Finally it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on." Winston Churchill "When they think they know the answers, people are . This trek met every expectation I had plus some! 2 trip report day 0-4: getting in & Yosemite National Park warm up. After the narrows, the valley widened and there were many hot and sunny meadows that I trudged through, at least according to the map. We returned to camp and reorganized and then started the hike into Evolution Valley. They were having a seriously fun time on a hot Summers Day. A great spot! Along the way I came across the Muir Rock which I had seen on the topo map. It was a smooth and quick process. The trail on the left leads to Lower Honeymoon Lake. Piute creek was unrealistically beautiful, but not many places to camp we noticed. What a reward after the long hike up the mountainThanks. Monday, they crossed 11,500-foot Piute Pass. We remained on the JMT at the Goddard Canyon junction and continued up a series of switchbacks that led us to a stream crossing where we had to take off our hiking boots & put on our water shoes and continue towards Evolution Valley. Scale: 1:47,520 or inch representing 3/4 mile. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Hundreds of feet of granite on one side, and beautiful open meadow on the other. We were lucky with good weather. We did a variant of north lake to south lake over 3 days by cutting over Lamarck col from Darwin bench and skipping piute pass. Good campsites can be found there also. I didnt pay a whole lot of attention, Im sad to say, and even fewer photos. I went down to the water and splashed some on my head. The air seemed to be getting a bit cooler, so I packed up my stuff and headed out. Mosquitos are out a bit especially in Evolution Valley and Piute Creek. Day 5: Cushy Day was followed by Payback Day. The map shown above is for illustrative purposes only. The final day we packed out. finished this in 5days avaraging 12miles a day. Started at North Lake Trailhead and ended at South Lake. It was challenging knowing exactly where to cross, we tried to find a place that looked shallow enough, however the water came up above my hips (Im 52) which was pretty scary because the current moved me quite a bit and the water was freezing! Evolution Valley Ascension, Kings Canyon National Park and John Muir Wilderness, California Sierra Club Outings Trip | Backpack More Photos Highlights Traverse high mountain passes including Piute and Muir Hike among lush green meadows full shallow tarns Enjoy a layover day to explore or relax Includes 6 days / 5 night. There are possible campsites on Darwin Bench. Get full access to Outside Learn, our online education hub featuring in-depth fitness, nutrition, and adventure courses and more than 2,000 instructional videos when you sign up for Outside+ I had heard from many thru hikers that Evolution Valley was the absolute best. Allow extra driving time to Florence Lake. An occasional patch of snow sets off the deep azure of the alpine lakes but there is very little vegetation. Day 2 Evolution Valley 17.18 2977 AEG Emptied our packs and hiked down to the Muir Trail Ranch to pick our resupply. Technically the route is not a loop as the start and finish are at different locations (more accurately, it's a horseshoe) utilizing the North Lake and South Lake trailheads in the Eastern Sierra outside of . Once over Bishop Pass, we descended down approximately 5-6 miles to South Lake where we ended our journey. The trail descended steeply into the forest as it left Evolution Basin. Did this a decade ago and want to do it again! At Piute Pass, we headed off trail toward Muriel Lake, then Alpine Col, which takes the hiker to the gorgeous Darwin Lakes and Darwin Bench area. We parked at Lake Sabrina, hiked up past the Tyee Lakes to South Lake and then completed the loop clockwise. Thanks to Covid regulations, the signs posted trailside asked people not to visit unless it was an emergency, One of the signs mentioned a Bold, Aggressive, Large Bear that had been raiding food at the Piute Creek area exactly where I planned to stay that night! Day Zero Travel day. Did this hike in end of June 2020 but it was one of my favorites to date so want to leave a review. I have done this trail three times in all. $4,395: August 13-21. On the fourth day of my trek, I backpacked north from Evolution Lake, down into the Evolution Valley with its lush meadows and waterfalls, then down even further to the South Fork San Joaquin River, which I followed downstream yet more, until I left the JMT/PCT for the Piute Pass Trail, climbing this time, and eventually camped along Piute Creek. The best sites we found are located on the east side of the trail directly after we crossed the stream that feeds the lake. So my best advice is to follow the trail further than you think, it might disappear in places because its all marshy, but keep going! Hiked 6/12-6/17. For a topographic map of the hike see my CalTopo Page, For LOTS more photos of the trek see my Flickr Page, Dawn alpenglow over Evolution Lake as I packed up all my gear for another big day of hiking, Dawn color in the clouds above Evolution Valley to the north, Waterfall on the creek that descends from Darwin Bench, after the JMT descends into Evolution Valley, Crossing the creek below the waterfall it was very wide with many small crossings, The Hermit (12328 feet elevation), standing alone and shining bright, at the upper end of Evolution Valley, View up Evolution Valley, over McClure and Colby Meadows with Evolution Creek on the right, and The Hermit, center, The McClure Meadow Ranger Station and the notices outside near the trail, View over McClure Meadow in the morning light, Still water on an curving stretch of Evolution Creek, down in the flat section of Evolution Valley, This is the lower ford of Evolution Creek, where the PCT-JMT crosses this could be dangerous in Spring, The first of several powerful waterfalls and cascades on Evolution Creek down at the lower end of Evolution Valley, One waterfall after another on this section of the creek, Wide-angle GoPro shot looking down into the worn granite where Evolution Creek tumbled downward, One last view of Evolution Creek as it churned down a granite chute on its way out of Evolution Valley, Mount Henry (12196 feet) peeking out between two glaciated granite domes above the South Fork San Joaquin River, The wooden bridge where the JMT-PCT first crosses the South Fork San Joaquin River, Aspen and pine forest at a much lower elevation it was HOT, The metal bridge where the PCT-JMT crosses the South Fork San Joaquin River, View from the metal bridge looking north (downstream), The South Fork San Joaquin River as I hiked north on the John Muir Trail in the sun, The river goes through a steep gorge down below a talus slide. Highly recommend pushing up to lower Dusy Basin (though there are several campsites about 1200 vertical feet up from Le Conte, just prior to a bridge crossing) (night 4). It often has waterfalls cascading from its outlet because of the abrupt drop off. I said a silent thank you before dropping over the top, then apologized to my knees for the steep, descending switch backs they were about to receive. Definitely a moderate hike, but doable in 4 days. Though cooler than July, day-wear was still shorts and t-shirts and nights two layers and a puffy jacket. The route my two amigas and I traveled lies in the trio of Kings Canyon National Park, Inyo National Forest and Sierra National Forest. North to South Lake is the easiest way to go with passes not too difficult. The fourth day we packed back to the Florence lake JMT trail junction. Goode, Bishop Lake, Jigsaw Pass. After we got a bit past Summit Lake, we left the trail and headed to Lower Desolation Lake, Desolation Lake and Mesa Lake, where we camped for the night. The map showed that it eventually merged into the South Fork San Joaquin River somewhere out of sight of the trail. Our group of six left a vehicle at the termination point (South Lake trailhead) then drove to the North Lake overnight parking lot and we started our journey in the late afternoon. Then I continued north. The best time ever, I mean. The Morning Star Mine comprises a group of 18 claims, situated in Secs. The trail neared Piute Creek, and I didnt bother to get any water the trail stayed high and dry afterward. First it is ridiculed. I had descended 2500 feet and climbed another 1000 feet to get up here. Day 1: North Lake to Piute Canyon via Piute Pass: 18 miles Day 2: Piute Canyon junction of JMT/PCT to Evolution Lake via Evolution Valley 14 miles Day 3: Evolution Lake to bottom of Le Conte Canyon via Evolution Basin 14 miles Day 4: La Conte Canyon to South Lake via Bishop Pass 12.5 miles Mosquitoes: none, gnats on Wanda Lake Evolution Valley. Which didnt happen until I reached Piute Creek and the metal bridge that crossed it. My [growing] Collection of Top Utah Hiking Trails, Five ways to make enemies at a public campground, Seeking Powder Hounds: Heli-Skiing the Northwest. All in all, it had been another great day in the High Sierra. View full map Reviews (235) Photos (774) 5 4 3 2 1 4.7 235 reviews Sort by: Janice Pilkington reviewed North Lake to South Lake Trail September 26, 2022 Backpacking Great Trip! Some hikers like to stop for a soak at the public hot springs across the river, just beyond the Muir Trail Ranch. Mosquitoes were everywhere but easily controlled with DEET and an (optional) headnet. By heading upstream on a use-trail for a quarter mile to a meadow, you will find a shallower ford. I had a really good time and met several really nice people. Campsite 1: Upper Golden Trout Lake. We took four full, plus two half days, to hike the 57-mile route starting at South Lake and ending at North Lake, so 10-12 miles each day was the score. Campsites: Lake Georg, Long Lake, descent down from Dusy Basin, Helen Lake, McLure Meadow, Puite Canyon Trail, Summit Lake. Bears are not much of a problem along this stretch of the John Muir Trail. Bridge at JMT junction Stream crossing below Goddard Canyon turnoff Bridge below Goddard Canyon Back across Goddard Canyon Log crossing below Evolution Meadow View up Evolution Valley Gould, Mendel, and Darwin Darwin to Huxley, the Evo traverse crux We did encounter several groups of happy campers who had spent the previous night at some of these lakes. Evolution Lake has lots of excellent campsites. South Lake From South Lake, hike 6.0 miles up Bishop Pass (11,972 ft.). I hung out by the creek for an hour and a half, until 3pm. FIND YOUR WAY OUTSIDE is a trademark of AllTrails, LLC. 1993 . September after Labor Day was a great time to make this trip, as the crowds had thinned but the mild climate lingered. $3,395: Description Itinerary Resources The John Muir Trail is one of the finest hikes to be found anywhere in the world. Elevation 4400 feet Piute Pass was comparatively easy with just a few snow patches. Evolution Valley was flower-filled, even in this drought year. Ooops! We decided to put in stakes about a mile and a half before Piute Pass on what I considered to be the Best in Show campsite winner. lots of water sources so no worries there but u must have enough water to go by as you will drink alot. They were running a bit late to make it to Canada before the Autumn snows, and they knew it. Western States Climbers Emblem Peaks Showing Kimberly Berg's first ascent dates for climbed peaks (0 out of 129, or 0%) Found some spots to camp about 2 miles from the pass. About two miles after leaving camp, we exited off the PCT/John Muir trail and started up to Piute Pass. . I recommend taking the ferry to avoid the lake hike; the view doesn't much change, and there's a lot of clutter around the lake campsites that take away from it. The trail includes one major unbridged crossing of Evolution Creek - often an exciting wade during the spring run-off - and three . There was no bridge. Oh well. Though ruled by an evil mosquito king that keeps his troops busy, Big Pete Meadow (the meadow part should have been our clue) was a delight. After 2.5 mile it crosses a bridge to the south side of the river where a good campsite is located. It was desert like in the high alpine on that side. "All truth goes through three stages. First campsite - Blaney Meadow (10 miles). Its not an extremely hard hike; most of it is pretty gradual and flat in the meadows, but there are two sections of switchbacks: heading up into evolution valley and heading up to evolution lake, but they werent too bad. We started at south lake and ended on north lake, backwards from most, and while Piute pass was a hard hike, i think ending on Piute and Humphrey's Basin was a great way to complete the trip. Im a layman, what can I say? Others seemed to have no issues on the regular crossing. Hike up Muir Pass, down to Le Conte Ranger Station. Evolution Lake was beautiful! There were hikers with quick-drying shoes that just walked right in, but most of us had a chance to talk as we dried our feet. The trail to Piute Pass (11,423-ft.) ascends the lovely North Fork of Bishop Creek, passing photogenic Loch Leven and Piute Lakes along the way. Now I can say, beeen there in a sing-song tone suggesting my best time ever in the land of granite. The trail on the right leads north into French Canyon. Or bag flattopped Mt. But the Reader Leader contest was all it took to get me planning again. If I did this, then I might make it over Piute Pass the next day, and hike out early on the final day, which would allow me to drive home later on that afternoon. At the top was Evolution Valleyas a wannabe biologist, I fell in love with the name. Of course, the unforgettable moments started to pile up as we descended into Evolution Basin and then officially into the hanging valley of Evolution. Follow it 2.1 miles back to the trailhead. the mouth of Evolution Valley. This trail really had a lot of history behind it, and I wondered just how many horses and people had travelled through here in the past. I only had about a liter left of the three Id started with that morning. The Vanderbilt Mine is located partly on private land in the San Bernardino County, two miles west of California-Nevada state lines in the New York mountains four miles southeast of the Ivanpah valley within the Mojave National Preserve. Inside the hut, I swear I felt intensely connected with the energy of the many hikers who entered tired, cold and grateful. Loitering encouraged! Didn't make it up to the lake, but SO HAPPY that we made it to the Hermit. The trail wandered along through the forest, not far from Evolution Creek, which was flowing peacefully and slow. Dinners were instant potatoes with packaged salmon or tuna along with instant soup or couscous. The total distance to Evolution Lake is about 10 miles. Piute Pass going in is a bit of a doozy so push on over and head for lower altitude camping or you may be whacked by the elevation. 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