Ninety-three per cent of claimants confirmed that the assessor called on time. Two thirds (65 per cent) of these claimants found a telephone assessment easier or more comfortable, half (50 per cent) did not want to travel, and four in ten (44 per cent) found it less stressful. One in five (20 per cent of) claimants spoke to a friend or relative. For many of us, it can mean that we need extra support to get to work, see friends and family, and carry on living our lives. WebThere are 3 parts to the guide for assessment providers ( APs) carrying out assessments for Personal Independence Payment ( PIP ). Tell us how often this happens and how it affects you. Those claimants who went on to be placed in the LCWRA group were more likely to have previously experienced a face-to-face assessment (84 per cent) than those who were awaiting further assessment (68 per cent). Hopefully you will be "lucky" For example, 24 per cent of those with a mobility condition, and 27 per cent of those with a mental health condition, had someone supporting them during the assessment (compared to 18 per cent of those without mobility and 20 per cent of those without mental health conditions). This analysis was used to explore how individual characteristics impact claimants likelihood of preferring different assessment channels. When then asked which of the three channels they would prefer for an assessment, 15 per cent of claimants changed their preference to a video call. poppy123456 Community member Posts: 38,820 Disability Claimants were then asked which option for the assessment they would prefer if they had three choices: video, face-to-face and telephone assessments. The threshold was set at the 95 per cent level of statistical significance, meaning we can be 95 per cent sure that any difference we find in the survey data represents a difference in the claimant population. The survey used quotas to meet required number of interviews by key variables (age, gender and assessment provider). Those who felt comfortable with video assessments were asked their reasons why. she had her assessment 2 months ago, but since than she has been assaulted, is back on quetiapine and her mental health is so much worse than when the assessment was done. Not surprisingly, those undergoing a reassessment were more likely to have face-to-face experience (96 per cent), but also nearly two thirds (64 per cent) of new claimants had experience as part of a previous claim. should she ring pip and update them about this they make a decision?england Claimants were then asked whether, if they had a choice of all three channels, they would prefer a video, face-to-face or telephone assessment. You need to relate your answer to how it speaks to your concern. The PIP medical assessment consists of several parts and will last on average, 60 minutes: Discussion and questions: The Health Professional will ask you questions about how your health affects your everyday life. In terms of coping on the telephone with the assessment, if you feel you cant maybe you can reorganise it? Those who previously said to prefer telephone assessments (versus face-to-face) were more likely to say that they felt comfortable with video assessments because they were comfortable at home (38 per cent, compared to 7 per cent of those who preferred face-to-face assessments). Nearly two thirds of claimants (63 per cent) were aware that they could have a third person present on the call for support. By the time of the interview, over seven in ten (72 per cent) had been placed in the Limited Capability for Work Related Activity (LCWRA) group deeming them unfit for any type of work-related activity. If youre in the armed forces or a close family member of someone who is, the rules on living and registering in England, Wales or Scotland isnt practised. As for PIP, preference was highly associated with the outcome of the telephone assessment. Six in ten (62 per cent) stated a preference for telephone assessments, while just over one in five (23 per cent) would still prefer face-to-face. The three main types of improvements suggested included having more information prior to the call (6 per cent), general improvements to conduct and provision of the service (5 per cent) and having more support and more information on the next stages after the assessment (4 per cent). Most claimants (89 per cent) recalled receiving a communication before the assessment giving them details of what to expect, most commonly a letter or phone call. Before attending your PIP assessment, there are several things you should consider to help you prepare. Around one in ten (13 per cent) said they had no preference. Nearly one in three (32 per cent) reported issues with the questions (the way they were asked, type, focus and coverage). This kind of assessment will result in you winning or not getting the benefits that you might be entitled to if you have been proven to be incapable due to your mental health condition. Issues with the assessors behaviour (such as not appearing to listen, understand or care about the claimants condition) was the most common reason for being dissatisfied. Those with mental health conditions were more likely to prefer telephone than those without mental health conditions (67% compared with 60%). Over four in ten (44 per cent of) claimants said that a face-to-face assessment facilitates the communication with the assessor, while almost three in ten (27 per cent) said that this type of assessment makes it easier for them to build rapport with the assessor. Again, logistic regression was used to understand better the factors that explain claimants preference for each of the three assessment channels over the other channels or having no preference. Notes on what you want to explain during your assessment. This analysis found that the outcome of the assessment, gender and previous experience of face-to-face assessments were significant predictors of a claimants preference for telephone or face-to-face assessments. Eighty-three per cent of claimants experienced no technical issues during the call. Your assessment provider will be Independent Assessment Services or Capita - you should get a letter telling you which one it will be. The illness that qualifies for PIP is the illness that is considered to be a long-term condition and this kind of condition should need regular support for needs and some may be limited in mobility. Most claimants reported no other practical difficulties during the call but nearly one in seven (15 per cent) had problems holding the handset for the duration of the call or not being able to use a loudspeaker. PIP for Depression and Anxiety It is certainly possible to be eligible to claim PIP (personal independence payment pip) if suffering from a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety but it very much depends on how the mental illness affects you. Nearly four in ten still preferred a telephone (39 per cent) or face-to-face assessment (41 per cent). If you plan to travel by car, you can claim back the cost of parking and a price per mile (e.g. You can score enough points and get either the daily living part, the mobility part, or both. This free money management tool is specifically for people on Universal Credit. In addition to information from DWP or the assessment provider, over one in four (29 per cent) claimants spoke to a friend or relative. If you have a disabling condition that makes you housebound, you can also request for a home assessment. 63 replies 18.3K views. If you plan to do so, you should call the assessment centre in advance explaining that you wish to record the assessment they will explain what guidelines you will need to follow. How do I ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration? Alongside descriptive statistics, this report presents the results of some more advanced statistical analysis known as binary logistic regression models. The psychological examination will be asking your thoughts and feelings about your present concern. In every other age group, but particularly for those aged 35-44, male claimants were more likely to prefer telephone assessments. Claimants with mental health conditions and those whose claim was disallowed were less likely to feel comfortable. Unweighted base: Claimants who prefer face-to-face assessments only (n=347). These claimants were therefore more than four times as likely to prefer telephone than face-to-face assessments. For example, 93 per cent of those who preferred telephone assessments and 96 per cent of those with no preference agreed that the assessor listened to them and understood them, compared to 59 per cent who said they would prefer a face-to-face assessment. For example, disallowed claimants may be more likely to have a particular health condition which could be at least part of the underlying reason for their choice of channel. With this choice of video introduced, claimants who had originally expressed a preference for a face-to-face compared to telephone assessment were most likely to stick to their view (83 per cent of this group continuing to say that was their preference) whilst those previously preferring a telephone assessment were more likely to shift view with 77 per cent continuing to choose a telephone assessment and 16 per cent switching to choosing a video assessment. Your assessment provider will be Independent Assessment Services or Capita - you should get a letter telling you which one it will be. Unweighted base: all respondents (n=1133). Claimants who recalled receiving a communication were asked whether any other information would have been helpful prior to the assessment. Three quarters of claimants (75 per cent) reported being satisfied or very satisfied with their experience of how the telephone assessment was conducted. One in ten (10 per cent) claimants stated that they thought the assessment could be improved by being face-to-face, 8 per cent restated that they would have liked more information before the assessment, and 7 per cent cited improvements in the assessors behaviour. The survey then went on to discuss video calls as an option. All interviews were conducted via telephone and lasted around 25 minutes. Over three out of four (78 per cent) also agreed that the assessor listened to them and made sure they understood what the claimant was saying. The logistic regression teases out the individual impact of having each key characteristic to estimate the likelihood of claimants favouring a particular assessment channel if they were all allocated to different values of the key characteristic of interest while holding all other factors constant. | Mental Health Forum Unanswered threads Talk with people who know what it's like! someone helps or encourages you to go out. However, claimants with mental health conditions were less likely to feel comfortable (74 per cent). No two people are affected in the same way but let us look at some of the This type of response was more common for women (41 per cent) than men (31 per cent). As mentioned before, the PIP assessment with questions on mental health will be focusing on how your mental health condition may be impacting your life. As might be expected, new claimants were more likely to say they would have appreciated more information on what to expect (26 per cent compared to 16 per cent of those undergoing reassessment). This approach allows us to estimate the relationship between each of these five variables on channel preference, while controlling for the other four factors. The PIP assessment is looking at your functional ability to perform each activity and is not a medical. Georgia Lucey You are currently in the en section of the site. PIP telephone assessment | Mental Health Forum Unanswered threads Talk with people who know what it's like! You can read further in this article on what you need to expect from the PIP assessment with questions on mental health. Those that were not comfortable with a video assessment tended to dislike video calls, not want to be on camera, felt it would make them nervous or anxious or did not know how to use the technology. and Pensions or any other government department. A fifth said that video would make them too nervous or anxious (20 per cent) and/or that they would not know how to use the technology (19 per cent). Ask if you can make an audio recording of the assessment. Only 19 per cent would be predicted to still opt for face-to-face. 63 replies 18.3K views. When asked, more than half (56 per cent) of claimants said they would feel comfortable or very comfortable having a video assessment should these be available in the future. Namely, claimants with an assessment award were more likely to prefer telephone over face-to-face assessments. No other variable was a significant predictor of a claimant preferring either a telephone or a face-to-face assessment when added to these models. You may be required to send medical proof of why you need to take the PIP assessment with questions on mental health in your home. PIP for Depression and Anxiety It is certainly possible to be eligible to claim PIP (personal independence payment pip) if suffering from a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety but it very much depends on how the mental illness affects you. Significant differences by subgroup were harder to identify given the small base size of those who said they preferred face-to-face assessments. Women and those placed in the LCWRA group were significantly more likely to prefer telephone assessments, given a three-way choice, even when taking their age, health conditions and previous experience of assessments into account. What a bad day is like for you - for example, on a bad day, Im so depressed I cant concentrate on anything, and getting out of bed is a huge struggle. You can learn more about having an assessment at home by buying this book on this website. Just over three quarters (76 per cent) of claimants agreed that they were able to explain to the assessor how their condition affected their daily life. In order for the DWP to change from a telephone assessment to a paper-based assessment, you will need a letter from your GP that states it would cause you "overwhelming psychological distress" to take part in a telephone assessment. Women had a strong preference for telephone assessments over face-to-face even after controlling for other characteristics. You can learn more about autism in affected people by buying this book here. Claimants were asked whether they had requested any additional adjustments to the assessment process. The health professional has already read your PIP form with the supporting evidence that you have to provide about your medical condition. Unweighted base: Claimants who said they preferred telephone assessments only (n=368). Qwom I dont want to put a dampener on things but unless your depression & anxiety majorly affect your daily living i doubt you will score enough points to meet the standard rate. Mental Health & Money Advice. Higher satisfaction levels were expressed by those who were placed in the LCWRA group (97 per cent compared to 86 per cent of those awaiting further assessment), those who preferred to have telephone assessments (97 per cent) and those who said they had mobility issues (96 per cent). Where can I get support for my mental health? Unweighted base: All claimants with an unplanned intervention (n=124), planned intervention (n=129), reassessment (n=44) or making a new claim (n=539). UC was introduced in 2013 in an attempt to simplify the welfare system, gradually replacing six previous means-tested benefits and tax credits, including ESA. There are several things to remember during your PIP assessment. This allows us to adjust our estimate of the relationship between our variable of interest and a respondents channel preference to ensure that this relationship is not driven by differences in the other variables included in the model. Those placed in the LCWRA group were more likely to report doing so (94 per cent) than those who were awaiting further assessment (82 per cent). Clearly the outcome of the claim may affect a participants retrospective views on the experience and the type of assessment they would prefer. someone helps or encourages you to go out. Four out of five claimants (80 per cent) did not experience any other practical difficulties although nearly one in eight (13 per cent) had trouble holding the handset for the duration of the call or not being able to use a loudspeaker. This will also indicate the assessment centre that you will be assigned to take your PIP assessment with questions on mental health. This may involve sharing this information with relevant authorities to ensure we comply with our policies and legal obligations. While their predicted probability of favouring a face-to-face assessment did decrease slightly when the video option was added, they still had a 64 per cent probability of choosing a face-to-face assessment. Either before or after your assessment, you should ask the receptionist at the assessment centre for a travel expenses claim form and pre-paid self-addressed envelope. PIP for mental health assessment may include questions about the persons ability to do the following things: communicating with other people reading and understanding written information planning a journey or following a route preparing and cooking food eating and drinking moving around managing your treatments washing and Ninety-six per cent of those who had a third person on the call with them found their presence somewhat helpful or very helpful. you can't plan a route to an unfamiliar place yourself. When asked if anything could have improved their experience of the assessment nearly three quarters (72 per cent) of claimants did not feel any changes were necessary. You should be advised of a rescheduled phone assessment by letter, & should be given at least a week's notice; not the best scenario. 63 replies 18.3K views. Claimants who reported a preference for telephone assessments were also asked to explain the reasons of their choice. Eighty-nine per cent had the other person join from the same location, for 11 per cent the person joined the call remotely from a different location. Notably, nearly eight in ten (79 per cent) of those who said they preferred a telephone to a face-to-face assessment also said that there was no need for further improvements, compared to half (51 per cent) of those who preferred face-to-face assessments. Well enough: For instance, you may be able to prepare and cook a meal, but you will not be able to eat it if it is deemed undercooked. You can ask for an adjustment of your appointment date for your PIP assessment with questions on mental health by calling your assessment provider using the contact number in the appointment letter. Those reporting mental health conditions were also more likely to report difficulties (32 per cent) than those who did not report mental health conditions (19 per cent). Rates were higher among younger claimants. The PIP assessment is an opportunity for you to talk about how your condition affects you - it's not a diagnosis of your condition or a medical examination. This companion can be someone who can assist and care for you such as your friend or family member. Seventy-seven per cent of claimants with placed in the LCWRA group said that the telephone assessment did not require any improvements compared with 57 per cent of those who had been awaiting further assessment. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Claimants also consulted a social worker or support worker (8 per cent); a GP or other health professional (5 per cent), a charity or support group (4 per cent); or Citizens Advice (3 per cent). Personal Independence Payment (PIP) telephone assessments, Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Government efficiency, transparency and accountability, Claimant experience of telephone-based health assessments for PIP, ESA and UC,, Limited Capability for Work and Work-Related Activity Group, More information about what would be covered, Hearing issues: Claimant hearing assessor, Hearing issues: Assessor hearing claimant, Understanding and answering the questions, Other difficulties but not related to taking the call, Assessor listened to and understood claimant, Could not explain condition over the phone, Health condition prevented them from doing so, Generally uncomfortable discussing over phone, General discomfort/Emotional difficulties, Supporting evidence not used or considered, Does not want to be on camera or face-to-face, Would not be able to fully show or explain condition, General improvements in assessment conduct/service provision, Having a longer assessment/more time to explain condition, More information on the next stages/support following the call, An alternative/additional method of providing information, That a third person could have been present, Poor sound quality: Claimant hearing assessor, Poor sound quality: Assessor hearing claimant, Whether assessor provided a clear explanation, Whether assessor listened to and understood claimant, Could not fully explain condition over the phone, General discomfort/emotional difficulties, Having someone who understands the condition, More suitable questions (for example, tailored/non-tick box), views of the telephone assessment process, preferences in relation to the mode of assessment, suggestions for improvements to the telephone assessment process, women were most likely to cite they would find it less stressful (57 per cent) alongside those undergoing a reassessment; those placed in the, claimants reporting mobility conditions were most likely to point to the advantages of not having to travel (75 per cent) alongside older claimants, those undergoing a reassessment and those placed in the. 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