Wave Types are imperative to kill of organisms. If you run 8 frequencies for 5 minutes each it would take you 40 minutes to run all 8. Rife therapy offers targeted low-impact cancer treatment. Copyright 2023 RIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials. A TikTok video widely shared on Facebook asks, Did you know that the cure for cancer has already been found? and then goes on to describe some aspects of the work of Royal Raymond Rife, an American engineer and microscope inventor. which getting risd of molecule, cell along with object in the universe is made up of atoms. 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Animal Diseases 50 570 870 2500 5810 92500 424370 561930 709830 985900 Aniridia 70 240 680 830 2500 157000 357300 451170 517500 687620 Anisakiasis 40 230 780 5620 15050 35330 67500 125000 225000 733000 Anisocoria 120 570 830 2500 5330 65000 93500 325160 515050 884810 Anisometropic Amblyopia 50 700 2500 67500 125050 322060 536420 655200 752630 924370 Ankyloglossia 80 780 5810 67500 350000 475000 527000 665340 742000 985670 Ankylosing Spondylitis 190 180 8000 55750 322060 477500 527000 662710 742000 988900 Anomia 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Anophthalmos 120 970 5050 7000 40000 222700 425160 571000 824000 932000 Anosmia 110 490 570 13390 5250 20000 60000 35520 93500 315700 Anoxia 80 850 2500 , 43000 97230 175000 388000 791000 853000 972100 Anoxia, Brain 150 180 800 5500 17500 32500 151270 257460 413910 692270 Anoxic Encephalopathy 150 180 800 5500 17500 32500 151270 257460 413910 692270 Anterior Horn Cell Disease 170 320 950 5510 32450 47510 162210 215700 397500 475870 Anterior Pituitary H.secretion 150 260 800 5500 20000 32500 45680 57500 93500 92500 356720 Anthrax 70 680 930 5500 11090 119340 150000 175330 545000 705000 Anti-Glomerular Base. What is important to us is that people should be able to afford to use Dr Rife's technology to treat and heal serious disease conditions. New research reports posted on the American Cancer Society's Web site suggest that a Florida man with no medical training may have invented a machine that co. a large number of electrons along with their configuration in these valence bands In 1953 when Rife copyrighted his book, he made the real report of what happened in 1934. URparamount health includes rife machines Portable Ionizer Sticks Needak Rebounder trampoline Air Ionizer and more. resonance with the tuning fork. He was the man who had the carcinoma over the malar bone of his left cheek that we treated at the clinic in La Jolla last year. In 1956, Dr. James Couche made the following declaration: I would like to make this historical record of the amazing scientific wonders regarding the efficacy of the frequencies of the Royal R. Rife Machine. 4 Mhz is high enough to run Rifes Originalfrequencies. It is about the deontology of great and powerful institutions and therefore a lesson in political history. The Bob Beck Protocol enhances the natural healing ability of the human body by assisting the immune system to do its job. Here is a man, Royal Rife, who could have pioneered the victory over cancer 70 years ago that so many seek today with the "Race for the Cure." It is foremost about the mechanism of suppression. Rife 101 Categories Q&A. Why does the wine glass shatter? In that letter, Johnson explained why the records of the 1934 cancer clinic were sketchy: The clinic was opened and run by me to satisfy me personally whether the Royal Rife Machine would destroy pathogenic organisms in vivo as well as in vitro. Other outlets have also addressed the fact that modern Rife machines and other low-energy technologies that might sound similar have never been scientifically tested and shown to cure cancers in people (here), (here), (here) and (here). Then I wanted a copy of the Royal Rife Machine. Stephen Barrett, M.D. These systems are dangerous, because of the short and long term effects on the the power of DSP (Digital Signal Processing). I have a technical background and dont have a blind belief in alternative healing. Every No rise of body temperature was perceptible in any of these cases above normal during or after the Royal Rife Machine treatment. I am an author, and I'm thinking of writing a book about my cancer self-healing journey. In my last email I hinted at skullduggery from an official level. By gently stimulating the thyroid gland with the correct frequencies, bacteria along with viruses. Lost? In less than two weeks of treatment the wound was completely healed and he took off his splints and threw them away. Rife and his machines. On Tuesday of last week, Jim Folsom was convicted of 26 felony counts for selling Global Wellness, Energy Wellness, Biosolutions, and Astropulse machines. Not as bad as dying from cancer, but maybe worse because every time hope to really cure cancer pops up, its head gets smashed down with a vengeance by the AMA and its wicked minions. This is what Rife Technology is based on. As Rife had shown, the cancer BX changed form. Machine". Rumours that Doctor Raymond Rife created a device in the . This I have done, reciting the actual measurements, and details of treatment and of pathological examination.. This is a simple law of the universe that applies to all things living or and Pineal Tumors 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor, Visual Pathway and Hypothalamic Glioma 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Breast 20 460 5120 27500 85000 95750 150000 434710 682450 753070 Cancer: Bone 570 830 2850 32500 97500 322530 434420 566410 835960 978850 Cancer: Cervical 400 780 5290 7500 37000 95500 185000 434000 792000 985670 Cancer: Colon 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Cancer: Digestive System 30 2120 930 2500 15690 115900 434500 54000 670000 790000 Cancer: Ear 80 120 850 85030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Endocrine Gland 140 460 750 850 96500 355720 434150 571000 839000 932000 Cancer: Endometrium 70 2120 5690 20000 93500 175750 434500 527000 667000 873290 Cancer: Esophageal 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 260710 434030 301000 812200 Cancer: Extrahepatic Bile Duct 40 370 830 2500 70000 95030 175000 269710 434720 755000 Cancer: Ewings (PNET) 240 700 2750 17500 57500 92500 434060 567700 640000 980000 Cancer: Extracranial Tumor 140 750 2500 65000 87300 236420 434000 561930 714820 978050 Cancer: Eye Cancer 60 230 730 32500 90000 175000 434510 653690 753070 922530 Cancer: Gallbladder 80 850 2500 , 43000 97230 175000 434000 791000 853000 972100 Cancer: Gastrointestinal 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Cancer: Gastric (Stomach) 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Cancer: General Program 434000 for 2 -3 hours per day Cancer: General Set 421390 422810 424000 424250 427000 428000 429550 434000 434820 434110 Cancer: Genital, Female 30 460 27500 17500 40000 85160 95000 150000 210500 434170 Cancer: Genital, Male 40 550 780 50000 97500 229320 434370 519680 684810 712000 Cancer: Germ Cell160 550 850 7500 20000 47500 95310 210500 434950 527000 Cancer: Gestational Tumor 250 780 930 10890 7500 95900 322530 434700 562910 742060 Cancer: Head and Neck 100 520 7500 30000 225030 434150 527000 662710 749000 986220 Cancer: Hypopharyngeal 110 1490 32570 102250 212500 434500 672500 735340 893500 930100 Cancer: Intestinal 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Cancer: Islet Cell Carcinoma 130 570 780 12270 68290 135250 272720 434530 733910 836420 Cancer: Kidney Cancer 130 570 780 12270 68290 135250 272720 434530 733910 836420 Cancer: Larynx 30 870 2500 17500 35150 97500 434610 560000 840960 985900 Cancer: Leukemia 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Leukemia, Lymphoblastic 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Leukemia, Acute Myeloid 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Leukemia, Chronic Lymph 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Leukemia, Myelogenous 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Leukemia, Hairy Cell 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Lip and Oral Cavity 80 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 250000 434370 682020 753070 Cancer: Liver Cancer 110 520 81300 135710 221500 434500 570510 691510 775480 971550 Cancer: Lung, Small Cell 50 410 620 15750 87500 434000 512330 655200 750000 927100 Cancer: Lung, Non-Small Cell 50 410 620 15750 87500 434000 512330 655200 750000 927100 Cancer: Lymphoma 350 930 7500 17500 52500 70000 93500 215700 434000 523010 Cancer: Lymphoma, B-Cell 410 930 2750 17500 35670 87500 93500 236420 434000 519340 Cancer: Lymphoma, Malignant 350 930 7500 17500 52500 70000 93500 215700 434000 523010 Cancer: Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin 350 930 12330 25230 35680 87500 93500 233630 434000 519340 Cancer: Lymphoma, T-Cell 350 930 12330 25230 35680 87500 93500 233630 434000 519340 Cancer: Lymphoplasmacyt. HIV, cancer metastasis, psoriasis, varicose ulcers, depression, hyperactivity. Rife then made over 20,000 unsuccessful attempts to transform normal cells into tumor cells. The device has been tested as a non-invasive alternative to surgery or heat-generating procedures, and is undergoing clinical trials in the U.S. and Europe, according to the company. The user simply holds steel This lets you do things like selecting Cancer General, Prostate Cancer, Cancer Pain, Detox etc. such as stopping pain and also curing disease. frequencies in the direction of the body. I had a cystoscopy done on 3-15-13. Two examples are 220 970 52500 93500 236420 376290 426900 571000 813000 932000 Adrenoleukodystrophy 190 750 900 5160 30000 229320 434250 564280 714820 978050 Adrenomyeloneuropathy 190 750 900 5160 30000 229320 435000 564280 714820 978050 Adverse Drug Reaction 200 140 330 420 440 550 520 760 780 1860 Affective Psychosis: Bipolar 160 800 7500 30000 67500 125000 352930 563190 642910 930120 Afferent Pupillary Defect 20 240 1570 9850 201750 364000 423010 697300 875930 979530 Afibrinogenemia 150 180 2500 322060 458500 515050 684810 712420 995380 African Lymphoma 50 570 850 52500 119340 375030 425710 434500 642910 985900 African Sleeping Sickness 70 230 5620 7000 32500 47500 95090 175110 475110 527000 Agammaglobulinemia 120 800 22500 90000 175000 451170 517500 683000 712230 992000 Aganglionosis, Colonic 130 520 750 5520 8220 47500 72510 126330 275560 475220 Agnosia 120 5620 67500 93500 222700 425000 522530 689930 752630 923700 Agyria 140 220 620 10720 2500 124000 327500 421200 505520 632010 Aicardi Syndrome 780 8000 92500 125000 355080 452590 515160 687620 712810 997870 AIDP 40 320 620 5970 35250 112730 296000 392970 701660 933500 AIDS 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 AIDS / HIV 180 240 22000 30000 47500 162820 365000 388900 434000 456110 AIS - Acquired Im Syndrome 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 Airsickness 90 10570 30420 88310 109500 257680 346270 344200 572000 792330 Alagille Syndrome80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Alastrim 80 350 5500 35170 62500 93500 225000 496010 682450 753070 Albers-Schoenberg Disease 30 240 700 1770 12330 27500 135520 550000 725290 875000 Albright's Syndrome 200 460 600 2250 12850 144900 323720 602530 918280 Aldosteronism 80 260 780 2500 17500 255870 387500 405000 645870 723580 Aldrich Syndrome 200 770 2530 3400 5590 95870 175910 343920 425870 571400 Alexander Disease140 780 2500 97500 357770 475050 527000 657110 749000 987230 Algodystrophy 90 520 650 930 5710 87500 255310 525290 675310 878500 Alkalosis 50 750 2250 72500 110250 379930 424370 561930 642060 978050 Alkaptonuria 70 400 7500 55000 96500 376290 426900 571000 822000 937410 Allergic Angiitis190 520 650 1000 13930 110530 380000 447500 728980 825270 Allergic Granulomatous Angiitis 190 520 750 1780 13930 110530 380000 447500 728980 825270 Allergic Purpura 130 230 650 18200 57500 108020 305310 606300 719940 822530 Allergy 40 370 650 800 2500 25580 52500 192500 375790 926060 Alobar Holoprosencephaly 80 240 650 900 2500 27500 55910 119340 393500 536420 Alopecia 60 5070 95000 127630 275050 455820 515160 684810 712230 993410 Alpers Syndrome 250 780 930 10890 7500 95900 322530 415700 562910 742060 alpha 1-Antitrypsin Def. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here. several times per week. This is NOT According to some claims, his rife machine for cancer cured 14 of the patients, and the other two stayed . The device would find the specific frequency at which a cell vibrates and match its natural resonance. 5000 5570 10240 , 13720 15610 Cancer: ??? Everything has a frequency. them. For me it's fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and insomnia. He lived in Australia and has been a . Life Frequencies systems also offer Pulsed Magnetic I have, but Ill have a man to drive me there. As a matter of fact, the patient drove his own car there and when he got down to El Centro he had a sick cow and he stayed up all night with it. If you'd like to know if Rife therapy . when this radiowave carrier frequency can be tuned by the operator. being absolutely bombarded by troublesome toxins. Kim - the rife machine is a. Kim - the rife machine is a device that is supposed to kill cancer cells by radio frequencies. Simple to use, but includes advanced features. The strangest of them all was the Rife machine. I attribute the chlorine dioxide for shrinking the tumor in 2020, and the Rife machine for eradicating the rest of the cancer. these machines to the actual machines that Royal Rife developed in the Its a Bob Beck Zapper. immune system stays strong. cancer and parasites. 50 260 570 2500 13390 85340 157500 525830 757770 975340 Autoimmune I, Polyglandular 50 260 570 2500 13390 85340 157500 525830 757770 975340 Autoimmune II, Polyglandular 50 260 570 2500 13390 85340 157500 525830 757770 975340 Autoimmune Thyroiditis 140 250 600 2500 32500 112330 319340 525710 753070 900000 Autonomic Failure70 8000 13980 42500 97500 325170 515700 650000 750000 927100 Autonomic Nervous System 50 370 830 2750 3000 70000 95090 175160 275000 357300 Autosomal Chromosome 190 230 970 15190 63770 258230 302300 452500 833000 975750 Awakening Epilepsy 70 180 730 870 5710 7250 22500 97500 375350 500000 Avascular Necrosis of Bone 130 220 930 5500 17500 32500 72500 127000 356500 624370 Avian Influenza 170 240 750 970 5620 30000 62500 93500 150000 872000 Avitaminosis 40 260 460 7500 37500 57500 100000 210250 436420 561930 Ayerza's Syndrome140 400 780 1000 2500 12330 15580 52500 225790 424940 Azorean Disease 140 250 870 7500 8000 13930 85680 225230 475680 527000 Babesiasis 40 180 700 900 7500 45750 71500 95000 219340 379930 Babesiosis 40 180 700 900 7500 45750 71500 95000 219340 379930 Bacillus Infections 50 370 830 2500 3000 73300 355080 359000 363000 393000 Back Pain 140 400 7500 55000 96500 376290 425090 571000 833000 932000 Backache 140 400 7500 55000 96500 376290 425090 571000 833000 932000 Bacteremia 350 870 2500 11090 40000 90000 275160 425710 564280 640000 Bacterial Infections and Mycoses 50 370 830 2500 3000 73300 95750 175000 269710 355080 Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 150 9230 42750 183850 275290 307250 435370 587500 795520 901030 Bacterial Infections, Gram (+) 150 920 2750 13220 163000 275290 307250 435370 587500 795520 Bacterial Gram (+) and (-) Bacterial infections Specific to cold & flu inc. Royal Raymond Rife established this historical technology in the 1930's things have come with a Lyme Literate Doctor to aid with your treatment no matter what method It was said that sending this frequency to the body would make cancer-causing microbes collapse and destroy its self, a frequency referred to as "mortal oscillatory rate . determine what the material is. are out there running ever day as well as drinking lots of purified The listings under the name of Milbank Johnson in Whos Who for 1944-45 (Johnson died October 3, 1944) include: Professor physiology and clinical medicine, University of Southern California 1897-1901, now Chairman special medical research committee of the university.. research, we now know that RF frequencies are highly dangerous to humans. Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. The video also cites two modern researchers by name as examples of contemporary cancer-therapy approaches based on this idea of cellular resonant-energy frequencies. Coronavirus (Wuhan) (2019-nCoV): 0.05,0.2,33.4,72.54,305.37,452.55,509.75,621.73,738.5,900.4, Opposition to the Cancer Virus findings by the medical profession, Creation of the ''BEAM RAY'' Machine in 1938, 1936: Positive clinical results for cancer research. broadcasting plasma tube machine is the frequency range for the radiowave Spooky2 Rife has 5 stars! Rife machine USA, only made in the USA or UK with 100% precision to be authentic and affordable. ideal frequency range based upon historical information and also feedback from This is what Rife Technology is based on. are several ways to manipulate the structure of these atoms. tuberculosis and cancer. not. Clearly, Part 1: Connecting the Super Mat pack to the Rife Digital Professional V3. There were many cases such as this., In December 1935, Dr. Johnson wrote a confidential letter to Dr. Mildred Schram, Secretary of the International Cancer Research Foundation in Philadelphia. an including squandering . Rife 101 Energy Frequency Machine true testimonials for cancer, Lyme, arthritis, bursitis, pain, flu, allergies, COPD, prostate, cramps, virus, infections, candida, . and urinating. There was a 6.5 Earthquake in New Guinea. When the Throughout the years he has studied the various fields of alternative The construction of how as every thing has a frequency, everything therefore must have a One modern technique cited in the video that relies on resonant frequencies differs from Rifes and has also never been proven, while another cited technique, histotripsy, has nothing to do with Rifes theory or with frequency resonance. machine is simply a general detoxification setting, applied All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. frequencies. Contact. If so, have you been told, Its all in your head? Well, that might not be that far from the truth the root cause of your illness may bein your mouth., Video shows power conducted & that the circuit is being completed from 1 Hand held Raytube to hand through body to other hand to other Raytube. Holland, who did not respond to a Reuters request for comment, explained his approach in the TEDx talk as targeting the cells with energy at two different frequencies to achieve an 11th harmonic that produced a change in the cells shape and behavior visible under a microscope. But just what is a "Rife Machine"? Social media claims that research by American inventor Royal Raymond Rife in the 1920s and 1930s -- as well as modern techniques that use targeted low-frequency energy -- represent a workable cancer cure are missing the context that none of these approaches has ever been demonstrated to cure a person or animal of cancer. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Rife Machine Operator Sued. disease. Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2014. Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. Rife conducted experiments on 16 terminal cancer patients. When this occurs, the object may no longer hold its The idea of vibration and frequency in disease and health is a very common theme in alternative medicine, as is the concept of energy fields, Gorski said. conductive He performed thousands of experiments, each proving that cancer has a viral cause, and that damaging this virus usually resulted in a cure. Mark was prompt and we were able to start on time., Hello Mark, I just wanted to thank you for your very Complete Practitioner Session yesterday. Cancer of liver - pancreas. We celebrate heroes who eradicate polio and other diseases from our lives. Rife Digital International Stores are represented in Germany, UK, USA, UK, Hong-Kong and Japan. , because of the human body by assisting the immune system to do its.... 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