Akaashi. "Are you here every day?". Akaashi reached his hand up to rub the back of his neck roughly, administering a feeling of discomfort to one area in order to ignore the pain that threatened to swallow his heart. "I used to have some insane dreams, too. ", Silently, the dark haired male frowned. Bokuto's hallucinations had become such a part of him, that he thought the snow outside was just another mind trick. "Good night." ", A laugh escaped Bokuto, the sound curling his lips into a smile. Bokuto doesn't do well with those", "Ah" Kuroo looked at the ceiling, as if he would be able to see the clouds from there. He feared that if he did, he wouldn't be able to keep his emotions at bay. He felt his heart rate accelerate, and his throat tightened as his vision blurred. Maybe taking him outside for a while would do him some good. It seemed that, after finally hearing his pent up thoughts aloud, they had frayed his nerves more than he thought they would. His breathing evened out and in no time, he could feel himself slipping, slowly, into the warm grasp of sleep, unable to resist. From the background of the video, a low voice could be heard. Kuroo rubbed the lower part of his face with his hand. Bokuto resisted, standing firm in place. I really have to go.". All he cared about was the fact that Bokuto Koutarou was still there. "Five weeks ago, he was in shambles. Even if it's just a little bit." Akaashi watched closely as Bokuto mouthed and typed the name. Akaashi cocked his head back to demonstrate this, with his finger tapping his chin. He would have to close Bokuto's blinds and take his mind off of it somehow. The same thing happened to him some two and a half months ago. Often times, however, Akaashi would disagree with his parents, unhappy with the suggestions they'd given him. He smiled in Akaashi's direction, bright yellow eyes catching his own. this is seriously the most depressing thing in the world. Akaashi went straight into the reading. The various identities control a person's behavior at different times. In minutes, the information desk was in his sights, and for the first time in forever, he'd actually gone to it. Akaashi's asked in a leveled tone. He was obviously tired, showing signs of exhaustion with every small move he made. He'd be furious with everyone in there, and he knew that the same pain burned within Akaashi, too. Akaashi felt his heart sink to his stomach. I didn't hear what you said" Kenma looked up and was greeted with a front facing camera. The sound of rain pelting hard against the window snapped Akaashi back into reality. Akaashi knew that running probably wasn't the best thing that he should have been doing, but he said nothing about it. "Don't talk like you're not one". I haven't gone outside in days." Bokuto followed briskly. Long time.". "I don't Know much about this Disease. The nickname popped into Akaashi's head for a brief second. It almost sounded as if Bokuto were talking to himself. "I'm Holding it now.". He repeated the same phrase, finding that it was difficult to search for words at the time. An 'It's alright,' could be heard from behind him, but it soon faded as Akaashi continued forward. This book was absolutely fantabulous. "Alright." They settled there, deeming Bokuto one of them for the remainder of their frozen lives before they eventually melted or fell away. Kuroo made a grunting noise and had nothing more to say on the subject. Kuroo panned the phone to his side, and a blurred Kenma came into focus on screen. "What are you doing? He re-read 'Sleep well, Akaashi!' Once it did, Akaashi was greeted with a, "Hello?". From: Kuroo (Sent January 31st at 2:25 PM), [Things could be better. "I'm sorry. Blatantly, he thanked her, and continued on his way, passing by several rooms as he did so. At other times, he would just tell him things that were on his mind. "I thought you were waiting for the snow. He leaned his chin against the palm of his hand and chortled. "Akaashi?" He entered his number swiftly, and then handed the phone to Bokuto, the name section empty. Another person walked by at a gradual pace at first, then slowed progressively as they drew near. Akaashi watched Bokuto, mesmerized by his actions. This was so so sad, I cried at the end. He couldn't sleep because of his honest fascination with him. "Goodbye.". He returned Bokuto's gaze, then looked down quickly afterwards. rockin' the west coast prayer group; easy bulky sweater knitting pattern. Their walking then slowed to a halt, and it was then that Akaashi had become aware of the new individual who'd invaded his personal space. [Verse 2 . He just hoped that the night wouldn't bring him any malevolent dreams. "Hey- hey!" Mustering a weak nod, Bokuto's lips curled at the sides just a bit more. ", "Don't think so. "So, how was it, watching the movie for the thousandth time?" "Shit- shit." "You've been shivering. He looked at the message Bokuto had sent him the night before. He ascended those familiar steps, said hello to the familiar faces, and rounded that familiar corner that he knew would lead him to Bokuto's room. The disembodied voice came from off screen. DID is usually caused by past trauma. He swallowed thickly. He pressed pause on his PSP and tapped one end of it against his open palm. He needed something anything to say to Bokuto, just so that he could liberate himself of the horrid feeling that threatened to overtake him. "I was drowning." Been here for about Four weeks now." Was he just playing the fool after all? He wanted nothing more than to push him away, throw away the forms, and never set foot into that hospital again, but for some strange and irritating reason, Akaashi found it difficult to deny Bokuto. "Me too" Bokuto's eyes never left Akaashi. Not after this. He didn't care, nor did he think he would care in the near future. He sighed. He found himself unable to say anything else, figuring that Bokuto wouldn't have anything to say either, but he was wrong. The black haired male looked up from his hands. Akaashi remained in his faux sleeping position, feeling that it would take much more of an effort for him to open his eyes and check around than to stay dormant. Tired, but awake. "The gymnasium's about ten minutes that way." The answer came so much more quickly than Kuroo thought it would. FFI?" "Was he ever fond of them? Imagine the looks on their faces when they see me coming in from the outside. It was his attempt at brightening the mood, or "being funny," as some called it, but alas, his words had fallen flat on the ground as he received another silent reply from Bokuto. To this, Bokuto's arm fell and rested lightly on his stomach. Akaashi took a glance out the window, only to instantly throw on his clothes and toss his bag over his shoulders. He flinched and pulled his hand away to stare at the screen. He intended on closing his eyes and falling asleep for real afterwards, but after having felt his mattress shake for the fourth time, he opened his eyes. He spoke to Akaashi as if he hadn't had a friend to text in years. Akaashi could feel Bokuto's enthusiasm through his text messages. His hand took Bokuto's own, and he held it gently. Akaashi drew in a breath, but found that he couldn't say anything. "Keep in touch, Akaashi.". He jogged downstairs, slipped his shoes on, and was out the door in seconds, making his way down the familiar route to the hospital. He couldn't feel it. I never asked to be emotionally destroyed . "He's a bit more of An ass, to say the least." "One, maybe two months at most, if I'm lucky. "It's nice to meet you, Kozume. Devastation weighed down on Akaashi in that instant. All he could do was stare at the melancholic performance that played out before him. He did not give Akaashi time to voice his guess as he then moved his finger to point at his eye, then finally at Akaashi. He furrowed his brow and exhaled heavily, his eyes looking down. He almost didn't want to come today, either. "You seem to have grown more attached to that Pocky stick than me". He stared at him intently and watched every move he made, to the point where this had captured Akaashi's attention. He reached into his pocket to fish out his phone, and pushed call on one of his contacts. Show him a movie or play a game with him that would result in him to calm down quickly. "Fatal Familial Insomnia? With much effort, he sat up to look at Bokuto. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. He kept his eyes half-lidded and his movements reserved, clinging onto the false hope that Bokuto wasn't moving because he didn't want to wake him. It's why I didn't want to come along. "Didn't that come off as remotely funny? "Likewise.". It doesn't make any sense.". I'm", "Don't." That toss was perfect!" Despite this, Akaashi did not miss the look of slight nervousness that claimed Bokuto's features. ", Akaashi clenched his jaw behind a mildly irritated face. Do something Akaashi closed his mouth and swallowed. He zipped his jacket up to shield himself from the harsh winds that came his way and advanced forward. This entire past month hasn't been any different for him, though. Anything is fine." Akaashi sat cross legged in the seat adjacent to Bokuto's bed. Just then, Akaashi's lips parted in realization. Bokuto's laughter died down and he closed his eyes. Bokuto was such a strange one. He looked around in weary haste, but calmed quickly once his memory had returned to him. He could only watch as those tears fell at a faster pace, down onto his hospital gown and onto the floor. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I can.. B-arely speak. But for what it's worth, my name is Bokuto.". Healthy. Still, he continued to talk. He sat at home in bed, with a snug fitting shirt on and his hair an absolute mess. He wanted to know if it was real or not. Bokuto moved closer to where Akaashi was standing, all the while still sitting in bed. All he could do was watch in muted anguish as Bokuto finally accepted what had become of his short lived life. He then tossed it to Bokuto once he was close enough. "Okay." sutton united average attendance; It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. What normally would have pained someone to say, he delivered with ease, and with that same grin to boot. Kuroo's the heavier one. Storms trigger them.". Realizing this, Akaashi decided to take action instead and reach out to comfort him, but not even this he could do. If you love sci-fi shows, then there is one thing you have in common with Netflix.In the plethora of content that it releases every month, the streaming service seems especially invested in the sci-fi genre. Bokuto gave him a look that could only be read as, "I am, aren't I?". If there was one thing that Akaashi had learned about Bokuto in the little time that he'd known him, it was that he wasn't too fond of staying locked up indoors. And at such an early damn age, too?" Whole. That he wasn't another one of those illusions his mind would create. I know a gymnasium we can go to], [Is that too long a wait? The words were barely a whisper, and they came without warning. Or maybe January? Akaashi followed after knowing that Kenma was nearby. ], [I know! "Yeah. "That was when he learned about the disease. ", Akaashi looked down. He stared down at the screen, his brow furrowing slightly. Why do I let him do this? Akaashi would also murmur quiet things to him from time to time, to keep up a small, often one sided conversation.
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