However, a furious Marian only remembers Regina as the Evil Queen. Learning by phone that Mr. Gold has regained Belle's heart, the trio head to New York and Regina breaks the news about Zelena to Robin. "Dad, I want you to meet someone very special to me." Regina ran her hand down Emma's arm reassuringly. Snow and David come by to offer support, but Zelena assures them that she can look after her sister, as they both lost the men they loved. To hide evidence of her own involvement, Regina quickly gets rid of a chipped shovel that she previously used to bury the box containing Kathryn's heart just in time since Emma shows up the next day with a search warrant. Her mother agrees to do anything to make it up to her, so they drive into town. Since they did not ask her permission to have the ceremony, she rips out the groom's heart. United RealmsRoni's (formerly)Tiana's Palace (formerly)Resistance camp (formerly)Her house (formerly)Her palace (formerly)Summer Palace (formerly)Her manor (formerly)King Xavier's castle (formerly) Seeing as Arthur helped remove Zelena's cuff, Regina prepares for battle by conjuring a flaming fireball to throw at her sister, but she promptly dissolves it, after Robin protests that the baby might be hurt by magic. Status: Regina, having been told earlier by Emma that Liam is self-righteous, quietly agrees with her sentiments, before going to look for the pages. *Based after ep. Emma appears in the series' pilot as a bail bond agent in Boston, Massachusetts, until she meets her biological son Henry, whom she gave up for adoption 10 years before. At the crashed dirigible, Regina helps collect scraps that Jekyll needs for making a new weapon to defeat Hyde. She barely sees anybody apart from Henry, and even he's acting odd. Emma shrugs it off, believing Regina is taking out anger on her, and tasks Hook with hiding Elsa from the townspeople at the sheriff's office. Back at the apartment, Regina plays with the baby, fondly noting that her eyes resembles Robin's. Once Zelena is gone, Regina discovers Robin is missing and the storybook open to a photo of Robin and the Sheriff. Roni confesses she did send Lucy to his apartment but it doesn't change the fact he is targeting someone with the death card. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by starring cast member Jennifer Morrison, guest star Abby Ross . Read to find out more. She runs. As the Evil Queen, Regina possessed a silver chest, The drink Roni is having during the celebration of the broken, The necklace the Evil Queen is wearing when she crashes her, The coat the Evil Queen is wearing while she rides through the, The Evil Queen has a circular necklace with an, The dress worn by Regina when she is imprisoned in the, When Regina Mills bangs a gavel to start the meeting at the. Eventually, Snow convinces Ruby to attempt true love's kiss on Dorothy, knowing she has feelings for the girl. Regina visits to allow Emma some free time with Henry so she can speak to Mr. Gold. Regina offers him a deal to kill her mother, Cora, in exchange for help with getting revenge on Rumplestiltskin. The girl begs Regina to help kill Tremaine, but she refuses, not wanting her to give into darkness. Instead, Regina uses the ale to summon her father, whom she tearfully apologizes to. Henry mentions he and Cinderella are off on a mission for the Resistance once his motorcycle is fixed and invites her to come too, but she lies about being busy. Emma believes freeing Merlin is possible with her own dark magic, but Regina warns her against it, knowing all to well from her own experiences in dabbing in dark magic that it never ends well. When the only way to save Emma's family is for her and Killian to go back to the day they met, their trip goes awry and they end up fifteen years in the future. She proceeds to blame Emma and goes as far as hitting her. Rumplestiltskin states that what she doesn't know is that darkness is what will consume her. Mary Margaret does not buy it and forgives Regina for all she has done to her. Regina instructs them to wait until nightfall for when the witch is asleep before going into the house, and she forbids them from eating anything inside the home no matter how tempting they may seem. Regina rejects the offer by stating she always has been good, but Mary Margaret suggests that all her actions thus far have been evil. This is a WickedSwan story. Henry reveals to his family that he found the Author's quill in the mansion, and he initially wanted it for the wrong reasons, but now, he'll use it to re-record Hades' story. ("Skin Deep"), A few days later, Regina is led to a faraway kingdom by Belle's former travel mates, who disclose her current location. Bending over , A Prayer For A Pregnant Woman . At the height of the commotion, Marian calls her a "monster"; prompting Regina to depart. With a dark Hook now on the loose, their best bet of finding out his goals is getting their memories from the dreamcatchers, however, Hook has already stolen them. Emma tries to defuse the tense situation by swearing the vision isn't her subconscious at work, but Regina lets the subject drop and decides to work on another spell to find Aladdin. After the witch gives them the information, Mary Margaret persuades Hercules to take on the mission. (April Colour Prompts: Primary Colours -The TragedyPablo Picasso.). If he could get close enough, she would become his safety blanket. In the aftermath, Henry admits to his mom that he got lost along the way and stopped believing in himself, but as she taught him, setbacks are a part of life. Emma defends her decision, arguing that she did it with good reason, to which Regina compares her to Cora, who said the same thing to her long ago. Regina scoffs at his naiveness, insisting Emma is toying with his emotions, but Hook refuses to let the issue go and decides to get answers from Emma herself. Species: Henry and Ruby arrive to put a halt to their scheme. They can't comb the jungle, either, because it's not safe to travel through. He then tells her it should serve as a reminder that, in this realm, stories are written in blood and tears. At this, Regina realizes that the storybook, not Marian, is the reason for her suffering. ("True North"), The next morning, Regina sees a stranger outside her house speaking to Henry. This angers Regina enough that she moves to rip out Devin's heart, but is blocked by Mary Margaret. The little girl feels connected to the couple and knows they are her parents. Emma admits to having a recurring vision of her own death, in which she is killed by a hooded figure, and that it is the fate of all Saviors to die. Emma Swan is a 16 year old girl who has a miserable life. In another plan, Regina convinces Emma to provide blood in a locator spell. Belle prompts the group to consider getting direct help from Mr. Gold instead, but all three oppose her views for different reasons. Fans are defending taylor swift on, Dr Phil Pregnant And Out Of Control Update, How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After Having An Abortion, Is It Bad To Bend Over A Lot While Pregnant. Kelly and Roni realize, shocked, that someone else is murdering members of the coven. At a village where Snow White was previously staying, the Queen inflict pain on the residents if they do not disclose Snow White's location. With encouragement from Prince Charming, Snow White charges at the Queen, who magically dissipates and reappears from behind, just in time for Snow White's blade to cut into her cheek. Thank you! As he is puzzled by Belle's words, Regina then walks out, commanding Belle to forget everything and leave. ("We Are Both"), Having been asked to step down as mayor of Storybrooke, Regina is in the midst of packing up her things when she received a phone call from Henry. She ends up in the Wish Realm, an alternate world where Emma grew up as a princess and the Queen was defeated long ago by Snow and David without the curse being cast. Regina doesn't believe her until Cora sets her up with the man with the lion tattoo. ("The Eighth Witch"), Getting back to Hyperion Heights, Roni is told by Henry at the hospital that Lucy's condition is stable but she's not getting any better, in addition to him not being able to do anything else to help. While Rogers is on a stakeout to corner the customer, Roni continues tending to her bar as Henry is doing research. Angered at their refusal of her, Regina sends them to the Infinite Forest. When Drizella shares more about her painful childhood, Regina comes to see a bit of herself in the younger girl and decides to train her in magic. During King Leopold's birthday celebration, her husband showers Snow White with the proclamation that she is the fairest in the land. While she is making a town hall announcement electing Sidney, Emma intervenes to bring up the town charter rules, which state a mayor can support a candidate, but cannot instate one. If you're looking for popular once upon a time fanfics, then check out this web story & related blog post for fanart & more information about some of the most popular emma and hook. Regina presses him on the issue, causing him to end his sentence with "please", which not only forces her to obey him, but also confirms her suspicions about his memories. Outside, Emma tells Regina to refrain from speaking in the interrogation room, though the mayor confirms the schoolteacher, like any other woman who has had her heart broken, can do unspeakable things. Regina hurries down to the site of the destruction. ***A Once Upon a Time . Emma declines the invitation, but Regina and Snow lure her there by calling in about a fake fight at the pub. From Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest. From the other half of the mirror, they use it to communicate with Henry, who is convinced they are real after Emma names their mission to save him as "Operation Cobra Rescue". Disturbed at his insinuation, Regina boasts that she already defeated Cora by banishing her, but Henry argues that as long as she wants vengeance, Cora will always have a hold on her. Regina and everyone else leave to wait outside the vault, and after a time, Arthur exits to inform them the spell failed. As she tethers Hook's life to Excalibur, Regina and the others remain in the diner, looking on in alarm as black tendrils of darkness evaporate from Merlin's body. Emma was a princess and she loved and hated it. Killian Jones(30) had the perfect life except his fianc leaves him at the alter. While combing the woods with Regina and Robin, she asks Robin what he named their daughter, expressing disdain at certain names, especially Marian. Oh, and dont worry too much aboutyour circumstances. Still many years away from becoming the Evil Queen, she has no interest in the royal duties her. ("Sisters"), Shortly after letting Zelena go, Regina explains her decision to her allies, who are skeptical about whether her sister can change Hades or not. Mother Superior casts a spell to find the sapling, which brings Regina, Snow, and David to the woods, where Regina discovers a trapdoor leading to the underground. Wanting a little alone time on Christmas Eve, Emma and Regina send Henry over to his grandparents house for the night. Everything is going fine, until Regina uncovers a secret about her past. Regina left with Emma on her tail. As they search on foot, Regina explains to Mary Margaret that the storybook, despite the good or bad each person has done, still defines people as heroes or villains. Regina realizes Sidney betrayed her, and as the bridge collapses, the pair reach safety and defeat an orc by combining powers. The pair interrupts Tremaine's daughter Drizella as she is in the midst of preparing to torture Henry for information about Cinderella's whereabouts, and when the girl questions who they are, Regina threateningly states that she is Henry's mother before magically flinging Drizella into the wall, knocking her out cold. Regina argues against this by mentioning his noble and heroic deeds, but in doing so, she learns the Robin she knew is nothing like this Robin, who steals for himself rather than to aid the poor. As they argue, a fire breaks out inside the mayoral building. Roni agrees with her sentiments before clinking drink glasses with her. Shocked at being injured, Queens drops her hold on Grumpy. Disappointed, Rumplestiltskin demands that she come to terms with whatever is holding her back from learning this kind of magic. Only then, Regina crones out an ominous refrain, revealing they've fallen into her trap and their power will end once the spell is broken, before she opens the green box to absorb their musical voices. When news of the affair spreads throughout town, Regina adds to the scandal by secretly spray painting the word "tramp" on Mary Margaret's car. Additionally, she gives her a bracelet, in which the wearer can have control over having human legs. The Blind Witch, as Cruella's accomplice, traps the foursome in the library, with Regina later realizing Hades' magic is keeping them from escaping. As they talk about life after revenge, she notices he has her mother's armband and takes it back to clasp on her own wrist. Regina dislikes playing by Pan's rules and makes a move to enchant the map with magic, but Emma refuses. Later, she pays Mary Margaret a visit in her cell. The trio searches for the book on the shelves, but it is missing and in the empty slot is a map leading to the dagger. Regina uses one of her mirrors to find out that Emma has been cursed to believe the fairytales of Henry's book are nothing but delusions, she suggests the fake reality may have something to do with the final battle. Regina finds Hook and tries to talk him out of damning Emma's loved ones to the Underworld. Being rewritten, so bare with :) He declares his name to be Rumplestiltskin, satisfying Regina's terms, and she hands him back the cup. Regina, David, Henry and Mary Margaret discover Elsa took the locator potion, and they head out to find Emma's car trail. Cora, too, wants her daughter back and offers to repair their broken relationship by reuniting Regina with Henry. She and Robin have a good time together, but Percival cuts in, asking for his turn to dance with the savior. While she is unsure if there is anything more powerful to counteract the Snow Queen's magic, Henry talks about Robin's persisting love for her. While waiting for the other party to show up, the Queen sadly glances, near tears, at the place where Daniel died. The Queen snaps that she knows nothing about her wants or desires, and instead takes satisfaction in Marian's upcoming death. Furious at Snow White's plans to take back the kingdom, the Queen sets out to stop her. Robin stops to converse with her and steals the note, which he reads with her permission. You, Emma Swan, have been accepted as the only human student at the prestigious Mysteqrealm University, a school for only the most talented of magical creatures of all species! As Henry continues on, stating the house is his too and that he misses his room, she finally pulls the door open and embraces him in a hug. ("The Miller's Daughter"), One day, when Regina is still a baby, Rumplestiltskin holds her in his arms. After she tells them about Maleficent's big reveal, Emma insists on being nearby, in case something goes wrong, when the heist is carried out. ~WARNING~ This fanfic turns into a fanfic for a certain OUAT ship. Later, David and Hook report witnessing a resident transform into a flying monkey, as it is concluded that the Wicked Witch of the West cast the new curse. When left alone with Mary Margaret, Regina pushes her to stay out of David and Kathryn's personal lives. Giving off the facade of having embraced her darkness, Emma enters, intimidating her family and friends with just her presence alone. When Regina cannot persuade Emma that this world is fake, she is advised by Rumplestiltskin into taking on the role of a villain again in order to give Emma a reason to be heroic. [8] ("The Girl in the Tower"), Eight years later, in the courtyard of Queen Tiana's castle, Regina helps to light the candles on Lucy's birthday cake, but before the girl can even blow them out, the flames disperse on their own. ("Labor of Love"), To find Hook underground, Regina and her party plan to enter the cave that Megara previously escaped from. Henry becomes upset over Cinderella's note and calls himself a failure, despite Regina trying to persuade him otherwise, and after her son goes outside to be alone, Regina pushes Hook to go comfort him. "Pilot" The next day, Regina shows up, fully expecting her stepdaughter will submit to her, but Snow White stands her ground, refusing to give up the throne. To the public, she gives her last testament by voicing her she regrets in not causing more pain and misery. Emma Let Henry Live With Regina So She Could Shack Up With Hook. Afterwards, they notice Henry is missing and hurry to stop the suspected kidnappers, Greg and Tamara, only to see them open a portal and take the boy to another world. After helping Emma let go of her guilt, Snow leads her allies into the forest to track the beast. David eventually finds the toadstool, which crossed over from Camelot during the curse, and presents it to Regina and Mary Margaret in the vault, where they realize they were using the toadstool to breach communication with Merlin. In Regina's large bed. Gaining a translation to free the nuns, Regina casts it on the hat, freeing Mother Superior and her fellow sisters, but also unknowingly unleashing the Chernabog as well. Henry states he doesn't need to be saved before cutting hard into her palm and drawing blood. / Oneshot. That night, Henry relates his fears that Pan will somehow break out of the box and harm him again. Emma privately objects to her reaction, but Regina asks her to stay out of the issue. Twice the dark than the light, and magic. ("Dreamy"), When David is found by Emma and her new-found assistant, Ruby, in the forest delirious and injured, he is taken to the hospital where Regina stalks in demanding his arrest as a suspect in Kathryn's disappearance and possible murder. She then trots back into her carriage and coldly tells her father to find his own way home. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), Alas for Regina, the price of magic is one of tragedy as it is not Emma who bites into the apple turnover, but Henry. Doesn't curse. WARNING: Rated: M Does contain hetero sex. Emma offers to go in her place because she blames herself for persuading Regina into bringing Robin to Storybrooke, but Regina insists on finishing things with the Queen herself before anyone else she cares about gets hurt. She is certain there must be another way, but he reaffirms that death is the only path. However, Daniel is in constant pain and has the urge to harm those around him, so he pleads for Regina to let go and learn to love again. By following his heart, he believes living truthfully sets a good example to his son. ("Nimue"), Regina and her allies are held hostage as Arthur forces Merlin to deliver an ultimatum to Emma; hand over the flame ember or her family and friends die. Convinces Ruby to attempt true love 's kiss on Dorothy, knowing she feelings! Devin 's heart, he believes living truthfully sets a good example to apartment. This fanfic turns into a fanfic for a Pregnant Woman they ca n't comb the jungle, either because! In Marian 's upcoming death demands that she come to terms with whatever holding! Him at the alter in which the wearer can have control over once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma legs... During King Leopold 's birthday celebration, her husband showers Snow White with the lion.. 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