Was her performance in the campaign a result of ill health? https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Assault-definitive-guideline-Web.pdf Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Youre right. Then there were these targeted Facebook ads. Mild symptoms (grandiosity, visions, impetuous aggression) may even have helped prehistoric young males to get laid. Unfortunately it isnt until crime has been committed that intervention takes place. He went on in October to expose himself at Homerton Hospital. Quote of the Day 21/02/2023 Hate speech laws are not only wrong but pointless and counterproductive. Not that I know of. By the time his case is heard, his mother could be Home Secretary and would be in charge of the countrys police forces if Labour win the General Election. Its like the fantasy about Brexiters mobbing the streets or what-have-you. Abuse of illegal drugs is no mitigation. I dont think I was using fatherlessness as an excuse for James Abbott-Thompsons actions, Im merely pointing out that it may be one factor among many for his decline to a position where he felt arrogant enough to say yes to a drug that destroys those who take it. It was just a visceral thing in the end for some of them that they just couldnt do it.. I saved myself from Royal life, Harry says & insists 'sharing's an act of service', Love Island's Olivia Hawkins breaks silence as she returns to the UK, Loose Women star lined up to be Strictly's first contestant in wheelchair, Coronation Street fans horrified as Amy Barlow is raped in disturbing scenes, News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Diane Abbott Families are struggling against a tide of junk information on junk food. Thats how racially aggravated charges usually work. THE son of Labour MP Diane Abbott appeared in court yesterday over an alleged string of attacks on NHS staff and cops. Some of his attacks caused significant injuries including one on a security guard who had to have six months off work after Abbott-Thompson claimed to be HIV positive. Welcome to Fahrenheit211. The alleged attacks took place over the last six months at three London hospitals, the Homerton Hospital in Hackney, the Royal Free in Hampstead and Mile End Hospital in Tower Hamlets. There was one which was a mashup ad which made it sound as if I supported al-Qaida. As a society we are getting better at reducing the stigma around mental illness but there is still a way to go. Diane Abbott has accused the Conservative party of unleashing the most vicious and negative general election campaign in her memory, expressing her disappointment that a female prime minister. He also faces one count of exposure on a hospital ward. Diane Abbott's son admits assaulting two police officers The son of the Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has admitted spitting at one police officer and biting another after being refused entry to a government building in central London last November. The youngest developed schizophrenia around the age of 20 and it was put down to delayed affects of the malaria hed had when he was about 8. He then sunk his teeth into an officer who was trying to detain him under the Mental Health Act. So a fairly typical afro-caribbean family history. Milord. Diane Abbott's History Of Gaffes. Thank you for your thoughtful comment on this. But when told they were not present, he flew into a rage with workers who called the police when he refused to leave. Labour's Diane Abbott was asked to quit the shadow cabinet by Jeremy Corbyn's chief of staff after an interview blunder that hit the headlines. They are disagreeable memories. THE son of Labour MP Diane Abbott appeared in court yesterday over an alleged string of attacks on NHS staff and cops. Y&R spoilers tease that before they leave Genoa City to avoid Jeremy Stark (James Hyde), Jack will pop the question to Diane. I completely agree with you that JA-T dug his own grave by his own decisions. A source in the party said: Was her response to vicious campaigning also in response to whether Labour were vicious? The exception is Tim Worstall, who is truly the Ron Jeremy of blogging. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. You fight seven general election campaigns, in Hackney, and suddenly you are this target. I hope this guy can rebuild his life but it may be impossible, he might have done too much damage to his brain to be able to do that. I commend you for trying to take a compassionate view of this episode. The diplomat is then said to have chased her around her 1.2million home. There will be important roles to fill but some of [the shadow cabinet] really stepped up they came in 2015 and stepped up and to move then to one side would be really unfair., A true progressive alliance would have made Jeremy Corbyn prime minister | Clive Lewis and Caroline Lucas, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. I imagine its to do with duffing up a chaps property because you dislike his race. Accomplished and "get it done" leader supported by a wide range of expertise in Omnichannel marketing, creative talent leadership, and team management skills that merge to drive measurable and . We are engaged in war with the supreme evil of the Left. Maybe the lack of stable male presence in these young mens lives leads them to look for role models elsewhere, but on the street they find the worst ones. I am doing that now and I feel ready to get back to work.. Fat_Cav LE . She was accused of hypocrisy, but claimed she had done a lot of work on how black boys underachieve in secondary schools. The former University of Cambridge student was at the centre of a political row in 2003, when his mother was accused of hypocrisy for sending him to the elite 10,000 a year City of London school. And she called on Mays Conservatives and parts of the media to really examine the type of politics they had practised in the campaign, warning that relentless negative attacks against her personally risked putting young black women off politics. View our online Press Pack. A person with a mental health record will be sectioned far more quickly than one without. The terrified MP called police begging for help when James Abbott-Thompson began chasing her round her house with the scissors while claiming he had a gun in his dressing gown. After all, Abbott-Thompson has had to live with the tragedy of fatherlessness, an affliction that has befallen on far too many Britons of West Indian heritage. He was released on bail and will appear back in front of the judge in February. Dearieme: were the schizophrenics you were involved in already heavy users of cannabis? The alleged attacks took place over the last six months at three London hospitals, the Homerton Hospital in Hackney, the Royal Free in Hampstead and Mile End Hospital in Tower Hamlets. Regrettably there is also more poverty in African-American single parent families than there should be and the less stable family structure with the mother having a string of boyfriends being ersatz fathers cannot be good for the children. Unity News Network (UNN) is a News and Grassroots Information Centre established in April 2018. the general election in a little over a weeks time. The Left loves going after peoples families, just as they love a demo. Youve got to be really bad to get sectioned these days. James Abbott-Thompson, 28, was arrested. Although Im aware that correlation is not causation, I cant help but be aware that as fatherlessness has increased among Britains West Indian heritage community, so has criminality and the phenomena of young men taking their behavioural cues from those involved in street culture. But recent trends to later fatherhood would tend to remove the S gene. When do we reach that point in the war with the Left? The Daily Mail said: But on the day when police took Abbott-Thompson from the Labour MPs home to nearby Homerton Hospital he attacked a second police officer and another man. Without a genetic explanation I can only think of illegal drugs. , updated Among those other things was something incredibly precious to the Young & Restless family: "A sweet message from Jeanne [Cooper].". But had the latter not educated him in a manner which has become a by-word for political hypocrisy, or attempted to justify this by reference to her desire to avoid him becoming a young black London criminal, or herself been racist, then this would hardly have made the news. Why you can trust Sky News. Its a small but perfectly-formed example of how constrained we are as we fight them for our civilisations survival. Understanding of high rates of schizophrenia in some ethnic groups may be enhanced by an exploration of protective factors. Damian Green, work and pensions secretary before his post-election promotion, told the Guardian in an eve-of-poll interview that the Brexit vote had burst the dam of party loyalty, freeing lifelong Labour voters to back the Conservatives a widely-held view in Tory high command that saw Theresa Mays bright blue campaign battle bus tour one safe Labour seat after another. Not really, it depends on your history. The allegations made by his mother were not part of the case as she did not pursue charges. One of the reasons why people dont voluntarily seek help for addiction is the belief that they can control what they take even though deep down they know they cant. According to one source Meth sells for 200 per gramme as opposed to Cocaine and normal Amphetamine which are 40 and 5 per gramme respectively. But when stat-ioned in the British embassy in Rome, he is said to have become hooked on highly addictive stimulant crystal meth. what a lovely, caring son she has managed to bring up by herself, I was very proud of them both. I had a quick look down the rabbit hole of mens rea yesterday because Id seen a comment some time ago that it seems to have fallen out of favour as a test with the police and prosecutors, perhaps MLed would like to comment? 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Diane Abbot is a British politician who became the first woman of African descent to be elected to the House of Commons. A few days later he beat up a doctor at Mile End Hospital, assaulted a female nurse at the Royal Free Hospital and hit out at another man. James Abbott-Thompson, 28, faced 11 charges including nine assaults. I passed the cases to qualified hands; I wouldnt have expected them to break patient confidentiality to tell me any more. Abbott-Thompson punched and spat in the face of one officer and tried to hit a second, biting his left thumb. It appears that whatever demons that were inside Abbott-Thompson were amplified and made worse by Meth. Lawyers acting for the Labour front-bencher wrote to this newspaper after it approached her for comment. The last assault on a hospital worker is said to have taken place just two days before Christmas. After arriving it was officers who found evidence of crystal meth use in Abbott-Thompsons room. Biological or genetic susceptibility do not appear to explain high rates of schizophrenia in black Caribbeans. , To paraphrase Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein): You may not be interested in Identity Politics, but Identity Politics is interested in you.. train themed cocktails; cantiague park baseball field map; private group dining seattle Eh? Required fields are marked *. But she admitted that it had affected her performance in broadcast interviews branded a car crash in the midst of the gruelling seven-week campaign. He could have told those who were offering him Meth at the start of his Meth downfall that he was not interested and ingest something else instead. The grey area between being criminally responsible and being a total nutter is very large indeed. Theres probably complex reasons for his behaviour. But he didnt. I quote loosely from memory. DianeAbbotts diplomat son threatened her with scissors and attacked nine emergency workers when hooked on the drug crystal meth. In a constituency like Hackney, its quite mobile and its quite fluid although its a very safe Labour seat. I cant even recall who came to clear up his belongings and Im pretty certain that I didnt meet his family. Even though I take the libertarian view that people should be free to get high if they wish but should be responsible about getting high, Meth does seem to cause immense problems with the users mental health. Questions at tomworstall.com we can answer: Why arent we all talking about Diane Abbotts son? Instead it appears to be more and more common. Forbes magazine's extraordinarily arrogant contributor Tim Worstall Jeremy Corbyn. James Abbott-Thompson, son of Labour Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, has been charged over an incident in which police officers were allegedly bitten and spat on. The wages of hypocrisy are, in this case, worse than not bothering in the first place, and that is a moral lesson worth publicising. Ive met plenty of single parent families who are in a better position than they would have been had the bad man that sired the children had stayed around. There was a sense in this campaign nationally that whether you were a Ukip voter concerned about immigration, or whether you were a young professional in Hackney worried about Brexit, in the end, faced with the Tory campaign, you came home, she said. Hopefully Abbott Thompson will pull himself out of the dark hole he is in. He said that is not Diane, because ever since Ive been a child Ive had a great memory for figures, and he said he knew it was my blood sugar and gave me a lecture about eating and having glucose tablets, she said, highlighting her years of broadcast experience as a pundit on This Week. Nearly every comment I have read either takes this episode as either as proof of the inherent wickedness of Diane Abbott and the Labour left, or views the press reporting of it as a hatchet job by the evil right wing press. Twas never gonna happen, because were dealing with two different tribes with different values and patterns of behaviour. James Abbott-Thompson, 28, was arrested outside the Westminster building on Friday afternoon last week. The Tories need to explain why they singled me out. The beloved actress, of course, played Katherine Chancellor and passed away not long after the show's 40th anniversary, in May 2013, after a battle with COPD. Definitely no cultural reason why single black mothers cant raise decent kids despite going to the wall for them. District Judge Jane McIvor granted Abbott-Thompson bail yesterday ahead of a further hearing at Wood Green Crown Court next month. On that note, as an adult James alone is responsible for his behaviour. Then have children. Id also throw in foetal alcohol syndrome as an occasional factor, plus skunk although, as Jim says, that bit can be rather circular. Larry Elder keeps banging on about these issues, and about two things that keeps a young black person out of poverty and statistics are in ones favour: 1. dont get pregnant under 21 years of age 2. graduate from high school. I appreciate the sentiments of those who want to differentiate between the travails of this poor wretch, and the political stance of his mother. Any other suggestions?. In December 2019, readers asked us about reports that claimed that Diane Abbott, a prominent Labour MP in the U.K. and the . He also faces one count of exposure on a hospital ward. James Abbott-Thompson had a choice. In the United States as the welfare system prioritised single mothers, so grew the number of single mothers. The details of the letter are private and cannot be published. Of course, had a son of say Jacob Rees-Mogg behaved like this it would have been all over the papers and Beeb for months. Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at webnews@metro.co.uk. South Asians have experienced migration, problems with cultural assimilation, and sociodemographic disadvantage, and yet they experience only marginally higher rates of schizophrenia than those of the white British population. I did learn a few generalities it was a common age for the symptoms first to appear, the chances of a permanent cure were about nil, and so forth. My feeling is that schizophrenia is entirely genetic in origin, its just that drug taking pushes more people over the line so to speak. They dont charge lightly, and there would have been pressure not to in this case. I feel sorry for Abbott Thompson because being mentally ill is the most scariest thing ever. Its time for a robust response that points out that these people are hypocritical arseholes so they can be finished off for good. I thought that biting a rozzer during the closed season was also on the charge sheet. She seems to have always tried to do the best by her son, even when it has been to her disadvantage (she must have known that agreeing to send him to private school would undermine her political credibility, but she did it anyway). DIANE ABBOTT'S son was arrested after he was accused of assaulting a police officer last week. Once a black boy is lost to the world of gangs its very hard to get them back., She told the BBCs Andrew Neil: West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.. But that probably goes without saying, doesnt it?. Officers who went to Diane Abbott's 1.2 million houses discovered traces of crystal meth usage in Abbott-room, Thompson's according to court documents. Abbott-Thompson, whose Left-wing mother came under fierce criticism for sending her only child to the private City of London School, joined the Foreign Office in 2014. Diane Abbott at the Labour Party's manifesto launch Hartley-Brewer then laid into the Labour politician's defence of Ms Abbott. >More generally, it would be interesting to know why he left (/was recalled) from his FCO post in Rome. And they could say things flat out untrue May said Diane wants to wipe the DNA database no I dont, I wanted to take innocent people off it.. Are you properly ashamed of yourselves yet? Rebecca Camber Chief Crime Correspondent For The Daily Mail Three go mad in Liverpool. Explaining her decisions about his education, she said: I knew what could happen if my son went to the wrong school and got in with the wrong crowd. The alleged assault took place on Friday less than an hour afterthe London Bridge terrorist attack. Alison Flood. He got a job in one of the Great Offices of State and seemed to be given an overseas posting quite swiftly, something his Cambridge University education would have helped him achieve.