In December 1972 NASA canceled all of its nuclear propulsion and power programs, resulting in the closure of Plum Brook Station [today, the Neil Armstrong Test Facility]. In terms of spacecraft hours, the USSR had 460 hours of spaceflight; the United States had 1,024 hours. Orion progress at KSC, consumable offload planned for EM-1. The criminal conspiracy involved distributing fentanyl and other similar substances from Canada and China into the United States, resulting in 15 overdoses, four of which were fatal. Its used for testing full-scale space hardware, including parts of rockets, Mars landers, and space stations. Marcus Allen, a conspiracist, answered that no photos of hardware on the Moon would convince him that human landings had happened. Since 2012, Plum Brook Station has received about $31 million in annual funding from NASA, most of which comes from the agency's Construction and Environmental Compliance account the budget. Blueprints and design and development drawings of the machines involved are missing. Engineers inspect the inlet of a prototype Hypersonic Research Engine scramjet prior to a test run in Hypersonic Tunnel Facility. On later missions, NASA released information to the public explaining where and when the spacecraft could be sighted. Two of these a wind tunnel called the Hypersonic Test Facility, and the Cryogenic Components Laboratory, which is now slated for demolition have not been used in four years, the IG wrote. Measuring 100' in diameter and 122' high, it was ideal for testing the Mars lander systems and International Space Station hardware. Nevertheless, the claim was taken up in earnest;[144] Clyde Lewis used it almost word-for-word,[143] whereas Jay Weidner gave the brother a more senior status within the party: No one knows how the powers-that-be convinced Kubrick to direct the Apollo landings. There appear to be "hot spots" in some photos that look like a large spotlight was used in place of the Sun. [189][190], A 2000 poll conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation[ru] () in Russia found that 28% of those surveyed did not believe that American astronauts landed on the Moon, and this percentage is roughly equal in all social-demographic groups. [164] The Intrepid lander descent stage, experiment package (ALSEP), Surveyor 3 spacecraft, and astronaut footpaths are all visible. Some conspiracists have suggested that Starfish Prime (a high-altitude nuclear test in 1962) formed another intense layer on the Van Allen belt.[82]. In the 1970s the center expanded the scope of its work into new areas, such as renewable energy sources. The Daily Telegraph published a story in 2002 saying that European astronomers at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) would use it to view the landing sites. The entire process ultimately cost $253 million, significantly more than the inflation-adjusted cost of constructing the facility.[4]. On this page: Acoustics Facilities Combustion Facilities Components Facilities [20], Hoax theory debunker Phil Plait says in his 2002 book Bad Astronomy,[b] that the Soviets with their own competing Moon program, an extensive intelligence network and a formidable scientific community able to analyze NASA data would have 'cried foul' if the United States tried to fake a Moon landing,[21] especially since their own program had failed. The only real success story in terms of actual customers was, and still is, the Space Power Facility. Moon-landing conspiracists claim that observatories and the Hubble Space Telescope should be able to photograph the landing sites. This suggests that it was filmed on Earth and a breeze caused the flag to flutter. The Plum Brook Reactor was a NASA 60 megawatt water-cooled and moderated research nuclear reactor,[1][2] located in Sandusky, Ohio, 50mi west of the NASA Glenn Research Center (at that time the NASA Lewis Research Center) in Cleveland, of which it was organizationally a part. Plum Brook Station is located about eight miles from Sandusky, Ohio. The tapes contain the original and highest quality video feed from the Apollo 11 landing. NASA's Nuclear Frontier: The Plum Brook Reactor Facility, 1941-2002 In 1953, President Eisenhower delivered a speech called "Atoms for Peace" to the United Nations General Assembly. [143] It has been claimed that when 2001 was in post-production in early 1968, NASA secretly approached Kubrick to direct the first three Moon landings. Others are looking for the missing telemetry tapes for different reasons. (See List of human spaceflights, 19611970, and refer to individual flights for the length of time.). The fairing is an essential piece of hardware for the Hawthorne, California, companys commercial satellite launches. The worlds most powerful spacecraft acoustic test chamber, its capable of simulating the noise of a spacecraft launch up to 163 decibels, or as loud as the thrust of 20 jet engines. "[171] NASA continues to send teams to work in Antarctica to mimic the conditions on other planets. The angle and color of shadows are inconsistent. [3] The station included several large test facilities besides the reactor, including liquid hydrogen facilities for development and testing of the Centaur upper stage. The Parkes Observatory in Australia was billed to the world for weeks as the site that would be relaying communications from the first moonwalk. [42] This was the reason the final flights were cut, along with plans for even more ambitious follow-on programs such as a permanent space station and crewed flight to Mars. The Space Power Facility, meanwhile, is the largest vacuum chamber in the world. Photography experts (including those unrelated to NASA) have replied that the oddities are consistent with what should be expected from a real Moon landing, and are not consistent with tweaked or studio imagery. Conspiracists often use this evidence to suggest that objects were "pasted" over the photographs, and hence obscure the reticle. [6], An early and influential book about the subject of a Moon-landing conspiracy, We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle, was self-published in 1976 by Bill Kaysing, a former US Navy officer with a Bachelor of Arts in English. And considering the cost of maintaining them, this was no small issue. Cropped photo of Buzz Aldrin saluting the flag (the fingers of Aldrin's right hand can be seen behind his helmet), Cropped photo taken a few seconds later, Buzz Aldrin's hand is down, head turned toward the camera, the flag is unchanged, Animation of the two photos, showing that though Armstrong's camera moved between exposures, the flag is not waving. [132] The Soviet LK lunar lander was tested in uncrewed low-Earth-orbit flights three times in 1970 and 1971. Those who believe the Moon landings were faked offer several theories about the motives of NASA and the United States government. Its walls are 2 feet thick to withstand the blast of powerful . Opinion polls taken in various locations have shown that between 6% and 20% of Americans, 25% of Britons, and 28% of Russians surveyed believe that the crewed landings were faked. In December 2009 NASA issued a final report on the Apollo 11 telemetry tapes. The Gas Handling Area was removed in March 2010, followed by the High Energy Rocket Engine Research Facility (B1) and Nuclear Rocket Dynamics and Control Facility (B3) facilities in fall 2010. On July 17, 2009, NASA released low-resolution engineering test photos of the Apollo 11, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 landing sites that have been photographed by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter as part of the process of starting its primary mission. [142] The fact sheet is particularly blunt and regards the idea of faking the Moon landings to be preposterous and outlandish. NASA also notes that all of the operations and phases of the Apollo program were closely followed and under the scrutiny of the news media, from liftoff to splashdown. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched their SELENE Moon orbiter on September 14, 2007 (JST), from Tanegashima Space Center. More by Dan Leone. [44] They show that NASA's portrayal of the Moon landing is fundamentally accurate, allowing for such common mistakes as mislabeled photos and imperfect personal recollections. [7] Despite having no knowledge of rockets or technical writing,[8] Kaysing was hired as a senior technical writer in 1956 by Rocketdyne, the company that built the F-1 engines used on the Saturn V rocket. The center did not bring the Rocket Systems Area sites, which had fallen into disrepair during the interim, back online. Some of the main facilities hadnt been used for years. Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick is accused of having produced much of the footage for Apollos 11 and 12, presumably because he had just directed 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is partly set on the Moon and featured advanced special effects. [2][3] In 2012, images were released showing five of the six Apollo missions' American flags erected on the Moon still standing. Lewis Director Bruce Lundin traveled to Plum Brook that day to personally inform the staff that the station would be closed down. [128] Three of them were carried to the Moon on Apollos 15, 16, and 17, used by the astronauts for transportation once on the Moon, and left there. Plum Brooks newest addition, the Combined Effects Chamber, which was designed to simulate the conditions found on the surface of the Moon or Mars, had never been used. The alleged Moon landings used either a sound stage or were filmed outside in a remote desert with the astronauts either using harnesses or slow-motion photography to make it look like they were on the Moon. Moon Landings? 1. [166], China's second lunar probe, Chang'e 2, which was launched in 2010, can photograph the lunar surface with a resolution of up to 7m (23ft). For example, 2001 was released before the first Apollo landing and Kubrick's depiction of the Moon's surface differs greatly from its appearance in the Apollo footage. "The Service Module is . It's home to the antenna that received the first images of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. The 'real landing' hypothesis is a single story since it comes from a single source, but there is no unity in the hoax hypothesis because hoax accounts vary between conspiracists.[45]. Better signal was supposedly received at Parkes Observatory when the Moon was on the opposite side of the planet. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center (GRC) is leading the design and build of the new world-class vibroacoustic test capabilities at the NASA GRC's Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio, USA. [176][177][178] If NASA had used similar robot technology, then between 300 and 2,000 robot missions would have been needed to collect the current amount of Moon rocks that is held by NASA. As of September2021[update], four of the twelve Apollo astronauts who landed on the Moon between 1969 and 1972 are still alive, including Buzz Aldrin. Maybe they had compromised Kubrick in some way. Only about 30kg (66lb) of lunar meteorites have been found on Earth thus far, despite private collectors and governmental agencies worldwide searching for more than 20 years.[174]. The number of photos taken is implausibly high. Last used in 1998 to test the upper stage of Boeings ill-fated Delta 3 launch vehicle, B-2s steam ejection system which has been broken for years needs $15 million worth of repairs before the chamber can properly simulate high-altitude conditions required for engine tests, according to the IG. In addition, NASA has set aside $1 million to seed development of a wind-turbine farm at Plum Brook, which could produce up to 20 megawatts of electricity, Whitlow said. The 2015 movie Moonwalkers is a fictional account of a CIA agent's claim of Kubrick's involvement. One rebuttal by Sibrel to this claim is that NASA had compartmentalized all of the work on the Apollo program. Plum Brook Station is a test facility for NASA's Glenn Research Center. In May 2008, JAXA reported detecting the "halo" generated by the Apollo 15 Lunar Module engine exhaust from a Terrain Camera image. The US$230,000 restoration project took months to complete and did not include sound quality improvements. The war was one of several federal budget items with which NASA had to compete; NASA's budget peaked in 1966, and fell by 42% by 1972. Plum Brook is situated on 6,400 acres in Sandusky and is home to some of the world's most powerful space simulation chambers that support the Artemis mission to return to the moon, making this. Not to be confused with, Claimed motives of the United States and NASA, In 1968, Clarke and Kubrick had collaborated on the film. NASA Official: Anne Mills 2. The documentary reinvigorated the public's interest in conspiracy theories and the possibility that the Moon landings were faked, which has provoked NASA to once again defend its name. The many allegations in Kaysing's book effectively began discussion of the Moon landings being faked. "[29] Vasily Mishin, in an interview for the article "The Moon Programme That Faltered," describes how the Soviet Moon program dwindled after the Apollo landings. The cavernous vacuum chamber continues to attract a steady stream of customers, including SpaceX, which has tested both its Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft at the facility. Engineers carefully deactivated the facilities in such a way that they could be restored in the future. A resident of Perth, Western Australia, a woman named Una Ronald (a pseudonym created by the authors of the source[70]), said that for two or three seconds she saw a Coca-Cola bottle roll across the lower right quadrant of her television screen that was displaying the live broadcast of the Apollo 11 EVA. Nevertheless, Opration Lune is still taken at face value by some conspiracy believers. Glenn began making plans to remove a number of its old test sites, including the Rocket Systems Area at Plum Brook. All rights reserved. Spacecraft Snoops Apollo Moon Sites", "World's biggest telescope to prove Americans really walked on Moon", "How to find Apollo 11's landing site on the Moon", "The "halo" area around Apollo 15 landing site observed by Terrain Camera on SELENE (KAGUYA)", "Chandrayaan sends images of Apollo 15 landing", "Chandrayaan's moon findings: Water, rocks and traces of Apollo", "China publishes high-resolution full moon map", "Martian Meteorite Launch: High-Speed Ejecta from Small Craters", "Lunar South Pole-Aitken Sample Return (2002)", "Sample Return Mission to the South Pole Aitken Basin", New Views of the Moon II: Understanding the Moon Through the Integration of Diverse Datasets, American Association for the Advancement of Science, "NASA's LRO Team Helps Track Laser Signals to Russian Rover Mirror", "Landing a Man on the Moon: The Public's View", Institution of Engineering and Technology, "Man on the Moon: A Case of Mass Brainwashing", "Attitudes Toward Space Exploration Ipsos Poll on Behalf of C-SPAN Belief in Authenticity of the 1969 Moon Landing", Bruce M. Nash (Executive Producer, Writer),, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 00:31. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. The astronauts could not have survived the trip because of exposure to radiation from the Van Allen radiation belt and galactic ambient radiation (see radiation poisoning and health threat from cosmic rays). Since 2012, Plum Brook Station has received about $31 million in annual funding from NASA, most of which comes from the agencys Construction and Environmental Compliance account the budget line reserved for building, maintaining and demolishing infrastructure. The mockumentary based on this idea, Dark Side of the Moon, could have fueled the conspiracy theory. Close-up of later generation prints of AS16-107-17446, 9. [119] A crude, real-time scan conversion of the SSTV signal was done in Australia before it was broadcast worldwide. The Apollo 15 retroreflector was deployed on July 31, 1971, and was detected by McDonald Observatory within a few days. However, still photos of the original SSTV image are available (see photos). In November 2004 the Dynamics Stand (E Stand) became the first to fall. [137] Conspiracy theorists claim that the computers during the time of the Moon landings would not have been advanced enough to allow for human space travel to the Moon and back;[138] they similarly claim that other contemporary technology (radio transmission, radar, and other instrumentation) was likewise insufficient for the task.[139]. It is now accepted by the scientific community that rocks have been blasted from both the Martian and lunar surface during impact events, and that some of these have landed on the Earth as meteorites. No purchase necessary. [117] The Apollo 11 telemetry tapes were different from the telemetry tapes of the other Moon landings because they contained the raw television broadcast. Says This Prophet", "Moon Hoax Frequently Asked Questions", "Russia's space command and control infrastructure", Apollo 18 through 20 The Canceled Missions, "Could moon landings have been faked? It was shut down 12 years later . Four mission-worthy Lunar Roving Vehicles (LRV) were built by Boeing. Even as late as 2001, the Fox television network documentary Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? The MythBusters crew tested many of the conspiracists' claims. It is argued that, because the USSR was unable to do this, the United States should have also been unable to develop the technology to do so. David Scott drops a hammer and feather on the Moon, 1. The Plum Brook Reactor was a NASA 60 megawatt water-cooled and moderated research nuclear reactor, [1] [2] located in Sandusky, Ohio, 50 mi west of the NASA Glenn Research Center (at that time the NASA Lewis Research Center) in Cleveland, of which it was organizationally a part. Some facilities have already been penciled in for demolition, including the Cryogenic Components Laboratory. The sites, which had been exposed to the elements for years, were beyond restoration. To broadcast the pictures to regular television, a scan conversion had to be done. Whether funds continue to pour into Plum Brook Station remains to be seen. It was 1 year to the day after the approval of the shuttle and just 17 days after the splashdown of the final Apollo mission. The most notable claim is that the six crewed landings (19691972) were faked and that twelve Apollo astronauts did not actually walk on the Moon. 1. Bart Sibrel cites the relative level of the United States and USSR space technology as evidence that the Moon landings could not have happened. [28] The Soviet Union tracked the Apollo missions at the Space Transmissions Corps, which was "fully equipped with the latest intelligence-gathering and surveillance equipment. + More NASA Facts. While the Apollo missions gathered 380kg (840lb) of Moon rocks, the Soviet Luna 16, Luna 20 and Luna 24 robots gathered only 326g (11.5oz) combined (that is, less than one-thousandth as much). Of special concern to the IG is Plum Brooks B-2 Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility, a cavernous vacuum chamber built in 1964 and used to test-fire rocket engines in space-like conditions. In 2002, Alex R. Blackwell of the University of Hawaii pointed out that some photos taken by Apollo astronauts[158] while in orbit around the Moon show the landing sites. [146][147] This thesis was the subject of refutation in an article published on Seeker nearly half a year later.[148]. 7. Photos of the Moon have been taken by Hubble, including at least two Apollo landing sites, but the Hubble resolution limits viewing of lunar objects to sizes no smaller than 5569m (6075yd), which is insufficient resolution to see any landing site features.[156]. Here, highly specialized facilities allow NASA and the. After Apollo 18 was canceled, the other LRV was used for spare parts for the Apollos 15 to 17 missions. [151], In 2004, Martin Hendry and Ken Skeldon of the University of Glasgow were awarded a grant by the UK-based Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council to investigate Moon landing conspiracy theories. NASA said that von Braun's mission was "to look into environmental and logistic factors that might relate to the planning of future space missions, and hardware. There are, however, a few nonrocket B-2 bookings lined up for 2015. NASA officials were happy to get the business and hope it will be. One of the old tapes has been sent to NASA for analysis. The Space Power Facility has a recent history of attracting commercial customers, too. Experimental efforts included scientific and technical investigations of nuclear energy for spaceflight propulsion, nuclear power systems, and radiation exposure. The photos contain artifacts like the two seemingly matching 'C's on a rock and on the ground. [123] Senior engineer Dick Nafzger, who was in charge of the live TV recordings during the Apollo missions, was put in charge of the restoration project. The astronauts had relied on computers to aid in the Moon missions. Rocket engines are the dark structures at the bottom center, The launch of a Titan II, burning hypergolic Aerozine-50/N2O4, 1.9MN (430,000lbf) of thrust. Plum Brook Station is located on 6,400 acres of land near Sandusky, Ohio, about 50 miles west of the main Glenn Research Center campus. The reactor was originally planned for the NACA nuclear airplane project. But going to the Moon would be risky and expensive, as exemplified by President John F. Kennedy famously stating in a 1962 speech that the United States chose to go because it was hard. [48] With the number of people involved, and noting the Watergate scandal, Jillette noted that someone would have outed the hoax by now. [194] Another poll gives that 25% of 18- to 25-year-olds surveyed were unsure that the landings happened. See. 2. Plum Brook Station is testing a new generation of space exploration technologies that are essential for NASA's plans to explore the lunar surface and again land humans on the Moon. It spotted traces of the Apollo landings. 6. The inspector general recommended NASA create a long-term strategy for either maintaining or disposing of underutilized infrastructure at Plum Brook. The fact that his brother, Raul Kubrick, was the head of the American Communist Party may have been one of the avenues pursued by the government to get Stanley to cooperate. Since in 1969 water was believed to be absent on the Moon, no geologist discussed finding these on the Moon in any great amount. Only Plum Brooks Space Power Facility, a cavernous vacuum chamber for testing full-scale space hardware, has a steady stream of customers lined up, according to the inspector general. The air conditioning units that were part of the astronauts' spacesuits could not have worked in an environment of no atmosphere.[109]. They called on NASA to restore the test facilities at Plum Brook and resume operation. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. 2. Conspiracists have focused on perceived gaps or inconsistencies in the historical record of the missions. In addition, safety officials considered several sites to be hazards. [54] Conspiracists contend that NASA chose not to put the stars into the photos because astronomers would have been able to use them to determine whether the photos were taken from the Earth or the Moon, by means of identifying them and comparing their celestial position and parallax to what would be expected for either observation site. The Lunar Modules made no blast craters or any sign of dust scatter.[98]. [38] The counter-argument generally given is that NASA in fact did incur a great deal of public humiliation and potential political opposition to the program by losing an entire crew in the Apollo 1 fire during a ground test, leading to its upper management team being questioned by Senate and House of Representatives space oversight committees. The exception is that of Apollo 11, which has lain on the lunar surface since being blown over by the Lunar Module Ascent Propulsion System. According to James Longuski, the conspiracy theories are impossible because of their size and complexity. It was also used to shoot some scenes from the 2012 Marvel movie The Avengers. Neither the Atomic Energy Commission nor NASA Lewis had been given any indication that the nuclear propulsion program would be cancelled until the budget was officially announced on January 5, 1973. The launch and splashdown would be real but the spacecraft would stay in Earth orbit and fake footage broadcast as "live from the Moon." By the late 1970s, NASA decided to continue the maintenance of the reactor, Space Power Facility (SPF), Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility (B2), Cryogenic Propellant Tank Facility (K Site), and the Hypersonic Tunnel Facility (HTF), but ceased protecting the other Rocket Systems Area sites. Covering the business and politics of space. Was billed to the antenna that received the first to fall others are looking for the Apollos to. 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