My dad found tracks and no, not bear, but cat, on our farm in that area and residents have reported seening a pair crossing just a few miles from where dad saw tracks. I just saw a photograph of one today that is EASILY 150-200 lbs. Due to an abuse of hunting privileges, the species was completely wiped out. I thought it was a bear at first, until I saw its long thick tail. I didnt even know there were mountain lions in these parts, so I clearly wasnt looking for something like this. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Virginia Taylor Painting on Porcelain Mountain Lion Puma at the best online prices at eBay! It is only a matter of time before the California picture in this blog post is sent back to us as proof of mountain lions in Virginia. It Had a very long tail, and had a light brown coloring with black spots. Some of the Forest Service questioned whether or not it was just a wild cat. Originally, mountain lions lived across the entire continent of North America. From a Biologists point of view, of COURSE cougars inhabit the Eastern United States..with all the sightings over the last 20 years, thats a given. Tracks found near Holy Cross Monestery in Clarke Co, Va have been identified as a cougar by a USDA zoologist. She stated that she had previously spotted one on I 40 while crossing the Cumberland Mtns. Then 20 miles later at mile 183 at about 2:25 AM I saw a much larger cat on the left side of southbound 81 where there was no guard rail. We then came upon a very recent deer kill within 20 yards of the sighting. So, I had the opportunity to help raise beautiful, and playful ( they acted just like any kitten would! I HAVE HEARD OF AN OLD WOMAN THAT HAD A DOBERMAN THAT STAYED ON HER BACK PORCH NEAR ROCKINGHAM CO NC. A couple of sightings involved captive . When rounding the corner in the driveway, my headlights illuminated a light reddish brown cat in a sitting position looking toward my house. I told everyone the next day what I had seen and I was told there no big cats here any more. "I never say never about these things, it's certainly possible," Fies said. I myself saw 2 big black cats with a tawny one run out of an abandoned barn back in the late 1970s in upstate NY. I've seen them quite often. I see cats and cat signs pretty regularly where I live now, but have never heard this sound again. The West Virginia Wildlife Center . Look up the story of Rocky the African serval- an escaped pet that roams Virginia to this day I believe. Other interests include hiking, songwriting, and spending time in the mountains. The West Virginia Wildlife Center is open to the public seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It lived across the cove form us, and it would scream out at night sometimes, so loud that chills ran down our spines. The print is about 3 1/2 x 4 inches with 4 distinct toes no nails. For anyone that has seen a cougar in the East or would like to support or be involved in their return then jointing ECF is only logical. Everyone we have spoken with today said it couldnt be true but my dad (a hunter all his life) and mom both saw its full near silhouette (nearing dusk) in the curve of a road just ahead of them before it disappeared and said it was the size, maybe just a tad bit smaller than my golden retriever (80 lbs) and its tail was as long as its body was and made a point to say it was a cats tail in shape, curving down at the base & up in a slope. This single escaped cat showed up on several security and trail cams in a year or two and there haven't been recordings of mountain lions in a very long time. Also 16-20 at the shoulder seems short for 120lbs. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of "Hiking Idaho." Human expansion and economic progress have driven natural predators out of Virginia, giving the deer free rein. I was backpacking on the tuscarours trail and set up camp right after the overall run connector. that is huge for a coyote and could easily be mistaken for a wolf. I see no reason to question them. They were all shiny black with long tails. They yelled back at me, got a little closer, and seemingly vanished into the valley after I heard the uncanny Mountain Lion yell. It was just too big to be a bobcat nor did it have bobcat coloring. Currently, there is only one species of wild cat that lives in Virginia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. No other vehicles were immediately around me. We have spotted a mother black bear and cub over by the damn while hiking, scary sight but very awsome. Thank you for reading! To learn more about "lion country" in Colorado check here. It took another 3 minutes or so before all the fogs quieted down. He got up and armed with only a flashlight he ventured outside to see why the horses were so restless and upset. He saw the cougar on March 10, 2015 while working in the field near Vida, Oregon.". ", Yellowstone bison are a globally unique animal. It moved with grace and without sound. If the cougars are released pets they still will have the survival instincts which make them difficult to have as pets. It is the timeline that is in dispute. It was headed north. I looked out the passenger side window just as my mom noticed it out her window. Speaking of coyotes, has anyone near the Thaxton, Montvale, Blue Ridge area of Virginia seen them nearby? We never saw it again. Spotted a large cat we think- on Squirrel Spur Road the new section about 8-10 miles south of Meadows of Dan. Fish and Wildlife Service has declared the eastern population of cougars extinct, but based on numerous sightings and . "He was only 10 weeks old when he came here," said Mark . The numerous Panther Knobs and Panther Runs found across the state provide evidence of this animal's wide presence and its influence on the minds of early Mountaineers. I also had NO idea they lived in that area, so close to my home :). It almost took the tail of the cat as long to pass from my view and did the body. Many people keep cougars/pumas/mountain lions as pets. This. So about three blocks from my turn onto our road I spotted Eye shine crossing in front of our car. We saw the first one on route 610 (Busted Rock Road) just southeast of Vesta. It was about 11:30 PM and I was driving an Austin Healy Bugeyed Sprite. I work with someone who says that on his familys farm in Virginia (not sure exactly where, but can find out) he said there are wolves. I couldnt find any paw prints. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Officially, mountain lions have not been seen in Virginia since 1970. People always had a story to tell about seeing one or hearing one whenever they were in the woods, and claimed the government was turning a blind eye to their reports. Its not really realistic to think that they have a chance to survive very well in Virginia currently. Michael said. " Could it have been one of those? A southern cousin of the lynx, the bobcat (Lynx rufus rufus) is the only "wildcat" in Virginia. #1. In reply to Sharon if you can give more details on date of kill and on the location of the road kill at Buchannan, Virginia I would look for remains or inquire if VDOT made any report of it as they may have picked it up off the road. Motion-sensitive infrared cameras have been deployed near Appalachian Trail to try to determine whether cougars are back. Scientific reports one claimed that the Florida Panther was an obligate forest species and used lands only within 100 yards of forests. Reading these stories and seeing a documentry (Monsterquest) only confirms that there is definitely something out there. In October & November of 2007, my dogs got to barking. It screeched really loud. They are back folks here in North Western Virginia, if they ever totally went away at all. Thank you! Even though the WV DNR says there are no wild mountain lions in the state, there are some held in captivity at the West Virginia Wildlife Center in French Creek. I sat, played my guitar for an hour. We have for several years seen small ones around. It seems common knowledge of all the cats that roam the mountains along the Potomac River in West Virginia. It was tan and had short ears. Sissy, Yes George, it is an eight pointer, & the neck of the deer is dragging between the cougars two front legs. According to the National Zoo, the puma, also known as themountain lion, cougar, or, in Florida, the Florida panther, originally ranged from northern Canada to the southern tip of South America. I was on another random Parkway journey, like always. lions do not inhabit the Virginia mountains. Want to see the pics? He said he had called the county animal control and they told him he must have seen a bob cat as no mountain lions were still in our area. Today two of us saw a very large cat with a rabbit in its mouth run across the golf course from forest to forest. Four of us in Gladstone, VA (central Virginia between Lynchburg and Charlottesville) have seen black mountain lions (cougar, panther, whatever) on 4 seperate occasions. 1:00. Mountain lions are definitely coming to Virginia. Finetune Your Skills in Patrick County, Va. Thankfully we were vindicated by a clear trail cam sighting a couple years later. She was certain of the species but said it moved very slowly and appeared to be thin and weak. I know for a fact that Mountain Lions inhabit my area! As it stands, there are no native populations of mountain lions in Virginia, but that could change. I don't think we're real close to that.". I quit taking my solo walks in the woods after that!!!!!Leen. In 2018, the Federal agency removed the Eastern Cougar from that list, though the Florida panther remained on it. They have been absent from this state since the late 1800s; however, there have been a few isolated sightings. The population of cougars west of the Mississippi River was large enough that it was not listed. Both went into the woods without any fuss. On Saturday, Sept 28, 2008, at 7:20am, I was on my way to Warrenton from Midland (7 miles southeast of Warrenton). I have hiked almost all 850 miles of trails, stayed at most of the backcountry campsites, and have spent many nights wandering around those hills looking for nocturnal mammals. Does anyone want to speculate about the Appalachians being populated by African Lions? Several years later one of our neighbors was awakened by a commotion in the barn. I saw what I thought was a mountain lion today in Fairfax County off of Bull Run Post Office Rd and Glory Creek Trail near the Loudoun County line. I don't believe any mountain lions are here. Others have confused the Eastern mountain lion with coyotes, bobcats, or even deer. Lots of fawns this year. Its ribs were showing like it hadnt been well nourished in a while. Probably 10s of thousands across the Appalachian regions of the state. Once they described an animal that was nearly the same color as a deer but knew it couldnt be because it had a long tail. There are still two other sub . Mountain lions are now fairly common in suburban areas of California and have recently been sighted as far east as urban Kansas City, Missouri, where several have been hit by cars. Ok, me again. Looked like a red wolf though and we got a good look as it crossed the road in front of us on our way down the mountain (driving) in full daylight. This could cause an issue because they could go after livestock and cause problems for humans. I now live on the Tennessee end of South Holston Lake and while driving near Friendship Boatdock near Rte. Everyone in the car was amazed at what we saw, and have since gone back hoping to see it again. 21 years ago Nancy Hugo published an article in Virginia Wildlife Feb 1987. The deer have been congregating down there. Fish and Wildlife Service removed eastern subspecies of cougars from the endangered species list last year and declared them extinct. Mountain Lion. Is this thread for real? I got to see 4 coyotes run down a mature doe and brutaly slaughter her. Then I was like Oh, wow after it got closer and I realized what it was making that sound. Colorado and California have the highest estimated populations of mountain lions in the United States. It wasnt a very old cat, and Im pretty sure it wasnt fully grown. Large aggressive alpha predator spotted in Central Virginia near Fredericksburg on july, 17 2018 Bobcats, yellow labs, and feral house cats are all common culprits for mountain lion mis . 150 yards in front of us travelling east. I saw one questionable critter a few years ago but I cant say 100% it was a lion. The U.S. Theres no guarantee that cougars trekking from South Dakota will stick around, or that the female in Tennessee will have kittens. Does it follow a path through the woods like a deer sometimes does?? It was not afraid of the dog at all, it walked back up in the woods and paced back in forth on a log. I should have said that I think I may have seen one myself. I didnt think any more of it until we had our coyote visitor but now shes certain what she saw was a little of coyote pups. All the territories are basically taken up so they have to go somewhere else, and somewhere else happens to be the Midwest.. . Today is Sept. 29, 2008. So they say Mt. It took off as the car got closerI have never ever seen anything like that in my life! Their conclusion: "Sir, you don't have a mountain lion.". Mountain Lions and Their Historic Range in West Virginia. If I knew how, Id post the picture here. The Concord Mountain Lions are the athletic teams that represent Concord University, located in Athens, West Virginia, in NCAA Division II intercollegiate sports. If some one ask if there are lions in Danville, Va tell them hell yes! A mountain lion photo has been circulating on social media for more than a year, claiming people have seen mountain lions in the state, and officials are calling shenanigans on the post. But the majesty and strength of the Mountain Lion was still apparent! Did hear some weird crying up in the hills yesterday though, kind of a cross between a calf and a human baby. When my lights shined in its eyes I was pretty sure that what I saw was a mountain lion, but then again I only got a short glimpse of it. Above post by Rob about a Lion in Wise virginia is a hoax! Or try to cover it up.Afraid it will cause panic. He was licking his coat. I put on the speed and got within about 30 years before it jumped off into the brush. This normal school was founded by veterans of both the Union and the Confederacy, Concord is named for the ideal of "harmony and sweet . I have helped skin and mount wild cats before and definitely know the difference. The animal looks to be a mountain lion I havent contacted the Animal control people yet unless it takes up residence here. Source: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Eastern Cougar Recovery Plan, morphological differences identified from museum specimens was used to classify over 30 subspecies of the Eastern Cougar, before DNA analysis was available My husband and I just got home from work about 3 hours ago at 1:30 am. Several times theyd reported seeing strange animals crossing their path in the woods. The video appeared only weeks after the first ever sighting confirmed by the TWRA since its founding in 1974, when a trail cam in Obion County snapped a photo of what biologists suspected was a young male cougar. An Amish farmer along 944 in Cumberland County complained to the PGC a mountain lion was killing his sheep. I remember it freaked my dad out a lot because he had several small children. I was frozen with fear as I realized it wasnt a bear, but a black mountain lion. A mountain lion photo has been circulating on social media for more than a year, claiming people have seenmountain lions in the state, and officials are calling shenanigans on the post. I would think by the time you get your phone/camera on, & ready, the cougars gone. Start throwing rocks or anything else at the animal to make it turn away. After DNA testing . ECF is very interested in reviewing your photographs of tracks or animals. I am not 100% certain but I would like it if someone could identify the cats for me. We were tracking a deer one night and ended up lost for 6 hours and found a small field. To my suprise, twenty feet ahead of me a LARGE cat emerged from the grass. There are so many camera traps now for both research (academic inductions, VDWR and VDACS) and private hunters. Cougars prowled nearly all of the United States below Canada, and all of Virginia from mountain . "Don't care what the officials say. Look how long it took scientists to find the okapi. Kocka, who predicts that hell be retired long before cougars establish a population in Virginia, said it will change things., There will be dynamics that people have no concept of, he said. Just reporting back. I remember seeing very large cat tracks(not a normal bobcat track) while hunting the GWNF sw of harrisonburg,va in the mid to late 1980s. Add my name to the list of people who have seen mountain lions in the wild. Well, then dont dress them up like sheep, he said with a chuckle. It was, without question, a mountain lion. This animal was a good thirty inches at the shoulder and must have weighted 150 pounds. We know theres at least one there, and if we get reports of a cougar causing damage then theres a possibility well need to investigate that. The closest description I could find was the cry of the cougar or the mountain lion. This is not the same picture withe the cat dragging the buck. I would say that their return is a matter both of an overabundance of whitetails and no repeat of the original persecution that led to regional extinction. Cougar, Mountain Lion, Catamount, Panther, and Puma, (Some of the names for this great cat) and is found principally in the mountains. I do not know of any dogs in the area with feet that big. Every year, state agencies investigate many reported sightings of cougars. I live in historic Jonesborough, TN. I was camping up there with some friends and we could have sworn we heard howling! 29 and crossed the highway. Similar to Tennessee's wild elk and buffalo, the cougar was extirpated from the state around the early 1900s due to overhunting and habitat loss. Still, this is great news for conservationists and animal enthusiasts alike. The traffic was moving quickly but he had no doubt that it was a cougar. . Get more stories delivered right to your email. I know tons of people who have claimed to see them, but despite these supposed sightings, we never get any good photo or video evidence to back it up. Despite the widely-held belief in the scientific community that eastern mountain lions have been long gone and any cats seen roaming the region these days must have made the long trek from midwestern states like South Dakota, some Appalachian residents remain convinced that the cats never actually left the area. Im of the opinion that there really never was a big difference between the eastern cats and whats in existence now, she said. I saw a large bobcat at around mile 205-203 heading south on I-81. Bill Shaeffer and Frank Womack helped with the capture. Officially, mountain lions have not been seen in Virginia since 1970. and the does mated again? The game warden cut open the animal and it had 2 walker hounds in its stomach. Sadly, these animals were killed because they were viewed as a threat to humans and livestock. Male cougars migrate further than females, but so far only a few have followed the pattern of coyotes and reached the eastern side of North America. First, the nature of the mountain lion is to be elusive. It was light brown and was definitely a cat, and it had a long tail. It was just on the side of the road walking into the long grass, it didnt even seem to be starlted by a loud car so close. Like I said we never saw the mother just the young cat but I would guess it was somewhere between midway and three quarters fully grown. Where I hunt in Linden the owners have said to have seen a really big black cat. It was a shame no one was with me because no one believed what a I saw, but I know that is was a black cougar or panther. We have seen a 50 pound bobcat at our pond. (we have more of both in these parts of Virginia, lots more sheep and lots more coyotes.) Are there mountain lions in the Shenandoah Valley? 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