!t.me/USPatriots. I pray it will iv been praying this would be exposed I pray all CPS lies come out amen. We exist to rescue childrenfromsex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Its about us showing them we do not fear them. We are all responsible for every one of these Children. Barnen, droger, pengar. Its about us. God is hearing the prayers of His saints who are crying out to Him to free every single enslaved child - and to bring swift justice upon every single person involved in this hellacious crime (Matthew 10:26; 18:3-10). 2100 CAGED KiDS IN TUNNELS RESCUED BY U.S MARINES IN CALIFORNIA. The SEALs, he added, captured the crew and ferried them ashore (to an unknown location) aboard a U.S. Navy MK5 Special Operations Craft, and took the children into protective custody for medical treatment and identification. What???? If there really was a "secret operation", what would that imply? An article about kids held underground, published in BeforeItsNews.com, also describes in vivid terms the condition of children allegedly used for adrenochrome ceremonies: Traumatized children, some of whom have never seen the light of day, pregnant preteens, deformed babies, piles of little corpses whose bodies were apparently used for organ harvesting, children locked in cages, electro-shocked and traumatized in order to harvest their blood - Adrenochrome for the elites to drink - were being carried out of the tunnels by Marines. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. They are said to be in very bad condition. Du m vre innlogget for kunne kommentere. YES YES YES YES YES YES .any Questions? That means there sfe breeders involved. Recent earthquakes have been caused by the military blowing up Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) so they couldn't be used again. this is about to be Mainstream, but the Media is quiet on this. He has been targeted for a decade. Thank you Yullie & God bless you with the love you have. Over 35,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children have been reported rescued or found deceased in underground tunnels beneath large US cities including one beneath New York Central Park, "with more coming" according to reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on 3 April. Its horrible. Navy Seals and U.S. Marines RESCUE 2,100 CHILDREN from California underground bases . Drfr tror inte folk det r sant.Carminda visste, de flesta sitter bara som jag uppfattade det och gnller p regeringen hit och dit. What an honor to be you! I pray for the children. Navy Seals and U.S. Marines Rescue 2,100 Children From California Underground Bases Amy Dawson Timothy Charles Holmseth, Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, reports Navy Seals and U.S. Marines rescued 2,100 children from underground bases and bunkers in California. COD To Do List: Add Worldbuilding:-FATES/Fatalist Germany-Polish Underground State-Swiss Bunker State-Venusian Cities (French Venusians . And us! Please tell me how I can do this. The medical supplies are for the children. Don't forget this is global, these tunnels exist all over the world and there are thousands of children if not hundreds of thousands trapped. by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 19, 2019 at 4:02 P.M. All of President Trumps Executive Actions regarding human trafficking, serious human rights abuses, and organized crime are about to make sense. Still CPS is using those false charges against us. Will the perps be prosecuted? Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children from tunnels beneath New York Citys Central Park and other unnamed U.S. cities. The new soft robot inspired by the biology of earthworms is able to crawl thanks to soft actuators that elongate or squeeze, when air passes through them or is drawn out. And yet, putting the pieces of the puzzle together, it seems plausible. God bless all those involved in the rescue. Join the free Brighteon email newsletter. I have been alternative praying, bawling and praising God that these precious lives have been lifted out of pure evil darkness. The claims were made in a video recorded by a Canadian who also recently called U.S. Vice President Mike Pence "a monster" in a post where he shared another video accusing Pence of kidnapping, raping, and murdering dozens of children. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or Send e-post: post@geoingeneering-norway.org. We love them with all our hearts. Not sure where to turn. We want to get symbols of comfort to them such as teddy bears; or anything like this- We want to help them. We saved a place for you to receive our weekly newsletter. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. Just HOW could this be possible? I vf would like to know what your thoughts are in regard to COVID19 and this Huge undertaking of the worlds evil human traffickers Resque your children. Bless these children with supernatural healings. God Is Mighty and so are his Warriors!! How difficult would it be to keep an operation this size a secret? In American, over 800,000 children per year go missing. The people involved even ADMIT they kidnapped her, but it so doesnt matter, not even to truthers. My Prayers go out to these kids & we owe it to them to be known whats happened to them.. Thats a big reason [Trump] is putting up the wall. Detta r vad Trump slss fr och r The SwampDet hnger ihop Han skrev order p detta ! Thank you for sharing this report, Timothy. They did this stuff in the middle of the night, Pentagon 1 said. Det r grundbulten. Your Choice to Know ! On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. There is ONE MAN between Timothy Holmseth and President Trump. Its my guess that the virus was created and spread by the bad guys to crash the economy and disgrace President Trump. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their adrenaline. Watch documentaries the techno-fascists don't want you to know even exist. This rumor travels solely by word of mouth. Just know the MSM is lying ENTIRELY about the virus but for a good reason, for once! Put in your phone number below to subscribe! and medicated? He added, "A lot of you are going to lose your minds cuz everything has been subverted, your government, your education, your medical mafia, everything.". How can anyone sleep knowing and not helping. The only people even aware of this guy are people that truly dig and dont buy all the bullshit we are seeing left and right on youtube and everywhere else on the internet. Thanks for all you do, ive been following you for a while now, thank the lord for you..Im from ND, hope the people in grand forks also get arrested for harasseing you. Pentagon 1 said the number increased from some 3,000 children to 35,000 and advised there is more coming. Media outlets in NYC have no reports of rescues. "It's going to break your hearts when you see all of these child victims." There could be up to 5 million children freed from the underground tunnels, he said. There is no photographic, video or audio evidence of any rescues. Wow. I don't want to go into the adrenochrome - that's all going to come out.". Some evidence that this is actually taking place, though, would be most welcome and reassuring. Bigger than you can imagine. I should have said 30 years, instead of 20. What would help? Xd but yes if children are being saved this is huge. What We Do Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) The pipeline. Who is responsible for murder of millions of innocent Joe? Navy SEALs on Tuesday launched a predawn raid on one of the hundreds of cargo vessels, a Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier called the Morning Star, anchored off Long Beach, California, and rescued 200 foreign children who had been imprisoned in a decrepit cargo hold, said a military adjunct under promise of anonymity. Providing Christ-centered, Scripture-rich communications and resources to feed, nourish, to edify, comfort, instruct, and equip Christs disciples in His perfect ways given us in His perfect Word (Psalms 119:105; Ephesians 4:11-12). This is the first Ive heard about this, and youve been praying about it almost 20 years?? That is absolute B.S. Gita Smithcovered news for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Montgomery Advertiser, and she wrote/edited medical newsletters for American Health Consultants at the dawn of the AIDS epidemic when clear, factual information was as needed. God Speed. In the video, Kevin Dunn sat in his car, smoking cigarettes and ranting nonsensical conspiracy myths that included the claim that President Trump has teamed with President Putin. Your royal families, your politicians, your famous music artists, your favorite Hollywood heroes are the predators Because the people that are responsible for these atrocities are people we vote to put in power, people we idolize in the movie or music industry.". davidnv General Discussion. Underground tunnels and systems for trafficking children - Rabi Alon Anava Bitchute 2022-06-20, 13:00. !tears of sadness n joy! Free fishing break, come on down! CREATED BY MOUTHY BUDDHA MIRRORhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/tV9dj8LD7CiE/. Learn more about the alliance here. He is an FBI witness in a national profile kidnapping case. There is no evidence to back the claim that 35,000 malnourished and caged children were recently rescued from tunnels in New York and other U.S. cities by military personnel. The October 2018 incident Dunn refers to has Lohan accusing a homeless couple of trafficking their children. https://draft.blogger.com/video.g?token=AD6v5dyP0SPRLs_za7vOum9QvnIbpBaoZQzzJp3KgrTWZJUPpeQBWav8u4OlVMQ-sk5okFx2mFMKRCoNSqdj8sNIHxBRls_Be2PXWbtdhOBgcMAgnVfLH64bpOaPkTu2x8BmV_JLd-F2Gene Decode. They are being cared for on the Naval medical ships. When it is made public, you can bet there will be April Showers. I cannot imagine being able to keep the rescue of 35,000 children secret! In that case there are several more things to consider: See who is sharing it (it might even be your friends) and leave the link in the comments. We will all have a fresh start in life. Realized by researchers at Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa Italy. That was the military telling PG&E to shut the power down they got to go in in the dark. Today in my suggested videos was this video. He alludes to the "hanging of Obama.". Dear God send Angels on assignment to comfort the children and their families and the workers who are caring for their needs. I cant imagine this has happened yet! No images have been released. Timothy Charles Holmseth is a former award-winning news reporter with the North Dakota Newspaper Association. Do you need a new Bible or Christian Gifts? As such we prayerfully rely on the support of our readers/listeners. Why do you think PG&E shut the power off? I was sent pictures of some of the tunnels and children in those tunnels. We need help fast but not sure what to do. ?I am so very Proud of all our Brave Men and Women who Saved them putting it all on the Line!!! 35,000 kids rescued from captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington April 3, 2020 Timothy Holmseth by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 3, 2020 at 5:25 P.M. I will take a few of them and give them a home full of love. Petty Officer Saman Gunan, 38, was a retired Thai navy diver who volunteered in the rescue efforts. I am now reporting many of the children rescued by the U.S. Marines came from Child Protective Services (CPS). 35,000 kids rescued from captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington, JACOB WETTERLING SACRIFICE EYEWITNESS RECORDING. The hundreds of thousands will be from people fighting arrests as well as children not healing. DEWINE & STATE OF OHIO], Broward County, Florida and Stearns County, Minnesota the WORST for Satanic child sex trafficking Timothy Charles Holmseth, U.S. CONGRESS HAS RECEIVED JESSIE MARIE CZEBOTARS PETITION TO APPEAR AND TESTIFY [READ IT HERE]. Our President Trump GOD blessed you. First Isreal & Jerusalem now the children. 2100 Caged Children Liberated and Saved by U.S Marines and Navy Seals from DeepState owned Underground Bases in California ! : Lead Stories is working with the CoronaVirusFacts/DatosCoronaVirus Alliance, a coalition of more than 100 fact-checkers who are fighting misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. I hear their cries. This is a film you wont want to miss, and Ill have a formal review of this epic closer to the release date. Tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the tens of thousands have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Asia and across Europe. It is too horrific. It is uncertain whether the SEALs knew precisely where the children were held on the ship or if they obtained intelligence through interrogations, but they found 200 emaciated children of different nationalities in an expansive cargo hold below decks. I thought they used them in sex trafficking. Thank you for all of this! On Wed., Oct. 16, 2019, the first American Navy Seal and US Marine rescue of 2,100 children was found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. This has been planned for the last 20 yrs, big names are going down for this , wait and see. Denne nettsiden bruker informasjonskapsler. I knew that when they would start bring the children out of those deep underground prisons that even the strongest and toughest of warriors would be sickened and dismayed by the appearance of these innocent lambs who had been tortured and slaughtered for the Cabals Godless rituals. Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. Then, put on your seatbelt and add: Making Peace with God Now, Before its too Late |Jesus is the Light. Of course not. Some of these kids were bred and born underground and dont know any different. ***If you want to be informed beyond your wildest imagination at whats really going on, do this:Download the TeleGram app. A Facebook post shared . The UN in New York and Century City in LA, both under control of the Council of Foreign Relations, were known breeding grounds for avowed Satanists who practiced Child Sacrifice.Charlie Ward, a professional gold mover for the US Treasury who had been in a couple of the tunnels, said, The child rescue operations have moved in earnest in Nevada what was amazing is that everyone was thinking Las Vegas would be the horror show of horror shows there was a horror show but it was Reno underneath Reno they could not believe the tunnels underneath the groundContinues Child Rescue out of Underground Tunnels Across the Globe.Military Continues Child Rescue Out Of Underground Tunnels Across The Globehttps://darkoutpost.com/satanism/military-continues-child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels-across-the-globe/https://goodcheeba.blogspot.com/2020/09/child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels.htmlGeneral Flynns sister, Mary, interviews with a 20 yr USAF Veteran to expose the child trafficking of American children through the corrupted CPS/Family Court System!https://rumble.com/vcx2et-warning-they-want-your-children-too.htmlTHE BLACK MASONIC EYE OF HORUS IS CONNECTED TO ADRENOCHROME AND CHILD-CIDE (GENOCIDE)https://www.bitchute.com/video/QBRYxbwiq4MM/THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK THE SHACKLEFORD LEAKS EPSTEINS MASONIC TEMPLEhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/aOuIq46C6gzF/There are new updates to the operation to rescue children from the tunnels under the White House, Epstein escapes, and new intell on Assassination attempt:https://rumble.com/vdph85-rescued-children.-white-house-epstein-tunnels-assassination-attempt.htmlAccording to the UN, Sweden have the worlds largest DUMB. Child Lives Matter All Pedophiles need to Answer for their heinous crimes! The U.S. and Russian militaries were "taking out the head" of an octopus-like organization of satanic pedophiles that has ruled the world for three generations. The Australian military recently discovered over 300,000 tortured children in underground Melbourne tunnels and it was estimated that in the next couple of weeks, over a million children would be brought out of a network that circled beneath Australia. And watch his videos though he doesnt like Trump, but I think this will change when learning whats taking place now.. I cannot show those pics. Been so worried about the children, and couldnt care less about the virus. 1000s of tortured, traumatised, feral children. A spokesperson for the New York Police Department told Reuters via phone also said that they were not aware of the alleged rescue reported in the claim. It is a good idea to be posting this now? The deep state is sick and twisted. "The children are being released as we speak, you're going to have thousands of nurses telling the story," Dunn said. There all in base hospitals. This is a poem that was given to me. When will this information become more then just a rumor? The video posted as confirmed didnt really confirm anything. Heres some interesting correlations Take a peak and understand the status of the world we live in! Alas, the SEALs also recovered the bodies of 12 dead children, our source added. 2,100 plus the ones that were freed a while back is a great damn start though. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Where are they? Lets rescue these children. These are Your children both in the womb and out of the womb, IN JESUS NAME, amen! Timothy Holmseth is the only reporter authorized to report original content for the PPTF. There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers. Well, reality is NOT what you think it is Prepare yourself for the incredible TRUTH http://theantibeast777.angelfire.com/Sub-Aquatic-Labyrinth.html. US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving children from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building in Washington DC on Fri. 29 Jan. Ice cream and Pasta with Red Sauce, ok then we know (see video below). For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. How? Nearly 4.8 million Ukrainian children have been displaced amid the Russian invasion, but some online claim the attack is a "special operation" to help save their lives. Although, deeper tunnels were found to exist that were ancient in origin. Todd. I could hardly believe this number of 35,000 kids snatched away and made to live miserable lives. 2,100 CHILDREN. Americans we need to rally and back up our President and let him know were all thankful for him. The children were believed to have been abused . K.Garca. No details at all? He said the operation would be concluded in two weeks. Please if you are able to help me understand whether COVID19 is coincidence or was this all planned for this time? I initially reported the conditions in which the children were held was hell on earth of Biblical proportions. I feel pain! CA is special. I hope they broadcast his execution all over the Earth. Many of us are more worried about the children than the virus. According to the Tucson Police Department, the group stumbled onto private. How amazing. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Credit: IIT-stituto Italiano di Tecnologia Researchers at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT-Italian Institute [] Where are they? The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force will continue to monitor the situation regarding Sheriff Nancy Hove and the Pierce County Sheriffs Office that is now being accused of kidnapping and Treason by many online. The childrens ages are anywhere from three to seventeen, Pentagon 1 said. I also reported there were five sites where children were rescued from underground bunkers. Timothy Holmseths Pentagon source meets directly with the President. On Sun. Mike Pence will not be the next vice president. Whenever you see a story online about children being rescued from some vile and evil conspiracy, here are some questions you should be asking yourself: How does this particular story stack up against these questions? Fick mrda barn sjlv nr hon var barn. We are all responsible for these Precious Children, Our nation must now come together as one caring body, once and for all, Our beloved President Trump is showing us the way. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. The Canadian total of missing child reports is 40,425 for last year, according to the Missing Children Society of Canada. Im so happy I want to drive everywhere honking and waving our great flag! What would be worse than that? praying for you and your family to be protected by the lord and please be safe. Just knowing that there is great progress being made is a real Godsend. Yes it will!! There was tremendous amount of emotion there, Pentagon 1 said. Its about the 22,000 children that go missing every day on Earth. It is beyond the truth what president said about these guys involved. Ive read many replies of orhers who are with you. CHILD I TRIED TO HELP YOU I TRIED SO HARD! I imagine although yes this guy is just a reporter, he is probably very busy trying to get the details. Establishing and confirming divine truth (Gods written Word) in His saints, for their edification and equipping, and preaching the convicting Law and saving Gospel to lost souls. Sounds like an act of God to me! INFILTRATED 'THE FINDERS' & EPSTEIN JSOC ONE MAN AWAY FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP. I await the word that they have been rescued and safe, and healing! Thousands of cages housed little children from ceiling to floor. Are they really found? I found you by accident today. 6 Sept. a huge tunnel in the Philippines was destroyed accompanied by an earthquake.The infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epsteins sidekick Ghislaine Maxwell has been testifying in order to save her own life, against global government leaders, royals and corporate heads involved in the global tunnel network. A movement also known as Q is presented, and their soul desire is to bring light to the darkness.. We have an army of Digital Soldiers.. -Q. (Matthew 18:10). 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Come out amen million children freed from the underground tunnels running beneath us Cities matter, not to. And made to live miserable lives for him more coming the `` hanging 2,100 children rescued from underground Obama..! You to receive our weekly newsletter reported the military blew the bunkers up so they 2,100 children rescued from underground never be again...