I just found out but I dont think that is right because mine is the only part of the will that was sold, my just died my had left us a briefcase and my old brother was in charge i lived in the home with my mother with son are personall stuff was in the home my brother help me get some of the stuff out than tells me will finish tommrrow than call me a half hour later and said the house is cleaned out i was like what bout my stuff he said what stuff thay had a fernnal yesterday and didnt even tell me, I need help, family has stolen lots n lots of money, property, oil wells deeds, forged my name, pays ppl to try n destroy me in every way to get me outta the way of the money, im only heir its sick! No he broke laws they siblings Ghost me.my memory is back and they did what they wanted cutr out mom wanted that done. Are you concerned about your own well-being as you get older? Thirty years later sends big brother to retrieve. They will ask you if there have been any major changes in your life that affect your estate plan. My partner is 62 in good health but we are going to travel. Our rights are being violated and refused to get disability lawyers to help us. Source: www.lld-law.com. The accounting is a detailed report of income, expenses, and distributions from the estate or trust, explains Rind. Ive had to pay around $5000.00 out of pocket for attorneys I cant keep one they get with her attorney and everything gets turned around and they work against me for god sake. My sister and brother should by all rights, be held accountable for what they did. I believe my niece hijacked my parents estate, I received a check (that I have not cashed), and I have also questioned estate expenses. And since inheritance thieves are usually family members, the fallout often is not only about money, but also family ties. She put it all in her sons name prior to marring my father in law, A month before my father in laws death he realized that the trust gave her too much power and he attempted to change it but her attorney wrote it in a way that she could not be removed with out her agreeing. One step bro dies, in 2006 stepmom dies. My grandmother left a will and my father is the trustee. They got away with what they did .Sad people are so rotten and their supposed to be the good guys. How can I put the property the one they left out.? Well after my mother passed exactly three months later my dad passed on 8/6/20. All of this is all so BANAL and so expected. As with choosing an executor, you need to trust that this individual will follow your wishes, since a power of attorney has control over your assets. Thank you Generally we decline requests for contingency fee representation, choosing instead to represent contestants who can pay us on an hourly basis. I simply want to mention I am all new to blogging and definitely savored youre web site. He was dying at the time. Can this be so? Thank you for sharing your experience, Carol. And, when I pass away my husband will inherit that money and I know people will try to take advantage of him since he is too generous. But an DNA test says not related. My sister fraudulently claimed for 11 days that she was named the executor of a will that supposedly my mother had left with instructions in a case of her passing. Myself and many other family members who I offered to help have been left homeless fending for ourselves with very little help. and my sister said immediately mom will come to live with use. Trust sibling manipulated me and then erased me. Do I have any rights or is it even worth it other than to make my step brother see what I feel is wrong? Every attorney I have met has jumped all over the cause, but they want a 10K retainer. The father retired and had saved all of the monies from the boys benefits. The abuse I was subjected to was criminal. Jan 20 2022 executor sent me a copy. I cant do any thing to stop them. Hi I have a question- My grandson is only 20 and his father passed recently and left his life insurance to my grandson. What do I do to keep that from happening if I pass away. My father had had a fall and hit his head in the courthouse in Bellingham Washington where we live and after that he got taken to the hospital and he ended up having brain surgery and after that he wasnt the same he ended up staying in the hospital for 3 weeks and then passed away my uncle my fathers brother came up to the house took the house keys in the car keys from me and ended up getting everything out of the house somehow and taking the car and selling it I guess I heard so we must have got the title out of the house and forged it also when everything was supposed to go to me or me and my sister and our kids me and my sister are the only living people from my dads kids that deserve anything of his and I ended up with absolutely nothing I showed up at his apartment and everything was gone his car was gone out of the parking lot and everything I didnt even get even a shirt of my dads or anything and I need to know what to do. Its a shame and I have vowed to see to their original wishes if it takes me entire life. This is one of the oldest but still common forms of inheritance theft. I have been railroaded out of my inheritance. Has anybody replied have you had any help trying to figure this out. Stepmom and 3 adult sons move in , I move out. She then no effected to tell me mom had two policies. After his will was changed he died 1 year later. My stepmother forged my dads signature on multiple trusts. I know that was not my deceased mothers wishes for me to be homeless when she passed. The attorney who handled your brothers DUI probably isnt the best choice. Thats because an estate attorney will know the specifics to look for in proving your case, and will have plenty of experience in dealing with inheritance shenanigans. Not to mention this man had the oxygen removed 5 hrs before we got there. So I couldnt find my gramps the last 2 months of his life because my uncle was hiding him or something. She was transported to a hospital where she was for weeks and now is in a nursing home. Creating a trust for your assets can be an excellent way to make sure that money is available for beneficiaries unable to handle money on their ownsuch as minor children. If you are an heir fighting inheritance theft , you will likely have to pay your attorney on an hourly basis, since you will be engaged in an ongoing legal dispute. When I asked my brother about how much money my dad had besides the house, my brother was vague and gave me an extremely low number. My Uncle died in Jan 1, 1980, he left money [$8,000] for each of us, *8 nieces and nephews. I wouldnt be surprised if my grandparents gave their youngest son everything and possibly left their other children nothing. I just felt there was something that could he done. He could prob open lt lf really wanted to ,but has never stolen anything from me just curious lf you would be concerned ty. Hello, i am a victum of my inhertance being stolen, in Maricopa county, then i requested to be put in excutor spot, i paid the fee 250. the judge combinedto cs together my step mom and my dad. Old will dated 2015. They called him Im having hard difficult time finding a Atty. My two siblings and I are adopted. I have the case number an perfect file documents. She took mother to sign a Will she created. They did this by getting a lawyer that my sister was good friends with to get them situated and also too forced my parents to live with them for 6 months. My Dads brother, the executor, refuses to let him see the will. Nieces police officers husband its none of my business and get on with your life. Once you have requested an initial meeting, there are a few more questions to ask. My late fathers estate attorney just sent me a copy of my dads trust. . I was defrauded by family and District Attorney and the judge of my probate will it was w25000 acres and 875 oil wells But the correct information is that his step father and his depleted his money.The boy has made to belief real my mother has used his money.And they are try to make sure that boy does not get the correct information. Your email address will not be published. An heir might lie about the other heirs, claiming that one sibling cant be trusted with money, while another has more than he needs. She is survived by 8 children(my siblings). Your attorney should look at ways your heirs or family members could exploit vague language or legal loopholes. So she has two of the rooms, hers has a bathroom. Here are some of the ways trustees mistreat beneficiaries: Refusing to provide information. My ex husband passed away last Sept , he never got remarried , but we do have a son together . Its a tragedy I tell you the good guy gets nothing and hear this my fathers attorney was hired by the woman that took everything and they fought me on everything, an if that wast conflict of interest since he wouldnt even speak to me to help me with his own clients will!! This happened in my birth family, where I was left to pick up the pieces, bury my parents, after my siblings robbed them in life and death of their assets, and didnt even contribute to their last dispositions, but I did. Im a adopted adult but as a child a special needs youth adopted 3 times and growing up my adopted mother told me every year about her will and to whom it was to go to upon her death.But when my mother was in her 80s my 2 nieces got together and basically tricked my mom into moving off her estate to nieces house (address unknown to me and my 2 little adopted sisters until mom had passed away at nieces house ,then they called and give me their address) and then niece brought in a new attorney not our family attorney and created a trust disinheriting us adopted kids of over being with the adopted family of over 33 years.I was looking for a attorney foe 12 years and was told by over 20 attorneys who said they could not help me but last year I finally found a lawyer who believed in me and took my case.Thank god I might get some well deserved justice on this matter.Ive put my personal life on hold concerning this matter for 12 years and if anyone ever reads what I just wrote I say to you do not ever give up,ever.Thank you for letting me share my story. We are a family of 6 siblings and since my mothers passing my sister has given away (to friends, family, and even grandchildren), donated, and sold my mothers belongings and divided the object and monies in a very unfair manner. I need help on what to do, FIND A LAWYER BUT GO TO THE ASSESSORS SECURE YOUR PROPERTY . Have he and my sister forced to be transparent, accountable. Identity Theft should give me the MILLION because I am due for it. Just a costly legal battle to appeal or charge the man who wrote the trust with malpractice. I think my uncle there son had something to do with it all. The man is in his 80s and was a lawyer for my father and grandfather. My aunt is not to be trusted because she is reactive. The old and new one?????? My mother has been caretaking over her significant other now for 7 years no theyre not married my mother did everything by the book caring and taking care of all his needs bathing him everything right by caring for not her husband not my dad but was everything like a dad. Im very sorry for the loss of you mother. Thatll keep greedy siblings happy and get rid of them altogether! 3 years later my uncle died at age 55. Hello, Now i see its really informal. It is really important how you mentioned that you should appoint many people as executors, trustees, and powers of attorney as a safeguard. I have a Caregiver in Sheffield Lakes Ohio doing this very thing with the inheritance my father has left. Then he paid off the car load and the shed with that money and in turn took possession of them along with the house he manipulated the person my dad was buying it from to place solely in his name. I got a POA, and became her Health POA also. She was never a very social person and she became more withdrawn after his death. My aunt and I discussed what her wishes were. Step family remains in house, no probate and cant find a filing of my dads will. I do not know about the status of the investments, or the status of my uncles or great grandfathers business ventures or investments. what do you do if your an heir and dealing w a stepmom who hates you and you know she has used a will from 2006 that overrides any other will in existence but its not what your dads final wishes were and you have reason to believe she may of killed him too? Aunt Thief refused and was upset that she told everyone in the family about the money. We need help here all over. OF course she refused and now she has everything he ever bought, earned or worked for and she never contributed a penny to, all for her own son (who my father in law stated in the trust was to get nothing of the estate, not one penny)while his own sons who worked beside him for years in his business get nothing. Me and my 2 little sisters did not know where our nieces kept our own other when the will was changed in the remaining last 2 years of our own mothers life. Additionally, when you own estates or nay assets, consulting a financial planner would always be the best option if you want to know how to have security for years to come. Tried to get me to give her $1470.00 to get the house in her name. This ward wants desperately to go home and live but I can tell you now that she is unfit to live in her home. My father died going on 10 years ago. Gpa. I still cannot access my gmail account they used to do this. They are hiding several documents from me. this is the first time she has received anything in her name to pay so shes not knowing where to begin not only confused with just this. He was just served eviction papers to move she will not return any calls or letters sent . ly. It is not my first time to visit this website, i am visiting this web site daily and obtain pleasant information from here everyday. So, what happened to everything,I bever received anything besides my uncles wife saying ge had a couple papers and a pic of my sons his only namesake to be passed on. I live on the other side of the country so I havent been able to see him, especially since Covid, but now he is acting very distant with me. It was well known that my uncle wanted my fathers kids to inherit what he had. To be divided equally between(4) heirs. Im sorry this is long hoping u can help in any way with any advice. This is the person who will handle the logistical details of your estate after your death. This was also true of my father, but the siblings say the original will divided his assets evenly. we maybe meet for 15 minutes and thats because she was passing threw from vacation. To my knowledge, that has not happened. Her Mom passed so she became 1/2 the owner. Gotta be a lifetime movie on this ridiculousness!!! at the farm house that also belonged to mom and dad. I am determined to do what I can to recover the gifts that I never received. my question is does my friend have any legal rights to contest and he has witnesses to speak on his behalf of what her wishes were before she passed. She has now given the property to one of her sons for his business. Dont trust anyone. How we can get the information? I feel that after she took off with all the assists the will should have been void. She never even gave him one. I eventually came to find out several months ago that said family friends daughter, now 23, opened up multiple accounts and got loans in my fathers name! Heirs looking to keep an inherited home can get an irrevocable trust loan (working in conjunction with Proposition 19), to keep a low property tax base when moving in as a primary resident; plus if need be use that trust loan to buyout any co-beneficiaries looking to sell their inherited property share a sibling-to-sibling property transfer, with more funds than an outside buyer would provide. SHE past out a few months ago and laid on the floor for days. my father and my uncle are sharing a large sum of money from property left to them in a will that has now been sold. Where is justice? Through this elective share she was able to live in our dads house in New York while denying us access as his kids and executor to the house or any necessary paperwork to carry out our jobs as executors. Its also important to know your rights, says Rind. They may get married as soon as Monday. I was told the ex wife moved in the house estate insurance says is 570,000. I know she cant put me out, but what can I do I was thinking about may a police report, but when I tell them all thats going on and show ownership, they will make her leave. She was a woman who lived most of her life in very poor conditions according to her. So she took every single item even the curtains left no assists for the estate . She has 5 children from a previous marriage. ym Right to an accounting.U. The 4 siblings who didnt sign on were invited and told they should be there to protect their interest. Seems that my step brother left my house to some long lost niece who as far as I am concerned is by no means a part of my family. malihe. If your will requires your executor to disclose all details about estate expenses, assets, and financial transfers, it will be more difficult for an untrustworthy executor to hide misappropriation or theft. Ignoring communication with the beneficiaries. Our father was really ill and before he passed he explicitly told me what to expect from my grandparents will (his parents). How can I view the will? To protect my rights! Really? And oil rights and deeds . I cannot even call the doctor to find out how my family member is doing or get rid of caregivers that I think are inappropriate and uncaring. she didnt and I was slapped with sanctions and had to pay for her entire attorneys bill out of my pocket I might add and I get way less than what my father wanted. Was changed he died 1 year later the curtains left no assists for the loss you! To her well-being as you get older father is the person who will handle the logistical details your. Do to keep that from happening if I pass away was told the ex wife moved the! I still can not access my gmail account they used to do, find a filing my. Or is it even worth it other than to make my step brother see what I can tell you that. 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