thanks for taking to your time to read my story for ppl who actually read it. Take care and dont give up on that Cap of yours, I dont mean to boast but you will never find a match like us, and I know he feels the same way about you (if he indeed is a mature fellow), dont let him down, dont betray him (if you do, consider yourself extinct to us no matter how much we suffer due to our loss). Capricorns are lovers that will forever change the way you love others. Taurus man is someone who has to cultivate time and trust before he can fully admit that he's in love with someone. The blossoms are fairer, the rainbows are more colorful and the stars are brighter for them. I feel the same way about him too. We have been together for a 1 and month. However, i hate the fact that he is a flirt , loves to look and admire other woman. They are stubborn and think everything said to them, is an attack on their character. but when we are alone together we have a good time, i get no hard or uncomfortable feelings with him. Youve obviously dated the wrong ones Lisa because I myself hate lies, defs not Bisexual and double life? It is in this desire for security that, as an Earth sign, grounding and stability is key. In another pasture is a goat reserved for me since eternity. They would be better together than they are apart there is simply no denying it. Take care <3 . I am sick over it..Do you think he was too old for me. Im not sure, I try to give him all I can. Nor is she going to be flirtatious with other men if she has her eye on the Capricorn. Neither of them would have even started to date each other unless they considered the other a potential marriage partner. Yep, wow, 12 years and still no relationship. The only real crush Ive had since I was a kid is over a Taurus girl.. WTF? A Taurus guy admires a Capricorn woman's self-control and motivation to succeed, but he also wants to get to know her heart. Sometimes we are complicated but we ask very little if you read between the lines. I am now in a new relationship with a Scorpio man, its very fresh and new but Im very happy and Ive had more from him (emotionally) in the past 3 months than I had in 5 years from the King of lies!!! Dont wait around. When he left to go back to school shortly after we met, we didnt have the realistic option to stay together really. Look, as for me, I look for compatibility first and foremost, then the things we have in common, the things I look for in life such as a woman than can back me up and give me that boost that a man needs (a cap male, I cant speak for the other males), then I also look for a little of resistance, do you see where Im going with this? Every things goes smoth after one month or so problem starts he stop talking with me i am madly in love with him this time then i wen to the place where i saw him but he disnt do anything for me in front of others but he calls me every day iam happy with the progress after some month latter my mom dead i was upset some ups and down happend we met again everythings set but after sime days we fight this time he wont call me i was sad and depresed i stop thinking about anything..just start pray for us our relationship then after dec he likes to talk to me i felt happy eventualy our love goes stornger and we stat seeing each other as a good company ..We can love each other throgh out the life. Thus, an understanding, patient, and caring woman is the best match for a Capricorn man. She can have an independent way of thinking that will impress him. They do genuinely love one another, but neither is very good at expressing that. He feels sure of it in his bones, and so does the Taurus woman. i have found it sooooo hard to NOT admire my Capricorn male that i get swept up into his personality and traits. Firstly , I want to say that Capricorns are very special to us Taurus women, though, does concern me about how mental the capricorn male is, not necessarily intellect wise but the traditional Capricorn males do not trust women, and have issues treating them as actual beings, in their own ways. However, Cap men are, for the most part, just as likely to have a lifelong love affair or disastrous marriage with any star sign than they are with the next. Its time to be alone for a long time. I hadnt seen him since then, and hadnt talked to him since I blocked his number. Or maybe its just me and my pregnancy hormones.. Im a Capricorn Man. A couple of Taurus woman and Capricorn man are accompanied by a happy union, trusting relationship, ease and understanding in communication. Hang on a man? Goodman doesn't hold back in her depiction of the attractive Libra. The Capricorn man and the Taurus woman are usually a good combination. I have a hard time verbalizing my needs just like how the article saysbut i think we are both learning about each other and ourselves (yes, us taurus women are stubborn, but we love deeply and give so much of ourselves). You obviously are just trying to hurt caps reputations because your hurt. I will always love that man. But he is indeed more than rewarding. So he contacted me on ANOTHER one of his numbers, and I went to his house at like 3 a-m after going out with some other guy earlier in the night. I truly felt secured and happy. And. Also imma have to disagree from the libra man in the comments. I love their passion towards their goal and prefer them to be focused and working hard. The night we got back from our weekend away, I stayed at his. im a 37year old taurus women i recently met a 42 year old cap online through speed date. My Taurus woman keeps me well and truly grounded and very stable to the point of I trust her with my life and will see her for who she is The one and only queen in my world and will always remain to be. Things in general, not specifically things for me. srsly, you flirting with other girls is really going to weaken her feelings for you, maybe even scare her off completely, and hurt her beyond belief! Theres a softness to the Taurus female, from her delicately sloping shoulders to the kindness in her eyes. Also, hes a very attractive, outgoing guy. As for her, her expectations of a man and how he treats her, as well as how he conducts himself, resonate with him. If he ended up with me he would have cheated. It may have worked if it was easier to fly into/ out of the isolated place where I still live to this day. Jealousy Comes Out. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the any regulatory body. You dingus. So, I never really wanted him to be tied down to me. It is really best for the Capricorn man to relax and let her be involved in their financial life and even to manage their finances completely. Just like him, she too wants a lovely home which she can be proud of as a status symbol as well as she can be able to enjoy all the comforts that she can be provided with. We might make you feel as if we are trying to be superior than you but guess what, have you ever heard For every great man there stands a great woman by his side that is true, you are what makes us complete, therefore we will become extremely protective of you taking the front and acting as a shield that will deter anything that will try to break what we haveyou! I'm a Taurus woman married to a Capricorn male. We always always come back to eachother. She is goal-driven and knows how to put her energy into the right places in order to get results. Taming the Capricorn. without him holidays used to be so boring. So decided to meet up just as a hang out randomly. She, on the other hand, has to let go of a bit of her stubbornness if she wants a chance at communicating her emotional needs to him, as much as she hates to have to verbalize them. While this may seem cold to other signs, both of them will be happy with it. Ill go home for ten days next month and that will be a good trial period. I didnt answer. i know that when i fine my lover i will be a better person. Nothing could break us up, because we dont take life too seriously. A Capricorn man loves a Taurus womans can-do attitude. Capricorn males, I do believe to have some superiority towards females, which in a general sense I do understand (me being the down to earth taurus that I am, i do share the same general view and perspectives) the only ONLY real problem with that is,if you share the same views and ideas , he will not respect you as much. The similarities and understanding between them as well as their mutual desires out of life make marriage feel almost inevitable for these two. For this reasons he needs to be more expressive and verbal at times to make her feel appreciated and loved. Whether it was love at first sight or friends first, they have the potential to stay together for a long time. And since theyre wholeheartedly invested once they commit to marriage, Taurus woman and Capricorn man love at first sight. . and leave the love part aside.. hopefully i might change by time. He is really the perfect guy but now I feel i cannot adjust. Capricorn boyfriends can hide so much inside that on the outside they seem cold, selfish and blunt, but in actuality, they love you like no one would. Determined Despite being shy, a Taurus woman is a very determined person. I fell for him that weekend real bad, on the first night away he noticed a piece of jewellery he had packed was missing. Though in the beginning, the Capricorn man may seem to be cold and selfish but deep inside he is a person with patience and commitment which makes him a great partner for a Taurus woman. A Capricorn man can actually find a great companion in her who is in many ways similar to him. The Taurus woman wants to know that she is with a man who will fulfill all his duties as her lover, and in this case, the Capricorn man is the perfect mate to promise regular lovemaking. He is a gentle, loving and stable partner. Virgo has so distant 4 a long time even after I tried talking 2 him abt it.n cappy is always busy but those little texts in between mean a lot 2 me, Am a Taurus woman n am weighing btwn my Virgo boyfriend n Capricorn potential. Now if you fail to understand when we are being passionately stubborn with our loved ones then we will just get bored and hope to find something better. When he's in love, you are his and he won't let anyone else try to take you from him. And when they do get together, all of their friends can instantly see a difference it's like falling under a magic spell. She, when she follows her instincts, can help her Capricorn man free the emotions he shyly feels, and so very much longs to release. The only time he shared his true feelings was when we were intimate (and boy were we intimate!lol fireworks! A Taurus woman and a Capricorn man compliment each other perfectly. If youre like me and found a capricorn male who also matches up with the rest of your chart, this is probably your soulmate. Or in her case, will-do.. Taurus woman here, and I have been sex buddies with a Pisces man for about 12years. When two Virgo partners enter a sexual relationship, this need for criticism multiplies, and what's worse, they seem to motivate each other to grow it and make it even stronger. They are out there I swear. We have high expectations for our lives, so we want to do things right. ughh.we live very far away now, we dont get in touch much i didnt know about horoscopes until week ago. DO BE OPTIMISTIC AND HOLD ON TIGHT, WE NEED TIME AND YOUR LOYALTY AND PATIENCE ON US, AND IN TIME WELL THEN OPEN UP. Well I got pregnant, so we moved out. Since his physical desires are as strong as any mans, together with some lovely emotional expression can become a beautiful blend of sex and romance, making their love making even more beautiful and enjoyable than ever before. When a Taurus woman sets her mind on something, she will try to get it at all costs. i wished i knew about astrology back then. Things like children, good money flowing into the household, a nice home and luxurious vacations. Now, Im looking to date a Capricorn and looking forward to it. we have perfect communition. Early on in the relationship, we had a weekend away. I feltto comment on your story because I asked my friend years later why he did what hedid for yearsafter his love married someone else and he said that it was because the pain was so intense he didnt know how to digest it andnumbed himself with other womens bodies, but that it never helped him but makehim feel more lost. We actually have very distant relationships to our parents. He could definitely win an Emmy with his baggage of a soap opera. The Capricorn man's presence may be requested (or even required) at a childhood home. Are you wondering what attracts a Capricorn man to a Taurus woman? Hes also a hard worker with a good job, and he was 22 at the time. He is like a robot when i speak to him on the phone, and complains so much about his personal problems. Hes definitely a married in my final opinion. Chyeaa, nuggha.. But i feel like its not enough. Table Of Contents. Its just her way of being, and the Capricorn male finds that totally alluring. Ive been seeing a 48 cap male for nearly a year now. i have expanded my work and opened my own company and what i kept on doing is going into relations. but I felt he was constantly dissappointing me and being stingy with affection and sincerity and I wound up blocking his OTHER number. Taurus the Bull doesn't play games when it comes to matters of the heart, so they'll be drawn to Cancer's authenticity and emotional vulnerability. I have capricorn friends and used to date capricorn. Users, liars, double lives. Both Taurus and Capricorns value tradition and are interested in following family traditions. The sex act itself is also very Earthy, and they both take great enjoyment in it. When he is at home, he will take full advantage of the opportunity to be with his Taurus wife in bed. I am Taurus women and I have dated my Capricorn boyfriend for over a year. With such different life situations, I didnt feel he was fulfilling my needs. She gives at a nearly inexhaustible rate, but requires a certain amount of recognition as fuel and this is what he has to understand. Can Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman Fall in Love at First Sight. First off, I am a Taurus , I am 23 and my Capricorn male is 22. Fearless, passionate Earth signs, Capricorn and Taurus are a match made in heaven. Where everything I think whent wrong (and its a shame) it when I became vocal and honest of my intentions and wants. Drag his kids into his lies, swear on his kids lives that he was telling me the truth when I had concrete evidence that he was lying, cheated with women who looked like cheap whores and when he got found out, I was ALWAYS to blame in some way, shape or form. They can be just as emotionally sensitive as a girl, but protective over his women in every way. Ill been looking for a ladytaurus, which seems to be hard to find these days! Taurus and Capricorn are both calm people. A Capricorn man is strongly ambitious, determined and good to talk person but definitely to deal with. Heres the funny part, our moon alignments are basically reversed versions of each other since Im a Lunar Libra ruled by Venus, and shes a Lunar Cap. @bubblegirl Their sexual compatibility makes their sex life smooth and easy. Needless to say, I had to walk away, cut my loses because if I stood there any longer and kept on talking and got intimate I would end up hurt because I know me, I wouldve fallen in-love with her (do to the connection I felt), and she was also seen someone that supposedly the relationship was fizzing out but she was not ready to let go (at least for me she was either in love with him, felt something strong for him and was waiting for a turnaround on his part). When love strikes between these two, not infrequently, marriage follows. dont worry im not stupid. I did read an article , there is a paragraph going about how only childs, an absentee father, and a daddys girls are attracted to caps, I AM NOT ONLY ALL OF THOSE, but a taurus who is amazingly attracted and inspired in so many ways to my cap, Ive never met a cap in my life, this relationship is comparable to a daddy daughter relationship in a way, i like to do things for him, flatter him, make him proud,please do not even comment on the sexual part because that in no way is even connected , my father died when I was 2, I said I am a daddys girl simply because I favor males naturally and crave male attention (i grew out of blaming the sexual craving when I was younger) m talking more on a male relationship period, most women come off to me as emotional,annoying,bitchy and winney so I naturally aam more okay with being with different males, but at the same time, males seem so easy to figure out but not my cap male NU UH NU UH NU UH okay thats enough, thank you for your comment , Den, so appreciated <3 the relationship is very complex, in so many ways, I just don't want this to become a relationship full of mind games,..and please explain how I can stand my ground better, if you can give any such advice, I find my cap constantly contradicting me, I find myself angry for that, but at the sae time, I see that he's right, I just don't want him to see me as a "nail" in the floor, ready to step on, in so many aspects I am very submissive but I want to be dominative on the right aspects, Im willing and have put so much time and effort into this, its really an amazing relationship. I am trying my best to be honest with him. 2 years ago i met him in holidays when i went to his town and he doesnt show any signs. But I suspected he was home for christmas at his parents house, which is 10 minutes away from my house. Pls, i ve read all about him here, but pls, is there anything you think i need to be doing to avoid having a bone of contextion with him, and that will make our relationship more strongerbecause i love him so much..i see him as my ideal mate, i dont depend on him financially as i strive to help myself on that respect.But i still believe in him,cos he makes me feel so comfortable and have a calm mind..Do u think we can marry with the way things are going? He will find someone to marry who can help him advance in some way. i used to love spending to time with him. Which leads me to my next point, I recently met a Taurus female that we had so much in common and our past (which we didnt know until we started talking) connected us as far back to maybe 8 years and there on going thru similar stages in our lives pretty much simultaneously. Here's the numbers for Moon signs: Scorpio 26 to 37, Cap 21 to 41, Virgo 21 to 34, Taurus 21 to 33, Pisces 19 to 34, Aqua 19 to 31, Aries 17 to 28, Gemini 17 to 27, Cancer 16 to 24, Leo 15 to 30, Libra 15 to 27, Sag 10 to 34. Every detail of their courtship will be planned and carefully considered. But I know I will be with him for many, many years in the future. Good chemestry but doesnt fufill me enough to date him. It often leads to miscommunication and misunderstandings. If all goes well, they will begin to plan their marriage early on. , Your email address will not be published. Cap guys are to much to be honest, they complain to much, very critical about everything. Tauruses don't really like. We need sensuality, a bit of se*;, a bit of openness. Both of them show their love by taking care of each other in tangible and practical ways. ive never hurt this bad, or felt this low. Interesting. Emotions are beautiful thing but not stable enough for me to dance together lolll Personally I prefer when they are cautious Because I am cautious lol I love caps, just wish you are more patient! In general, this is a couple made in heaven based on their communicating and understanding levels. well give everything we have to make you feel happy, satisfied, proud, comfortable, safe, loved, ETC. I loved a Girl she is Acquires. He really tolerated my impudence for some monthsas i will be having lunch date with him, my boyfriend calls me up on phonei will abandon him right there just to go and be with my boyfriend..maybe it broke his heart, but he never shown it so much..several times i did that to himbut he still didnt give up on me, neither did he make his intentions known to me Sweet words, flowers, and chocolates mean very little to them if their love will lead them into poverty. but i feel like he is trying his best to have a straight expression. we both like to please eachother equally. Capricorn men are disgusting. Both are fine books, but I didnt finish either. How to Make a Taurus Man Miss You Like Crazy (14 Sly Ways), How to Use No Contact Rule With a Taurus Man (6 No-Fail Tips). We do, however, helplessly and undeniably arouse and resonate one another. and I cant wait to come back here years from now to laugh that we actually made it..:], Stuuuuupid.. I also blocked his number because I didnt want him sending me any more shallow annoying text messages!! Whether this is a point of stress or a place of peace is all a matter of perspective. The Capricorn woman can do it all. A few months later the cap graduated and came home. It will not bother a Taurus woman that her Capricorn husband will not be home very much. Strong sexual attraction exists between these two, for sure. What Attracts a Capricorn Man to a Taurus Woman? Im not a chaser but I chase when necessary. I am very passionate woman and he lacks that. Its quiet a turn off really. I really hope everything works out. The Taurus man and Capricorn woman are highly compatible in love. i messed up though. Both of them are solid and down to earth. They will build a happy and successful life together. Dont give up on finding true loveI didnt. If a Capricorn man and Taurus woman fight about anything, it will be over money. Not every issue is preventable, but being armed with the knowledge of how to deal with a Capricorn man is a wise womans weapon. When a Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man come together on a first date, they begin to create a soulmate tie that most other zodiac signs would envy. Youre not too far off from sealing the bond I hope one day I too find my Taurus woman that will cherish and love me like you both feel, to me shes still a dream. . Of course. He will do something without really thinking how it would affect us and then when he realized that something went terribly wrong its hard for him to fix it. (sorry i am going out of topic, when i start doing somethng i dont know how to stop doing it haha?). Because in the end our lovemaking really is beautiful and he gives me a stable relationship that ive desired with all my heart. A Taurus woman practical in all areas of her life, including her love life. theyre laughing and touching and this and that, all the things we do. One of the areas that Capricorn and Taurus really do well in is that of the emotions. Hes inquisitive and so am I. Its kind of different to have a man ask you questions. Very much we didnt have the potential to stay together for a long time sooooo. Luxurious vacations or maybe its just me and being stingy with affection and sincerity and i cant wait to back. Even required ) at a childhood home to stay together really can have independent... Alone for a 1 and month i can not adjust all goes well, they the... As their mutual desires out of life make marriage feel almost inevitable for these,. At a childhood home protective over his women in every way no denying it lovers will... Other number goal and prefer them to be hard to find these days kept on doing is going relations. Woman fight about anything, it will not bother a Taurus woman and a Capricorn.! Love part aside.. hopefully i might change by time books, but protective over his women every! 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